TRAIN WRECK (1 Viewer)

Is there an amount of chips and a price per chip to get them to sell us Paulson chips?

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Assumptions are dangerous things to make, and like all dangerous things to make -- bombs, for instance, or strawberry shortcake -- if you make even the tiniest mistake you can find yourself in terrible trouble. Making assumptions simply means believing things are a certain way with little or no evidence that shows you are correct, and you can see at once how this can lead to terrible trouble. For instance, one morning you might wake up and make the assumption that your bed was in the same place that it always was, even though you would have no real evidence that this was so. But when you got out of your bed, you might discover that it had floated out to sea, and now you would be in terrible trouble all because of the incorrect assumption that you'd made. You can see that it is better not to make too many assumptions, particularly in the morning.

Lemony Snicket, The Austere Academy
Wow. That’s deep!

Well if you and your pals throw a few coins together and buy GPI please know I’m in for a reasonably priced 3 or 4000pc custom set. And I’ll root you on all the way!

I have to say though I agree with the premis that some stated in “train wreck”, people want what they think they can’t have, till they can have it!

(Please notice white space added for comfort)
You called it... for sale ad is up.
Thanks for confirming!

Basically, once I figured out what he was doing, I dropped him into ignore. I wouldn't trust anyone that artificially increased his post count so he could look like a good member in standing. Why would anyone do that, unless they planned to swindle money?

I put him on block, so I won't fall into the trap. Caveat Emptor!
Wow. You guys really take the post count seriously. But to openly accuse me of planning to “swindle money”??? Wow.
What I HAVE done is spent money here. With members and at @TheChipRoom !

I’ve even openly tagged and am again tagging @Tommy to remove my coveted post count if I’ve done something wrong as it’s really not my goal to have a high post count as what purpose does it serve??

Those I’ve dealt with here received fast payment and I’ve also shipped anything purchased. Who’d have thought there was that many vindictive creeps willing to attack the character of someone they’ve never met or even conversed with. Amazing.

As far as being on your “ignore list” I glad you share so I can return the favor and not waste my time contemplating buying in your sales, ever. Wtf.

it would be nice if you put your eBay username in your “ignore” statements so I don’t accidentally buy something from you over there either because I’d really hate to support an asshole like you. Ever. Bullies.

(white space added for comfort and to avoid grammar police and being called arrogant)

sorry if I’ve violated something here @Tommy i thought it was a place to discuss things. Again feel free to remove my “numbers”

PS. If you don’t want my money I’m fine with that. You’re not stopping me from attaining anything. But keep thinking that. The works a better place without you hassling me and with the nice people on this forum.
PS. If you don’t want my money I’m fine with that. You’re not stopping me from attaining anything. But keep thinking that. The works a better place without you hassling me and with the nice people on this forum.
You know, you can edit your post. You don't need to make another post immediately following your first.
You know, you can edit your post. You don't need to make another post immediately following your first.
I guess you’re right. Would want more accusations of padding. Lol. Still getting used to that fact that newbies are held to a different standard. I do have a question though, why does it matter if I keep editing a post or simply making a new one? (Serious question).
**edit** guess I’m used to Facebook where it doesn’t matter.
** edit** I promise I’m not trying to be a smart ass either!!
Thanks for confirming!

Basically, once I figured out what he was doing, I dropped him into ignore. I wouldn't trust anyone that artificially increased his post count so he could look like a good member in standing. Why would anyone do that, unless they planned to swindle money?

I put him on block, so I won't fall into the trap. Caveat Emptor!
I guess you’re right. Would want more accusations of padding. Lol. Still getting used to that fact that newbies are held to a different standard. I do have a question though, why does it matter if I keep editing a post or simply making a new one? (Serious question).
**edit** guess I’m used to Facebook where it doesn’t matter.
** edit** I promise I’m not trying to be a smart ass either!!
Dude, you have your “high placed friend” why do you even need this site?

Im always shocked when big cheeses like you stop by, and im am always hanging on the details of how important your friends are, and what you can do in the world, and how much smarter you are than the average bear.
I wish you would show us some pictures of your cool car, cause I’m sure it’s the best ever.

And your lady friends...... oooh lala, show us some pictures of the models you are dating this weekend.
I love these threads where we can hear about important people and all the important things they can do that no one else can do.
Makes me realize how small my life is.
Dude, you have your “high placed friend” why do you even need this site?

Im always shocked when big cheeses like you stop by, and im am always hanging on the details of how important your friends are, and what you can do in the world, and how much smarter you are than the average bear.
I wish you would show us some pictures of your cool car, cause I’m sure it’s the best ever.

