Playing at the casino last night and was moved to the main game about an hour ago. I’m playing super tight as my $1k stack is very small for this game.
Hero has only played 1 hand since being moved to the table, limping AAxx UTG and 4 bet potting preflop to take the pot down.
In this hand Hero is on the button with just over a $1k
There is a $15 straddle from UTG on a $455 stack.
There are 3 callers of the $15 when it gets to me and I call too with
Blinds fold and it to the straddle who makes it $95 to go.
All 3 of the limpers of the straddle call and so do I.
Flop comes and UTG goes all in for $360
The first limper calls, the next one folds and the third one calls as well. Both callers have Hero covered by a lot.
Pot is now $1555 or so.
What do we do with top set here?
Player reads:
UTG— Frank is a reg almost always at the casino when I’m there. Short buys over and over until he goes broke or wins a big multi-way pot and then usually still goes broke.
He can have any flush, or set here, but since we have top set and that he raised his straddle so big I figure him for a flush.
First caller— semi regular. Played with him for a while at the feeder table. He called off very light in a couple of big pots looking to get lucky and he did twice going runner runner!! Since then he seems to have calmed down and is playing a little tighter/better. His range here is wide I assume! Pretty much anything but the nut flush I think since he wouldn’t want to give a hand like a set a good price to call. So again any flush is likely since I have top set, but middle set is possible.
Second caller—- decent older grinder type (I was most shocked by his call). Good player, haven’t seen him do anything crazy the times I have played at the same table as him.
Figuring K or Q high flush here???
Hero has only played 1 hand since being moved to the table, limping AAxx UTG and 4 bet potting preflop to take the pot down.
In this hand Hero is on the button with just over a $1k
There is a $15 straddle from UTG on a $455 stack.
There are 3 callers of the $15 when it gets to me and I call too with
Blinds fold and it to the straddle who makes it $95 to go.
All 3 of the limpers of the straddle call and so do I.
Flop comes and UTG goes all in for $360
The first limper calls, the next one folds and the third one calls as well. Both callers have Hero covered by a lot.
Pot is now $1555 or so.
What do we do with top set here?
Player reads:
UTG— Frank is a reg almost always at the casino when I’m there. Short buys over and over until he goes broke or wins a big multi-way pot and then usually still goes broke.
He can have any flush, or set here, but since we have top set and that he raised his straddle so big I figure him for a flush.
First caller— semi regular. Played with him for a while at the feeder table. He called off very light in a couple of big pots looking to get lucky and he did twice going runner runner!! Since then he seems to have calmed down and is playing a little tighter/better. His range here is wide I assume! Pretty much anything but the nut flush I think since he wouldn’t want to give a hand like a set a good price to call. So again any flush is likely since I have top set, but middle set is possible.
Second caller—- decent older grinder type (I was most shocked by his call). Good player, haven’t seen him do anything crazy the times I have played at the same table as him.
Figuring K or Q high flush here???