I'm finally closing in on finishing an Iron Man run (only one save file, no takebacks!) in Crusader Kings II. Started as the Kingdom of Asturius in 867, eventually forming the Kingdom of Leon, then capturing enough duchies and kingdom titles that I formed the Empire of Hispania.
We drove the Muslims out of Iberia and surprisingly the Byzantine Empire coupled with Christian Crusades all but eradicated most of the Muslim nations. Usually in these games the Byzantines get stomped, but they prospered this time around.
Eventually one of my Heirs turned out to be an Orthodox Christian in secret (I found out after my King died and she took over as Heir) and then there were a number of Orthodox Christian vassals in secret, they all came out at once and we started converting the Catholic territories in our Empire to Orthodox (most of them are converted now, there are still a few holdouts, but no internal religious wars have flared up over it)
This game ends in the year 1453 so I've only got 53 years left and I'll have finally completed a full game of this thing!
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I believe Steam is expected to launch their summer sale this week, so looking at Crusader Kings 3 or perhaps the new Baldurs Gate game that's in early access if the prices are right.