Wow. You guys really take the post count seriously. But to openly accuse me of planning to “swindle money”??? Wow.
What I HAVE done is spent money here. With members and at
@TheChipRoom !
I’ve even openly tagged and am again tagging
@Tommy to remove my coveted post count if I’ve done something wrong as it’s really not my goal to have a high post count as what purpose does it serve??
Those I’ve dealt with here received fast payment and I’ve also shipped anything purchased. Who’d have thought there was that many vindictive creeps willing to attack the character of someone they’ve never met or even conversed with. Amazing.
As far as being on your “ignore list” I glad you share so I can return the favor and not waste my time contemplating buying in your sales, ever. Wtf.
it would be nice if you put your
eBay username in your “ignore” statements so I don’t accidentally buy something from you over there either because I’d really hate to support an asshole like you. Ever. Bullies.
(white space added for comfort and to avoid grammar police and being called arrogant)
sorry if I’ve violated something here
@Tommy i thought it was a place to discuss things. Again feel free to remove my “numbers”