Video Games? (2 Viewers)

I’ve never heard about it. Lot’s of humor in the original one. I’m laughing while playing.
Yeah I bought that too (I love zombie games/movies, etc.) If you played Left 4 Dead, it's exactly like that. Tones of zombies, "special" zombies, just get your team from point A to point B, lots of guns, you have to defend areas when the hordes attack. It's a lot of fun.
Love Left 4 Dead 1 and 2! When the hell is Valve gonna release L4D3?
Just bought the final season of the walking dead. Not sold on Steam anymore since telltale games went under, so had to buy on epic games. Was only $5 on sale

Going to finish darkest dungeon first, then tackle TWD and see how Clems story concludes
I had to return it as it wouldn't save the games - make sure you check that feature before you get too far in a playthrough :)
Yesterday I tried it and it worked flawlessly :

Few years ago, EA released as freeware the initial Red Alert game on PC.

However this game was for DOS or Win95.

CnCNet team created an installer for modern OS (Win XP, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, Mac OSX, Linux, ...). They also created a lobby for LAN and online games (cross OS !).

For those who want to (re-)try this old school RTS, don’t hesitate it’s free !

Install instructions are here :

During the install, just select « online installation » and tick « install disc 2 » too to get the full game with all the content (cut scenes, ...).
I've beaten the first level of the darkest dungeon, sending the shuffling horror back to the abyss

Now I am beginning to see things as they truly are.....
My cousin and I just beat the game for the first time on PS4 a couple months ago. I tried to play on Stygian for a second playthrough and holy moly, you haven't seen anything until then.

Just finished it. Love the atmosphere of the game. There's a sequel in the works as well.
Yay video games! I work on video games for a living, been doing it for the last 23+ years. If you've ever played stuff like Twisted Metal, Gran Turismo, Crash Bandicoot, Call of Duty and lots others including the first WSOP game, I had my dirty hands on it lol.

I just see that you’ve worked only on the first 3 GT games.

The 3rd one is the reason why I bought a PS2. Graphics were so amazing.

My favourite being the 4th and 2nd where I managed to collect all the black cars.

And GT 4 & 5 are why I’ve not bought a PS4 and the latest version of the game. By not enabling LAN (which I think was technically coded in game after some research I did at the time).

In which Crash Bandicoot have you worked ? Knowing that after CTR there is no CB anymore. :D
Age of empires on PC

I just put my hands recently on the Collector’s Edition DVD which contains AOE and AO2 + their expansion.

With upatch HD (for AOE) and userpatch 1.5 (for AOE2) it’s possible to play them full HD.

Still an amazing game !

I’m 33 and just built my first gaming pc.

In the exact same boat here after being disgusted by the console industry (was a console player from NES to PS3).
I worked on the original Crashes and CTR as well as the recent remakes of them.

So you worked for Naughty Dogs ?

Amazing these are the real CB. For me, only the first which got released on the PS2 (on CD, not DVD) and mauve Crash Bash are decent non Naughty Dogs Crash games.

With Spyro, it’s the same, only the 3 first ones by Insomniacs are amazing.

The remakes look cool too. Hope that the new CTR will be released on Steam too.

I still have off-road on NES and SNES. Amazing game !
Finished the now defunct Telltale Games The Walking Dead Final Season. Had a few "oh give me a break!" spots where you kept dying and had to retry over and over until you figured out the pattern, and a few characters that seemed overly obnoxious. But overall was nice to say goodbye to Clementine.

Just reinstalled Stellaris. Haven't played for awhile and like EA games they put out a gazillion DLC and expansions where you can wind up spending multiple hundreds of dollars on one game, but I just have the base game and I'm enjoying it as-is.

So you worked for Naughty Dogs ?

Amazing these are the real CB. For me, only the first which got released on the PS2 (on CD, not DVD) and mauve Crash Bash are decent non Naughty Dogs Crash games.

With Spyro, it’s the same, only the 3 first ones by Insomniacs are amazing.

The remakes look cool too. Hope that the new CTR will be released on Steam too.

No I worked at Sony so I got to work on all of them and Spyro as well.
Will try today to install Age of Empires II : The Conquerors (with UserPatch) on Linux (Ubuntu) this evening. :-)
Will try today to install Age of Empires II : The Conquerors (with UserPatch) on Linux (Ubuntu) this evening. :)

Not sure if it's available in your region, but the AoE II HD Remake on Steam is a fantastic technical modernization of the classic that includes a couple of new civilizations as well.
Any WoW or other MMORPG players here? I kinda want to jump in with WoW now that WoW Classic is close to release.

