What video games are you playing? (23 Viewers)

Elden Ring is amazing. One of the best games ever.
I wanted to like Elden Ring...I really, really wanted to like it. The genre, setting, and the story are spectacular.
It's just too damn hard for this old timer. I realized the only reason I wasnt progressing is that I simply can't hit buttons and react in a manner that is required.

The game needs an "Old Fart" mode.
I wanted to like Elden Ring...I really, really wanted to like it. The genre, setting, and the story are spectacular.
It's just too damn hard for this old timer. I realized the only reason I wasnt progressing is that I simply can't hit buttons and react in a manner that is required.

The game needs an "Old Fart" mode.
I was 43 and still beat Malenia (after kiting those dumb crows for a while to get another ten levels or so). It can be done, it can be done.
I wanted to like Elden Ring...I really, really wanted to like it. The genre, setting, and the story are spectacular.
It's just too damn hard for this old timer. I realized the only reason I wasnt progressing is that I simply can't hit buttons and react in a manner that is required.

The game needs an "Old Fart" mode.
It’s the same base gameplay as the new Star Wars game that came out last year. I had to turn it on to story mode because the button timing was too hard for me.
Elden Ring is amazing. One of the best games ever.
I agree it's good. I played it for about 12 hours once before on my PC. But because of where my PC lives now, it's hard to take the time away to play. So I got it again on PS5 since it was on sale for the holidays.

As a 42yo souls veteran (as in I bought a PS3 specifically to play the original Demons Souls), the gameplay in Elden feels very samey. What saves it for me is that it's basically Souls meets Breath of the Wild. And it's the exploration and discovery that I find the most fun.

It's just hard for me to stick with a game over say 20 hours, because I inevitably have to take prolonged breaks due to family, kids, and work. And I'm the kind of gamer that needs to keep at it or I'll find something else to occupy my time.

If I had two weeks with no responsibility, then I would get through Elden.
I wanted to like Elden Ring...I really, really wanted to like it. The genre, setting, and the story are spectacular.
It's just too damn hard for this old timer. I realized the only reason I wasnt progressing is that I simply can't hit buttons and react in a manner that is required.

The game needs an "Old Fart" mode.
It was my first soulslike and I was worried lol. I made it through though and have replayed it a few times with different builds. You can use summons and/or grind levels to make it easier. It's definitely difficult but doable.
Finally finished Elden Ring. It's good. But my primary driving factor was just wanting to see everything. After a certain point, my build became more or less "broken." Blasphemous Blade, Faith build. And the last third of the game (after Lyendel) felt like a bit of a slog. Not sure I have it in me to ever do it again.
Finally finished Elden Ring. It's good. But my primary driving factor was just wanting to see everything. After a certain point, my build became more or less "broken." Blasphemous Blade, Faith build. And the last third of the game (after Lyendel) felt like a bit of a slog. Not sure I have it in me to ever do it again.
New DLC soon! I went the path of the moon blade, and think I got just about everything on the first run, the NG+ is okay but its lost its luster. the second run you only have to run at the bosses and very few quests
New DLC soon! I went the path of the moon blade, and think I got just about everything on the first run, the NG+ is okay but its lost its luster. the second run you only have to run at the bosses and very few quests
I'm not a fan of dlc as a general rule. Plus, this game already has so much stuff it's like adding sand to a beach.
Finally finished Elden Ring. It's good. But my primary driving factor was just wanting to see everything. After a certain point, my build became more or less "broken." Blasphemous Blade, Faith build. And the last third of the game (after Lyendel) felt like a bit of a slog. Not sure I have it in me to ever do it again.
It did feel like the whole mountain area was unfinished.
I do love Elden Ring, but I have a hard time ranking it over all the other Dark Souls games. I think there's someting to be said for having a more tight and focused experience over a very wide one,. Replaying Dark Souls games feels like a delight, replaying Elden Ring is a bit overwhelming with the size of the game world. I'm hardly old, but I've reached the point of appreciating games more if they can be beaten in 10~20 hours instead of 40+.
Balatro has a demo out now. It's a deck builder based around poker/playing cards with jokers to boost up your score. I've spent way too much time with the demo. Figured some one here might like it. Full game expected in a couple weeks.


It'll be on various platforms, I'll probably get steam and switch.
4 months til release. Already pre-ordered can't wait!

And to pass the time until then, I strongly strongly recommend Balatro which just released yesterday. Take poker hands and combine roguelite mechanics and you get a recipe for awesomeness.:


What video games are you playing?

1. Baldur's Gate
2. Rimworld
3. FTL
4.. Civ 6

Part of me wants to fire up Fallout 4 again but this would be my 4th play-thru so I'm not quite willing to go there again just yet.

