Time between home games (16 Viewers)


Sitting Out
Sep 25, 2024
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How often to you meet up for a poker game? I was wondering what people have felt is a good time in-between games to keep the group alive.

I have started a monthly game and have managed to maintain a consistent attendance of 8 players but I have found some of the players are asking to invite newer players which is great, but my issue is space to host.

I'm wondering if a change to fortnightly games to accommodate the number wanting to attend. I know some of the current players would have happy but some have more family commitments and will likely just stay monthly.

My worry is increasing frequency of games will end up with less attendance per game. Has anyone else had any issues when increasing the frequency of host games ?
I’ve always spread a weekly cash game. My original game in St. Paul which ran for about 5 years started and ended as a weekly. My current game which just crossed over into year three also has only existed as a weekly.

With a weekly game there are ups and downs. You’re able to create routine for and investment in the player pool. It makes recruiting easier because instead of finding and interested player and telling them the next game is in 3 weeks you can give them options, and quick ones at that, to check you out. You also have more opportunities to audition players.

As a host it can become a bit tiring but that frequency allows you to develop your own routines and with that things run more smoothly. You’ll also have more chances to experiment with things like layout, food and amenities, and structure. Be careful though with structure. Consistent games like consistent stakes and structure.

You’re more able to create and build this community, this alternate universe as I like to think of it. You want something that players feel part of and the weekly gives much more opportunity to do just that.

Hosting is so much more than setting up the table and opening the front door. Saturday mornings I send out individualized texts to players from the night before with a hey thanks and what’s up the rest of the weekend and keep your eye opening for the taking of your seat for this week text. Sunday into Monday I secure seats from those who played the previous sessions and start looking at the Rolodex to fill vacated seats. Later in the week once the table is set everyone gets a short primer text and then Thursday while I’m finishing with the room everyone gets the “Happy Poker Eve” text.

Hosting is about building something that people rely on.


Oh, and don’t be afraid to play a shorter table. Normalize it. It actually is better, or at least not worse poker. Normalizing it will comfort your players. That’s also where the milleau and amenities come into play. The hot dog roller, sloppy joes, donuts, candy, chips, and beverages will make them feel at home. Money? Push for tips. It took no time at all for my players to completely cover the $20-30 it costs me to spread food.

Good luck. I’ve done this for awhile.

Ken (merkong) 500+ Sessions Spread
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, (The Current Game)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired Venue)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)




Thank you for the in depth response and I love the set up. I hope I get to that stage at one point.

I enjoy hosting the games it's a great chance to socialise with the group and it's great to here that a weekly goes soo well.

As the group is expanding ill put the feelers out on a weekly game and give it a go.

In regards to the amenities normally I'll have some crisps and drinks but most of the player will bring something with them which is great but I really like the idea of the hotdogs roller, I'll look into expanding this over time. My plan is to build up over time with little things upgrading as I go.

At present I run everything off of a group chat, but going forward I'll take it off and go to a individually as you suggested

have you had any issues when auditioning player? So far new players have worked out really well but I'm sure the more I host I'll come across this.

Thanks again for the responce
Hey Gnasher back in my day when we played a lot me and couple buddies usually rotated the hosting duties. As Merkong has added setting up games is somewhat of an art . Lot of strategy and work goes into hosting healthy games. Fortunately for us we didn’t have any issues hosting games because 5-10 years ago poker was big for us. It would consist of a few feelout calls then from there if we got 6-8 players we had a game. I think our biggest issue was structuring around the players and the organization of the game. It was always difficult for us to establish the player pool as I’m sure you know lot of people flopped or said maybe than didn’t come and so on. So we would always have to do last minute restructuring whether that be going from a 18 man tourney to 9 man cash game because only half showed up. I feel like momentum has a big part in the frequency of games. Get a feel of your player base next game. See if people would or can like to play more frequently and establish that first before trying to push more games. Not sure your age but lot has to do with that given the added responsibilities you have when you’re older. Regardless next game check with your players see what they think ! And go from there
The more frequent you go, the more you 're going to loose casual players, including social friends (as players).

Non-fanatics have a much harder time committing to a fortnightly game (especially if they have children under 18), let alone that, being relatively untrained, they are more prone to lose, and they cannot afford to do so twice a month.

If you adore poker and study a lot, you 're going to end up playing more frequently, with much tougher players, for certainly more money. It's up to you to decide if that's your cup of tea.
We live in a village of about 1000 people, and have a player pool of about 25. About half of those don’t live here full time. We play a tournament every Thursday at our place and seat 7-18 depending on who is around.

One of our players also hosts and we play 2 tournaments every Saturday there, with the same turnout. We live about a quarter mile apart so it’s good.

So we play three tournaments a week in our group, but not much cash. The income disparity is pretty big here, so it works out best to just have a fixed cost per week instead of gambling paychecks with calling stations.

Both places put out food and drinks, no rake no tip, people just bring stuff and share.

I will say that the conventional wisdom is that everyone loves the game and is always trying to get better. That is not true here. The weak players are happy to remain that way, relying on luck, and the better players try to play good poker against each other while avoiding the landmines, so it kinda works out like normal casino play.
Thanks for all the responses.

I'll bring it up at the next game on Saturday. And see what they say on the frequency between games.

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