What video games are you playing? (10 Viewers)

I've been playing a lot of Project Zomboid(!). I somehow enjoy those grinding under freedom time-sinks. Set up my own dedicated server and roam Rosewood alone, building my base and smashing zombieheads.

I played CP2077 to death when it launched, so gonna try the 2.0 but I won't start over. Might buy the DLC but I'm fairly certain I will be disappointed.

Starfield looks interesting but not $70 interesting. Also waiting for Kerbal Space Program 2 to come out of Early Access and probably a couple of months after that before checking reviews. Cities Skylines or something is also on my list. Viewfinder seems like an interesting puzzle game too. It will also be very interesting to see where Unrecord ends up.

Then again I have a huge backlog on Steam that I haven't even installed yet...
Starfield looks interesting but not $70 interesting.

Agree with this. I will likely pick it up eventually, but will probably wait 2 years or so when I can get it for $20.

Picked up COD BO3 Zombie Chronicles edition + the season pass in the Steam sale. I got into Zombies with Cold War, have read that the 'true fans' think CW zombies is trash compared to BO3. So looking forward to playing some of those maps.

I'll probably give in and pre-order MW3. I buy it every year and looking forward to the re-mastered maps. Looks like this could be the new model to save them money: A new engine every other year, then new maps for the same engine every alternate year. That way they can still get their $70 and only have to work on maps.

For MW2, the new season starts today. I'm a bit burned out on grinding the battle pass. May skip this last one. I've been having fun with DMZ lately. A nice break from normal multiplayer.

I also bought Diablo 3 because it was on sale finally. I've read the reviews, but don't really care. I plan to play with my 12yo and will play alone as well.
Why pre-order? There's literally no benefits from it unless you care about cosmetics. I could understand it if it was cheaper as it should be.

If they do have some controversy at launch and the sales tank, they fix it and THEN you buy, they won't try that shit again (for a few years). If you pre-order and mope on twitter about it, they'll most likely fix it and then have marketing campaign before the next launch how raping the consumer is a good thing for the consumer.

This isn't specifically directed at MW3 but pre-ordering in general.

I've pre-ordered digital games once and it was CP2077 and because I wanted to support CDPR in this franchise so that turned out great...
To be honest though, I never had any big issues with CP2077 and I played from launch and have some 400+ hours in it, but it seems that was a fluke. With the 2.0 update the game runs slower, I had to turn off raytracing on my 3080 to get >30 FPS. I've played 2.0 for 5-6 hours and had 4 crashes just roaming the city as I have 100% (minus the final mission), while I don't think I had one crash on the first 400 hours. Ironically, my GPU usage is now 1-2% and my poor old i7-7700k is running at 90+% so my performance took a heavy hit because of their new multi-threading.

I see that a 5-6 year old CPU isn't anything to complain about but I did get 50-120 FPS before the update with the same HW and raytracing enabled so...
Why pre-order? There's literally no benefits from it unless you care about cosmetics. I could understand it if it was cheaper as it should be.

If they do have some controversy at launch and the sales tank, they fix it and THEN you buy, they won't try that shit again (for a few years). If you pre-order and mope on twitter about it, they'll most likely fix it and then have marketing campaign before the next launch how raping the consumer is a good thing for the consumer.

This isn't specifically directed at MW3 but pre-ordering in general.

I've pre-ordered digital games once and it was CP2077 and because I wanted to support CDPR in this franchise so that turned out great...
To be honest though, I never had any big issues with CP2077 and I played from launch and have some 400+ hours in it, but it seems that was a fluke. With the 2.0 update the game runs slower, I had to turn off raytracing on my 3080 to get >30 FPS. I've played 2.0 for 5-6 hours and had 4 crashes just roaming the city as I have 100% (minus the final mission), while I don't think I had one crash on the first 400 hours. Ironically, my GPU usage is now 1-2% and my poor old i7-7700k is running at 90+% so my performance took a heavy hit because of their new multi-threading.

I see that a 5-6 year old CPU isn't anything to complain about but I did get 50-120 FPS before the update with the same HW and raytracing enabled so...

I mostly pre-order so I can play on day 1. If the price would go down within a month, I'd probably wait. It usually takes 3 months for the price to go down a little. So not going to wait that long.

I don't really care much about the operator skins.

If there was a chance that MW3 would be complete trash, like Vanguard was at the start, I might wait on reviews. Since this is essentially MWII with new maps, I know it will be good. Especially since I'm looking forward to some of the remastered maps.
For Starfield, I preordered the $99 edition, but that came with the DLC when released, which is expected to be $30. So it’s a wash money-wise because I knew I would buy the DLC. The 5-day early access and skins were a bonus.
I pre-ordered the Deluxe edition of Lies of P so I could play 3 days early. It is fucking awesome, and I have no regrets spending the extra $10 - it is far and away the best "Soulsborne" game not published by From Software.
I pre-ordered the Deluxe edition of Lies of P so I could play 3 days early. It is fucking awesome, and I have no regrets spending the extra $10 - it is far and away the best "Soulsborne" game not published by From Software.

I tried the demo of Lies of P and it was good. But with how much games are these days I can happily wait for it to go on sale in a year or two, or borrow it from my library if they ever get a copy of it. Doing the same with Armored Core.
WTF. AA was the best MMO I had ever played until they went full P2W. Best classes, combat, labor system, etc.
Didn't realize anyone still played LOL
I played on launch, then took a break went back after about 9 months play until like 3 years ago, so like 5ish years and just started back like 2 months ago.

They are merging all servers (NA), the pvp is supposed to be good in about a month when they merge.

