Hi Thomas ... Sorry for being late with my comment, but finally I found some time...
First of all, I am pretty sure, that your basement will become an exceptional mencave

I can’t imagine how much stuff will fit into this tiny room…. Poker table, lots of chip Pron cabinets pool table

and of course a lot of your Les Pauls
Even that I personally prefer brighter colors, I am also a very big fan of the more retro Classic vibes with colors that supports the vintage touch... I used some of them in my ASM Tournament set and I am a still a big fan of the "red" color as base as I used it in my frac that is shown in my avatar.
I ain't sure if it would be better to use the normal white instead of bright white in your lineup : yes, white is a pretty dull color, but bright white would imho pop very much compared to the darker colors of the other denoms... In my eyes white would fit the overall theme better. I made an add on order 15 years ago where I chosed a white chip as 25.000 - At first I was a bit confused when I saw it in real but in the end I am quit happy with the result because it fits great into the set ... A bright white chip, as awesome as it is, may have looked a bit misplaced within my set...
I wouldn’t recommend a strong white as an inlay background also - but I could think of some sort of used whasehd out white/grey instead… on the other hand, black or a dark greay inlay is always an awesome choice because it gives a better contrast to the base and edgespot colors.
As someone else said already: I would recommend to use different spots for the higher denoms instead of using the V multiple times.
Can’t wait to see your final color and spot choices and of course I love to see your inlay theme once it’s ready ! Good luck !!!
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