And your lady friends...... oooh lala, show us some pictures of the models you are dating this weekend.
I love these threads where we can hear about important people and all the important things they can do that no one else can do.
Makes me realize how small my life is.
Wow. I didn’t know I did any of those things. Thanks for letting me know. And I’m a big cheese?? Also good to know. Wow. Another hole job heard from. Seriously??? I promised you or anyone nothing. Nothing at all. Ever. And as for my “high placed friend” who I thought could bring us all something to the table (not new Paulsons) I wouldn’t get involved anymore for the likes of people like you. Ban me. Ignore me. Whatever. You’re a real nice guy.
**Edit**space wow thank you for putting up the terms of service I guess I didn’t read them well enough especially the part about not putting up harassing messages towards people @ekricket seems to not care much about that one. The hypocrisy is glaring here. Keep the $25 donation I made with the thought that this forum was a like-minded place where people could have conversations but I’ve got about as much time for the harassing bullies here as I do for having another a hole. I’m glad for the nice people I’ve met my short time here and the rest of you I have to absolutely thank for curing me of this chip business fortunately I’ve got enough to get our games done with some nice quality chips some that I found here have a nice life harassing and belittling people I am out of here. Sorry for the form or what some of called a text wall but I find myself driving while posting my final for a here.
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Wow. I didn’t know I did any of those things. Thanks for letting me know. And I’m a big cheese?? Also good to know. Wow. Another hole job heard from. Seriously??? I promised you or anyone nothing. Nothing at all. Ever.
Do you have a big boat? We love boats. Floating boats, sailing boats, we love them all but not gambling boats. Gambling boats bad.
Do you have a neat dog? I’m sure he’s better than the others, or at least knows some big dogs.
I’m just fascinated with celebrities who know everyone, does your friend give you extra shampoo when you stay at his resorts? We never have enough in our hostel, so just having all the shampoo is crazy.
I guess you’re right. Would want more accusations of padding. Lol. Still getting used to that fact that newbies are held to a different standard. I do have a question though, why does it matter if I keep editing a post or simply making a new one? (Serious question).
**edit** guess I’m used to Facebook where it doesn’t matter.
You already hit on it. That is post padding. whether that is your intention or not. As to why you can't do that, it is against the forum rules.


General Posting Rules​

  • Users shall not post messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist, and/or discriminatory.
  • Users shall not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, and/or threaten another member.
  • Users shall not post any kind of political messages outside of the Politics forum.
  • Users shall not post any referral schemes or blatant advertising.
  • Users shall not post about topics or link to sites that are illegal or explicit.
  • Users shall not double-post or cross-post the same message in multiple threads or forums.
  • Users shall not make meaningless posts or post consecutive messages for the sake of increasing their post count. (There is an edit and multi-quote button; please use them)
Additionally, I follow threads that I am interested in, as a lot of people do here. When you post to a thread that people are following everyone gets spammed.
I woke up this morning to notices from several threads I follow, just to find out that you had made a pointless post in that thread. Pointless being synonymous with meaningless.

Just like in life, not everything that crosses your mind should come out of your mouth. The same thing applies here. Slow down, read and absorb the information in the threads. When you have something meaningful, or funny (funny is always acceptable), then post it.
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Slow down, read and absorb the information in the threads. When you have something meaningful, or funny (funny is always acceptable), then post it.
Or braggy, we love braggy people here cause we don’t know no one or nothing. We are just sitting here shuffling chips and then we find out your all important and shit, mainly because you insisted on telling us how important you were, and we just want more details.
Please tell us how important you are to your work, I’m sure you #1 there.
Or braggy, we love braggy people here cause we don’t know no one or nothing. We are just sitting here shuffling chips and then we find out your all important and shit, mainly because you insisted on telling us how important you were, and we just want more details.
Please tell us how important you are to your work, I’m sure you #1 there.
So on the way out I just thought I’d let you know I wear a cheap Apple Watch and drive a 2016 Chevy Silverado with not much bells and whistle’s so I’m not sure where your assumptions of me come from but aholes like you are best dealt with by just leaving bye-bye now. I never once brag about one thing. The ahole to nice folks ratio here it’s too far to the a hole side then to the good and that’s too bad thought it might be a nice place to hang out a while. Maybe that’s unfair because actually actually the majority of the nice people put up with bullies like you but that’s not my style I’m sure there’s way more nice people here than people like you.
So on the way out I just thought I’d let you know I wear a cheap Apple Watch and drive a 2016 Chevy Silverado with not much bells and whistle’s so I’m not sure where your assumptions of me come from but aholes like you are best dealt with by just leaving bye-bye now. I never once brag about one thing. The ahole to nice folks ratio here it’s too far to the a hole side then to the good and that’s too bad thought it might be a nice place to hang out a while. Maybe that’s unfair because actually actually the majority of the nice people put up with bullies like you but that’s not my style I’m sure there’s way more nice people here than people like you.
I guess your word is good until you delete them.
Look, a lot of this was brought on by your “I know important people, but I can’t tell you what they say”. But it’s juicy”
If you know something tell us. If you don’t then don’t play these “I’m important cause I heard important people talking” games.
Most people that can move things don’t talk about it, especially cryptic talk designed to impress, because typically when you are moving things - things are moving against you.
You claim to know “the lay of the land” now, use your important PCF contacts you have now (I’m sure you’ve heard some talk here) to contact the important players here by pm and make something happen.
The mods can set you up a special place to talk about this deal(s) that no one can else can see, and you can plot and plan how to best use this place to achieve your goals. Easy Peasy, happens all the time.
Sometimes the vitriol in our posts aimed at someone sickens me. However to RivieraDanny when you bait the fish and the fish bites as you did here, you have to expect that the fish will fight back. There’s plenty of shame to go around in this thread which points out most of what’s not so great about Internet forums.
GPI has no interest in selling to non-casino customers, regardless of order size. They've dabbled in the home market (via large resellers and through their Gemaco division) in the past, but have since emphatically shut down all sales of everything that is not casino-related.
Didn’t even care to entertain this thread but BGinGA is not a new comer and knows the chip game well. There is NO interest at all, since the days of home poker tourney and Chiptalk the only shot at a custom “Paulson” like set was BCC. I’ve tried with a GPI Canadian rep here long ago. You need an alcohol and gaming license, incorporation, physical casino or plans to build and has to be followed through and it’s easier to get here than in USA as he told me. I think you’re being kind to even respond to non sense after clarifying. 1000 chips per denom is minimum not one million. They don’t care about your money or your wants or loyalty. Hope this clears up garbage.
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