My son wants me to install Fortnite. I've been dismissing that however; given this would be the classic example of where the kid finally gets to run rings around the dad. I've got to maintain that that air of superiority (or the illusion of it) for as long as possible. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
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currently playing Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

I'm close to the end, I think, and it is now my favorite metroidvania game ever. Highly, highly recommended if you like that style of game.
Still playing mostly COD MW3 and MWZ (zombies). LMK if anyone needs help with the mwz missions.
My son and I started playing Halo on the weekends. We played a lot when he was younger. It is more for nostalgia than anything else. X Box One I think lol
I've been a lifelong gamer in one form or another. For the last several years it's mostly been board games. But s second kid and Covid have made getting them to the table difficult so I've been playing more video games these days.

What are you playing?

I'm currently playing:

Hades (Steam/Switch) - GOY IMO
Gunfire Reborn (Steam)
Monster Train (Steam)
The Witness (PS4/Steam, replaying)

And I'm trying to figure out if I can actually start Persona 5 yet. It's such a long commitment though.
4 months til release. Already pre-ordered can't wait!

And to pass the time until then, I strongly strongly recommend Balatro which just released yesterday. Take poker hands and combine roguelite mechanics and you get a recipe for awesomeness.:

I've been playing too much Balatro already.

Been on a kick of playing through all the souls games again (sans Sekiro). Did Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Demons Souls Remake, and working on Bloodborne. Not sure if I'll do Dark Souls 2 yet. That one is... "Interesting" from what I remember.

But come the end of the month, I'll be in FF7 Rebirth. Hoping the bigger world makes it a more enjoyable experience than Remake, which I wasn't too fond of.
I've been playing too much Balatro already.

Can't wait to play more!!

Dark Souls 2 was always the red headed stepchild of Souls games. The one thing it's best known for innovation wise was having powerstanced movesets when you equipped two weapons of the same class together. And if you play the Scholar of the First Sin edition, they really polished it up well I feel.

The FF7 remake games, I can understand why they're popular, but I look at the amount of time of resources and development that are going into them and just wonder what could've been.
Demo for Unicorn Overlord came out today. Full game out March 8th.

It's a modern take of Ogre Battle with elements of Fire Emblem plus a Gambit-like system like from FFXII. Really, really fun to try different unit build, squad formations & creating criteria for certain active and passive skills they all have. There's a lot to do in this.

The demo is meaty; has a timer to play up to 7 hours but pauses while in menus.

Also bought Balatro because of all of the reviews. Only play a bit. Seemed ok but maybe when I invest in it more I can then see what all the praise is about.
Demo for Unicorn Overlord came out today. Full game out March 8th.

It's a modern take of Ogre Battle with elements of Fire Emblem plus a Gambit-like system like from FFXII. Really, really fun to try different unit build, squad formations & creating criteria for certain active and passive skills they all have. There's a lot to do in this.

The demo is meaty; has a timer to play up to 7 hours but pauses while in menus.

Also bought Balatro because of all of the reviews. Only play a bit. Seemed ok but maybe when I invest in it more I can then see what all the praise is about.
I feel the same about Balatro. I made it through the 8 leg run on the 2nd try and wasn't sure why I'm motivated to keep playing. Slay the Spire has perm upgrades and a tough finish that made multiple playthroughs more rewarding. Not sure what I'm missing.
Not sure if I'll do Dark Souls 2 yet. That one is... "Interesting" from what I remember.

still the only souls game i've never finished. probably never will, it just doesn't click for me.

if you are going to skip it, i recommend playing lies of p instead if you haven't yet - that is the best non-from soulslike by a mile. i loved it, can't wait for some DLC and/or a sequel (rumor for the sequel is that it will be a wizard of oz theme).
Demo for Unicorn Overlord came out today. Full game out March 8th.

It's a modern take of Ogre Battle with elements of Fire Emblem plus a Gambit-like system like from FFXII. Really, really fun to try different unit build, squad formations & creating criteria for certain active and passive skills they all have. There's a lot to do in this.

That demo drops tomorrow for PS5 so I'll be trying that out for sure.

Also bought Balatro because of all of the reviews. Only play a bit. Seemed ok but maybe when I invest in it more I can then see what all the praise is about.
I feel the same about Balatro. I made it through the 8 leg run on the 2nd try and wasn't sure why I'm motivated to keep playing. Slay the Spire has perm upgrades and a tough finish that made multiple playthroughs more rewarding. Not sure what I'm missing

The sheer absurdity of hands you can make in Balatro gives it appeal, at least to me. Last night I won with this in my deck:

That demo drops tomorrow for PS5 so I'll be trying that out for sure.

The sheer absurdity of hands you can make in Balatro gives it appeal, at least to me. Last night I won with this in my deck:

View attachment 1278660
I saw a run on YouTube where someone had 40 wild foil or glass tens with red seal from using DNA. They scored 21 billion on a hand in ante 13 before losing.
I saw a run on YouTube where someone had 40 wild foil or glass tens with red seal from using DNA. They scored 21 billion on a hand in ante 13 before losing.

The DNA Joker is probably the lynchpin for any busted deck. I got it once last night at the start but I really wasn't able to make much use of it. Probably better to get it later on and copy a card that you pull from a pack.

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