What are your initials? Help chips find a proper home. (2 Viewers)

If anyone ever comes across my hotstamped Paulson "K" set let me know. The degree to which I regret selling those can not be overstated.
Are they a playable set? Hot stamped solids are my favorite TY
Depends on your definition... one rack of each.

I got them in play on 4th of July weekend in a little family game after the holiday picnic and fireworks. Used the 25 as quarters and yellow no-denoms as $20. Only got the three racks + 6 yellow in play.
If I combined my initials with my wife's then there is the ever so slightest odds I could find some chips with our initials on them.

Here is what a french chippper just bought :

FYI "MDR" in french is "Mort De Rire" wich is "LOL" in french.


Source : PokerChipsFactory.fr

Thanks AP, I was about to post them. I bought them here from Courage ;)

By the way, excellent idea @ChipEnvy!

My initials are RT.
I haven't seen them in this list yet, so count me in if they show up!
i bought these for Monica Lewinsky but then she left town real quick for some reason and i never saw her again :confused: they will be in the classified soon:whistle: :whistling:
i bought these for Monica Lewinsky but then she left town real quick for some reason and i never saw her again :confused: they will be in the classified soon:whistle: :whistling:
View attachment 21820
PM me if you drop these in the classifieds. I may be interested if they are going crazy cheap - I know there's zero chance of filling out this set, so it would just be a useless rack of quarters.
As for me:

Any casino set has plenty of PP on it. :D

I would love:
ACDC (mine and my brothers initials)

So who is going to get all the dibs in order in the OP so it would be easier to find/lookup when needed?
It's not OP, but here's the current (alphabetical) list. No quarter given for dibbs or first call. May be errors due to autocorrect.

A PokerChipsDesign
A RowdyRawhide
AC RowdyRawhide
ACDC 72o
AL 72o
ALC RowdyRawhide
AP PokerChipsDesign
B jbutler
B ruskba
BAR ruskba
BES Payback
BMDT ChipEnvy
BR ruskba
BR Ben
BS Payback
BSDM manamongkids
C RowdyRawhide
C gpc
CEK Strike1st
CK Strike1st
D bentax1978
D David O
D atomiktoaster
D trever
DA David O
DAO David O
DC CdnBeerLover
DD detroitdad
DEC CdnBeerLover
DG bentax1978
DIG bentax1978
DO David O
DS Seeking Alpha Social Club
ED trever
EWD trever
F ovo
FM ovo
FU ledge4131
G bentax1978
G Captn_All_In
G Psypher1000
G Labmonkey
GC gpc
GOJ Godzilla28
GPC gpc
GPT Captn_All_In
HC Godzilla28
HVC Godzilla28
J jbutler
JAB jbutler
JB jbutler
JC Jaywa
JC2 Jaywa
JE doakwolf
JG Labmonkey
JGE doakwolf
JL Potsie1
JLG Labmonkey
JS Links_Slayer
JS semsallem
JVL Potsie1
JWC Jaywa
K Strike1st
K Lars
K MeridianFC
KB Fourty4
KC Fourty4
KC3 Fourty4
KCB Fourty4
KDS Seeking Alpha Social Club
KL Lars
KML Lars
KS Seeking Alpha Social Club
L Lars
LDL ledge4131
LOL 12thMan
MD MD Mike
MNL Poker Zombie
MS Seeking Alpha Social Club
PDS stocky
PP Puggy
PPP Puggy
PS stocky
RB RussB42
RDY RowdyRawhide
RR RowdyRawhide
RSC siouxcide
RT <°)))><)
RW Captn_All_In
SBG Psypher1000
SC siouxcide
SE semsallem
SG Psypher1000
STK stocky
TCS 12thMan
TD trever
TEJ Mr Tree
TH ChipEnvy
TJ Mr Tree
TPH ChipEnvy
TS 12thMan
TW Toby
TWW Toby
WES Payback
WS Payback
WSU ChipEnvy
ZPC Poker Zombie
Every once in a while searching for chips on eBay or wherever, I come across some nice monogramed chips. However I have yet to find a set with my initials on them. I was thinking it would be a good idea to have a resource where I could let others know if a set they could use with a monogram they like hit the market.

For example, I know a certain member here may enjoy a set of chips with the monogram "NIT" on it. :)

Ideally the community at large would keep an eye out for each other to get the right chips in the right hands.

So, what monogram or initials would you like to know about if they were ever discovered?

I have a bunch of Paulson solid hot stamped with the initials "LZ".

Red, Blue and White.
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