Really interested in ESO too. I love the Elder Scrolls universe and it seems a much better game for soloing.

Anyone have experience with both?
Any WoW or other MMORPG players here? I kinda want to jump in with WoW now that WoW Classic is close to release.

Really interested in ESO too. I love the Elder Scrolls universe and it seems a much better game for soloing.

Anyone have experience with both?

I played WoW from Beta through the Cataclysm expansion. I have some friends jumping back into Classic...I'm not so sure I want to. I have a hard time dedicating time to an MMORPG these days.

I tried ESO for a little bit when it was in beta, but it didn't grab me like WoW had once done. Might just be a shift in my personal taste. Was also a long time ago. I have been meaning to try ESO again actually, I have some version of it that I got with Humble Bundle Monthly.

Anyway, I don't feel like I have relevant experience in either to provide an up-to-date viewpoint...but I'm interested in what others have to say.
Not sure if it's available in your region, but the AoE II HD Remake on Steam is a fantastic technical modernization of the classic that includes a couple of new civilizations as well.

It's available indeed, but I've the collector edition (DVD, no DRM) which once installed does not require the DVD to play.
Also, with UserPatch 1.5, I can play it HD.
I just successfully installed and played on Linux. It just requires some config and command line, but it works !
Wound up dropping $40 on instant gaming to scoop up almost all of the expansions and DLC for Stellaris (skipped Megacorp, Humanoids pack and Plantoids pack)

Gave me a ton more flavor. I'm bordering a more powerful Determined Exterminator robotic race. Got the hyperlane between us buffed up with a strong starbase plus some of my fleet, should be able to hold them if they try anything

Picked up defensive pacts with two neighbors just in case

There's a group of pirates controlling three systems that occassionaly shake me down for tribute. It's still early game and they start with really strong fleets

Fortunately they are a good distance away, so in a little bit I should be ready to say no to their demands and by the time they arrive be ready to fend them off

I'm leading the other races on technology, but need to expand more to secure additional resources, in order to remain competative

A Fanatical Purifier race is a decent distance from me, but also looms as an eventual threat

The mighty Fallen Empires remain stagnant....for now

I have just unlocked all of the insights to begin researching the L-Gates, although I don't have any within my borders. And were they closed to keep us out....or something in?
I played WoW from Beta through the Cataclysm expansion. I have some friends jumping back into Classic...I'm not so sure I want to. I have a hard time dedicating time to an MMORPG these days.

I tried ESO for a little bit when it was in beta, but it didn't grab me like WoW had once done. Might just be a shift in my personal taste. Was also a long time ago. I have been meaning to try ESO again actually, I have some version of it that I got with Humble Bundle Monthly.

Anyway, I don't feel like I have relevant experience in either to provide an up-to-date viewpoint...but I'm interested in what others have to say.

The time sink with either game is what I’m worried about. ESO seems friendlier in that regard since it’s not subscription based like WoW.

I know that people had tons of complaints with ESO at launch but recent YT vids have made it seem like a lot of the issues have been taken care of.

I really do like the soloing aspect of ESO though so I might have to go with a Khajiit Nightblade thief soon!
Anyone who is a Star Wars fan ought to look to pick up Jedi: Fallen Order, it's fantastic so far!
Any WoW or other MMORPG players here? I kinda want to jump in with WoW now that WoW Classic is close to release.

Really interested in ESO too. I love the Elder Scrolls universe and it seems a much better game for soloing.

Anyone have experience with both?

Been playing Classic since launch. Game is like crack. I can’t get enough. Really enjoying it.

I can’t believe how Blizzard had such a fantastic product and let it go down the toilet over the years. Classic is a return to the glory days.

Definitely try it. Phase 2 started yesterday. Things are out of control.

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Been playing Classic since launch. Game is like crack. I can’t get enough. Really enjoying it.

I can’t believe how Blizzard had such a fantastic product and let it go down the toilet over the years. Classic is a return to the glory days.

Definitely try it. Phase 2 started yesterday. Things are out of control.


I dunno, I really like many of the QoL stuff added to wow over the years. Leveling in classic was a bite/chore/grind. I also hated having to collect multiple sets of gear for different specs. I was a fan of the old talent system but I actually didn't mind the revised spec system after playing with it for enough time.

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