It’s the best MMO I’ve ever played. I spent a lot of time playing EQ and EQ2. I’ve tried a lot of other games, I liked terra, rift, and Star Wars (stor), galaxies was okay as well. Never really a fan of WOW and try as I might just couldn’t enjoy eve.

I’ve recently picked up an Enoan :cool Bucket list item for me.
I played on launch, then took a break went back after about 9 months play until like 3 years ago, so like 5ish years and just started back like 2 months ago.

They are merging all servers (NA), the pvp is supposed to be good in about a month when they merge.

It’s the best MMO I’ve ever played. I spent a lot of time playing EQ and EQ2. I’ve tried a lot of other games, I liked terra, rift, and Star Wars (stor), galaxies was okay as well. Never really a fan of WOW and try as I might just couldn’t enjoy eve.

I’ve recently picked up an Enoan :cool Bucket list item for me.
Absolutely loved the gliders and the illegal farming/trading routes PVP
Working on The Talos Principle 2, Alan Wake 2, Super Mario Bros Wonder. This year has really been great for video games. I once again tried to start Persona 5 Royal, but then all 3 of the above games came out and Disco Elysium became free on PS Plus. So to the back of the line it goes again.
I held off completing the Starfield main quest as long as I could but now that I’ve finished it, I’m simply disappointed in the game. They should have made 20-30 richly-packed planets instead of 1,000 planets I have no interest in exploring. It’s like they only created 5 groups of buildings and keep repeating them on every planet.

I briefly started Baldur’s Gate 3 and can already tell what a feature-rich and well polished job they did on this. A bit overwhelming in its complexity.
I held off completing the Starfield main quest as long as I could but now that I’ve finished it, I’m simply disappointed in the game. They should have made 20-30 richly-packed planets instead of 1,000 planets I have no interest in exploring. It’s like they only created 5 groups of buildings and keep repeating them on every planet.

I briefly started Baldur’s Gate 3 and can already tell what a feature-rich and well polished job they did on this. A bit overwhelming in its complexity.
I haven't even tried it. I've grown very tired of open world games. Too many of them just feel like a recycled mishmash of the same stuff over and over. Illusions of choice when in reality none of the side content is all that interesting.

For whatever reason, Zelda is the only game I feel does it well. And it's partly because there is very little handholding in how to proceed. And they made an effort to make the side missions feel different enough from each other (outside of hunting down korok seeds).
I haven't even tried it. I've grown very tired of open world games. Too many of them just feel like a recycled mishmash of the same stuff over and over. Illusions of choice when in reality none of the side content is all that interesting.

For whatever reason, Zelda is the only game I feel does it well. And it's partly because there is very little handholding in how to proceed. And they made an effort to make the side missions feel different enough from each other (outside of hunting down korok seeds).
I don't like open world in general, but Baldur's Gate is just Dungeons and Dragons. Very, very impressed so far.
I don't like open world in general, but Baldur's Gate is just Dungeons and Dragons. Very, very impressed so far.
I kind of exclude that game from open world. It's got enough different stuff going on from stuff like Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, Cyberpunk, etc. It's not a neverending amount of redundant sidequests. But I'm also not a big CRPG fan.
Happy COD release day! Looking forward to playing some new maps and checking out the new Zombies Outbreak mode (similar to DMZ). I had to make an adult decision today, thought about phoning in sick. Though figure I have tomorrow off for Veteran's day, so I'll get my fill. I was thinking of hitting some trails in my Jeep, but my wife informed me I'm on taxi duty getting the kids to and from school. So bittersweet, I'll just have to play COD all day tomorrow.

I've been playing more DMZ than TDM lately. I like the unpredictability of it and it's a good break from TDM and such. I also enjoy reading about it on Reddit and how pissed off people get about getting robbed at the exfil.

I've read a lot of complaints about the campaign. I haven't finished it yet, but read it's VERY short and half assed. Not a big deal for me because I don't usually finish the campaign.

I read that the latest update to Diablo IV improved on a lot of things that were broken in the game. Though I haven't tried it out since because I rarely have an hour+ of uninterrupted game time.
Anyone download the new COD? Going to be on in about 15 minutes if anyone wants to party up
Anyone download the new COD? Going to be on in about 15 minutes if anyone wants to party up

I'll be playing off and on. Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm LVL 36 so far. Trying to learn some of the new maps.

COD Name: QuadDamage#9474303
Currently just casual duel masters and apex, wish I had more time lol
I'll be playing off and on. Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm LVL 36 so far. Trying to learn some of the new maps.

COD Name: QuadDamage#9474303
I haven’t bought it yet. I’ve been a pre-order and play nightly COD player for a long time and poker has taken over that free time slot. I feel like I’m missing out on a good one. A good return to the Verdansk time of warzone. Ugh. I need to grab it and play.
I'm at just the wrong age for Pokemon, as I was 15-16 when it came out. But I just got the new Dragon Quest Monsters Dark Prince seeing as in a long time Dragon Quest fan. It's my first foray into this type of game of you don't count something like Persona 3, which has some similar things going on. DQM isn't great from a performance/technical pov, but the systems, voice acting, and charm are all there in spades.

From what I understand, while it had the collect em all thing going on, it's systems are vastly different than Pokemon. It's geared toward fusing and learning for to best use the fusion system to min max. As not only are you fusing to get certain monsters, but also to upgrade certain skill sets.
Just replayed Uncharted I-III on the PS3 and IV and The Last of Us pt I on PC. Now playing The Last of Us pt II on PS4 and Amid Evil on PC. Good times.
I play Valorant, Rocket League, and Teamfight Tactics pretty regularly. Used to play Halo and COD a lot but not so much now.

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