Bluegrass Poker
Not me, unless I'm senile and I did send it!
Now that would have made a good Chris M YouTube video.You almost got a free set.....
Not me, unless I'm senile and I did send it!
Now that would have made a good Chris M YouTube video.You almost got a free set.....
No thank you. Haven’t played poker in a while so this is the only way to get some gamble in.Feel free to opt out.
I’m confused where we're at in this process. Is Tina going to provide some samples so that we can preview them first before submitting the full order? Will we have to just cross our fingers that the colors are close enough where it’s no big deal?
I’m fine with either option, but understand that the add-ons might have a major issue with any color changes.
So a week or so ago we were given the option of new machine - get chips faster or original machine - colors will match but longer wait. Now it's longer wait for original machine, but colors still might not match??? Is that correct?
New information due to new material. That's how I interpreted it.So a week or so ago we were given the option of new machine - get chips faster or original machine - colors will match but longer wait. Now it's longer wait for original machine, but colors still might not match??? Is that correct?
Hope you feel better bud!GOT SICK. Sinus infection knocked me out. Waiting for updated total from Tina to take to the bank.
It's 2021 and we all just survived a pandemic. You have to go in? Can't be done over the internet? That's soooo 2019.Made an appointment for Monday with the bank to send the money. Banking hours are SOOOOOOO useful.
What’s the estimated time for chips after payment is made?
I’m hoping ChristmasWhat’s the estimated time for chips after payment is made?
Lets just say you need a calendar, not a watch. Hopefully not two calendars.What’s the estimated time for chips after payment is made?
What was the grand total Sean?
I’ve been wanting to use this meme in an auction so bad, but I am paranoid of someone telling me it’s a binding bid LOL
Chips or cash?What was the grand total Sean?
What’s the estimated time for chips after payment is made?
New China Club were ordered end of Nov. or beginning of Dec. They are on the boat (I think) right now.I have a buy with Beaker going on that was paid for & ordered Jan 1and we still don't have them.
What was the default color choice for the Aria T100 if not specified? Just curious. (I realize I should know this)
*For Aria T100- White vs Off-White
The off-white is what I had originally designed, but after seeing samples I decided to have them produced as white instead.
Edit: @SeanGecko confirms that white is the default spot colour if you don’t specify