I hate to ask, but now that they have had our money for a while, I think this is a reasonable question to have answered.What’s the estimated time for chips after payment is made?
I hate to ask, but now that they have had our money for a while, I think this is a reasonable question to have answered.What’s the estimated time for chips after payment is made?
I think this is a reasonable question to have answered.
What’s the estimated time for chips after payment is made?
I think a fair answer is less than 10 months from date of payment.I hate to ask, but now that they have had our money for a while, I think this is a reasonable question to have answered.
I agree with all of this. And I'm fully aware that nobody knows or will KNOW when we will get them. And I don't expect Sean to estimate anything. All I expect is an answer from Tina as to when she says to expect them to be produced and shipped. That's it. Then, when that time comes and goes, we can ask again. And then ask again when that date passesI think a fair answer is less than 10 months from date of payment.
I'm basing this on the Batch 4 chips that I paid for in mid August 2020 and am hoping to have in my hands this month.
In case you didn't catch it, I'm being sarcastic. If you're expecting Sean to give any kind of definitive answer to this, then you haven't been around cards mold GBs for very long. Sean busts his ass to get us awesome chips at a SUPER LOW cost, and the downside is it's a SLOW process. There is no way for Sean to estimate when we will get our Batch 5 chips. And yes, I have chips in this batch too. Best case scenario - one or two months to make them, then one to two months more for shipping to Sean, followed by shipping to you. Worse case? See sarcastic answer above.
I hear you! I've been in this since the very start when it was Sean, me and a few other guys just talking about doing this group buy. But unlike you, I don't think a day has gone by in the past year that I haven't thought about or read and posted about cards mold. They are almost as much a part of my life now as they are of Sean's. LOL! It's an obsession. I guess my only point was, let's trust Sean to handle this, and to update us when he has something to update us with. He is the experienced expert. History has shown us that deadlines mean nothing to Tina, and she will tell us whatever she has to to string us along.I agree with all of this. And I'm fully aware that nobody knows or will KNOW when we will get them. And I don't expect Sean to estimate anything. All I expect is an answer from Tina as to when she says to expect them to be produced and shipped. That's it. Then, when that time comes and goes, we can ask again. And then ask again when that date passes. As we all have learned through the first round of this, Sean nor any of us have no real leverage to make anything move any faster.
For me, this order is actually much different than the first one. On the first one, I checked here EVERY DAY to see if there was any progress, hoping to see a glimpse of my chippies. Today was actually the first time I've even thought about these chips in well over a week. Chiptherapy.com helped me I guess.
What cards are those? Faded Spade 4-color Bridge?View attachment 711574
View attachment 711575
View attachment 711576
View attachment 711577
My chips arrived in one week!!!
Faded spade 2.0 4 colours poker sizeWhat cards are those? Faded Spade 4-color Bridge?
I hate to ask, but now that they have had our money for a while, I think this is a reasonable question to have answered.
I found a grey hair in my beard.Any updates worth mentioning?
Better than finding one “down under”I found a grey hair in my beard.
Why not? Give it a sense of maturity.Better than finding one “down under”
Prepare for "How the F should I know" meme...Standard weekly check-in on Batch 5.
I know Mr. @SeanGecko is currently re-shipping Batch 4, but any update from Tina and Co. on Batch 5?
Standard weekly check-in on Batch 5.
I know Mr. @SeanGecko is currently re-shipping Batch 4, but any update from Tina and Co. on Batch 5?
Shit, I addressed you by ‘Mr.’
I apologize, Your Grace. Surely, the King of Cards Mold has access to information us lowly peasants do not.
If you see it fit to enlighten us, we would be so ever grateful.
View attachment 726894
Shit, I addressed you by ‘Mr.’
I apologize, Your Grace. Surely, the King of Cards Mold has access to information us lowly peasants do not.
If you see it fit to enlighten us, we would be so ever grateful.
View attachment 726894