Sitting Out
overwatch player here. i play rein, zar, ana, bap.
After that I'm going back to my 20%-ish finished playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2 and finishing it.
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Yeah, that happened.
The last few days I've been trying to get a brief Minecraft addiction out of my system. Playing Beat Saber pretty regularly, working through HL: Alyx and a few other VR titles over the past couple of months.
Still working on RDR2. into Chapter 4. My son tells me I am close, but I just go in and out with it, so who knows how long it will take me to finish. I genuinely do enjoy the game.View attachment 682406
Yeah, that happened.
The last few days I've been trying to get a brief Minecraft addiction out of my system. Playing Beat Saber pretty regularly, working through HL: Alyx and a few other VR titles over the past couple of months.
Yeah I started at 1.3 (pre steam days) and competed in CAL-O and CAL-IM (I wasn't particularly great but it was fun to play competitively before official matchmaking was a thing). Picked it up again when CSGO came out but now I've moved on to Valorant.I was lucky enough to get a PS5 shortly after launch so I’ve been enjoying that. Demon’s Souls NG+, Cyberpunk, Spiderman, DMC 5 SE.
Any old school CS players around here though? Like pre 1.6 or up to it? I used to play CS pretty hardcore in leagues if anybody remembers CAL or CEVO. Also play CS GO but it’s just not the same.
That’s awesome! I got to CAL P but never made it to Invite. Man I miss those days. Haven’t tried Valorant but I know it’s popular.Yeah I started at 1.3 (pre steam days) and competed in CAL-O and CAL-IM (I wasn't particularly great but it was fun to play competitively before official matchmaking was a thing). Picked it up again when CSGO came out but now I've moved on to Valorant.
Damn, Cal-P was right below invite. Nice one. Back in the day I just picked up whatever I could from internet cafes and such with the goal of getting good. These days thanks to ranked matchmaking, twitch and youtube tutorials, the quality of players generally is way higher than it was way back when.That’s awesome! I got to CAL P but never made it to Invite. Man I miss those days. Haven’t tried Valorant but I know it’s popular.
I'm early in HL:Alyx and don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that the first time you encounter enemies in the game, it is pants-crappingly scary.I also picked up a Quest 2 recently...holding on Alyx until I can get a better video card for the best experience possible. VR has been pretty fun though. Beat Saber is a blast and I've enjoyed a bunch of other titles as well.
This is on my list of games I want to play but won't buy until I finish some of my backlog.Also finished Cyberpunk 2077
This is on my list of games I want to play but won't buy until I finish some of my backlog.
Who do you main?I’ve been having a ton of fun in Valorant despite being literal dogshit at the game. Was ready for a change after a few years of Overwatch, but I’m finding the learning curve is a lot steeper (I never really played CS or any other competitive FPS growing up). This game is a lot less forgiving for being an Old with slow reaction time and shit aim, but I’m a glutton for punishment I guess.
Who do you main?
What is your riot ID? Maybe we could play sometime. I only ever really get to play on Saturdays and sometimes on Sunday.Sage/KJ. Viper seems good now though, so I’ve been messing around with that too.
I used to be a hardcore PC gamer, but as with a lot of others here, life has taken priority. I've played a lot of games...way old school, more multi-playerish games, played tons of Total Annihilation, Counter-Strike, Diablo 3, DAoC, Warhammer Online. More recently in that same type of vein, played a lot of Minecraft & Rocket League. More single-playerish games, I've played quite a few...the new Tomb Raiders (except the latest one), all GTAs, some AC, all the HLs except the VR one, Portal, some of the Fallout series, some of the Elder Scrolls series, Dragon Age Origins and the expansions, all the Far Crys except Primal and the latest one, and many more. Maybe I have (had?) a problem.... Currently playing Hero Emblems on iOS on my phone, LOL. Before that was Marvel Strike Force, but that game is P2W trash. And before that, the best mobile game which ever existed, Durango Wildlands.
Guess I'm not missing too much then.DA Origins was masterpiece. The sequels were unfortunately trash
A good friend of mine highly recommends this, but I haven't tried it yet.Hades
Guess I'm not missing too much then.Yes, DAO was amazing - one of those games that I was SAD to beat, LOL. I've read the 3rd DA isn't TOO bad, but 2 was pretty rough?
I'm hopeful for Battlefield 6. I played the hell out of BF1942, BF2, BF3 and BF4 back in the day. I was VERY good at large multiplayer conquest maps (where you have 64 players and you have to capture and hold strategic points on the maps, control more than half the points and the enemy starts losing respawn tickets. First team to 0 tickets loses)
My kill/death ratio wasn't anything impressive, but my win/loss ratio was top 1% in the world. I just knew the maps, the ebbs and flows of battle, what points would be unguarded and easy caps, what points were crucial to hold for victory, etc. I enjoyed maps with vehicles more, as I typically played an Engineer, so driving around in APCs, Tanks, plus flying Choppers and Jets.
I cannot stand bunny hopping in first-person shooters, it irritates the shit out of me. You can't fucking jump and twist in the air while shooting an LMG, you'd get knocked on your ass! And don't get me started on snipers! So I really enjoy just blowing up the entire building those bunny hoppers are in and watching it crumble on their heads.
I never played BF1 or BF5, but heard they weren't as good as the classics.
COD Warzone is ok, but not really my exact cup of tea. I've gotten better at it, but the aim assist that console players get irks me to no end, they just lock on and don't miss any shots. I generally place high in every match I play, but my k/d ratio is pretty abysmal (was 0.45 but now 0.6 and climbing)
I’m 100+ hours in Valheim and I absolutely love it.
I've been (re)playing:
Hollow Knight
Axiom Verge
Gunfire Reborn
I just no longer have the time to devote to longer games or games that are difficult to return to after a prolonged absence. I have Persona 5 and Red Dead 2 collecting dust as a result.
A good friend of mine highly recommends this, but I haven't tried it yet.
He's a big fan of Binding of Isaac, where I'm into slightly slower dungeon crawlers like Diablo. I think Hades falls somewhere in the middle, but closer to BoI.
Axiom Verge is one of the most pure 2d Metroid games since Super Metroid. I've seen RoR2, just haven't gotten around to playing it. Roguelites and Metroidvanias are my jam these days.Haven't heard of Axiom Verge, may need to check that out.
You might enjoy Risk of Rain 2, if you haven't played it. I've been playing that a lot lately.
I'm a CS beta 5 player lol. I was a hardcore TFC player until CS came out. Made it all the way to CAL P. Even played at the CPL event a few times. I miss the good ol days of hanging out on IRC and picking up scrims. I even had my own CS server for awhile hahaha. I agree with you though, CS:GO is not the same. I didn't care for all the skins and stuff, which is ironic because all I play mostly now is warzone when I get a chance. That game drives me crazy but I still find myself going back to it. I actually like Apex legends as well. But every now and then I go into a cs 1.6 or Source server to see if I still have it lol.I was lucky enough to get a PS5 shortly after launch so I’ve been enjoying that. Demon’s Souls NG+, Cyberpunk, Spiderman, DMC 5 SE.
Any old school CS players around here though? Like pre 1.6 or up to it? I used to play CS pretty hardcore in leagues if anybody remembers CAL or CEVO. Also play CS GO but it’s just not the same.