Yeah, I said the exact same thing. In fact, after getting my cc Pharaoh's Club chips, I thought, "I'll never need to buy another set, ever!" Yeah, right.As someone noted, you will buy China Clays first and then upgrade later which will cost you more in the long run. I'm not sure that's the case with me. I guess time will tell, but the China Clays are less costly, feel similar, and are much easier/cheaper to get than Paulsons. I'm hooked on them.
All I can do is give you a serious warning: Never buy any mint leaded Paulson casino chips with real shaped inlays on the THC mold. Or mint TRK scrowns. Either one is extremely likely to send you down a very expensive path..... just ask the 20,000+ mint chips in my vault, nearly all of which are worth more than I paid. And that china clay set is long-gone, sold at a loss.