What's the greatest compliment you've received at the table? (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score
United States
When I was playing my charity tournament a couple weekends ago one of my players while contemplating his action looked at me and said, "You've been super-aggressive all night." There were some times that evening where I had strategically limited my aggression when betting for value, but I was, in fact, attempting to portray aggression - something that didn't come naturally to me when I first started playing NL. When he told me that (and then folded - the outcome I was hoping for), it was one of the rare moments where a player directly confirms that your actions are resulting in the desired outcome. Not sure if i was able to maintain an outward poker face or not, but I was beaming on the inside!

What's the highest compliment a player has ever given you at the table, either directly or otherwise?
One time a semi-drunk, uber aggressive player, after I called him down with Ace high and I was good, told me: "You're smarter than you look." Of course, he was trying to get under my skin. But after a couple seconds I treated it like a compliment and I replied positively, "Yes! I've often thought the same thing myself."
Played at a WSOP sit n go during a qualifier. Lady next to me asked if I played pro after I won. I said that I did not. She replied that I should and her and her husband were pros. I never got her name but I really did not care at the time. All I wanted wa to cash and run!
Setting the scene. At Aria. Sit down at a $1/3 table. I've already had a few drinks. Within the hour, I had everyone drinking greyhounds with me. After my 3rd greyhound at this table, gentleman to my left, "I've never seen one person get every player at the table talking and actually enjoying themselves. To top if it off, I don't know how you got everyone to drink your drink. I don't even like grapefruit juice!"
Playing blackjack with my friends at the San Remo in Las Vegas. We've been at the table for 8 hours now and are all hammered.
I'm so drunk that I can no longer say the word "Heineken", so every time the waitress (her name was Star) comes by, I just smile and point at my empty bottle.
Bringing my my umpteenth beer, Star smiles at me and says "wow, you can really hold your liquor".
Footnote 1: Star finished her shift and left. When she came back to work the next day we were still there at the same table.
Footnote 2: I really should have married her.
Setting the scene. At Aria. Sit down at a $1/3 table. I've already had a few drinks. Within the hour, I had everyone drinking greyhounds with me. After my 3rd greyhound at this table, gentleman to my left, "I've never seen one person get every player at the table talking and actually enjoying themselves. To top if it off, I don't know how you got everyone to drink your drink. I don't even like grapefruit juice!"

Tried greyhounds tonight.

Pretty good!
This one is easy because it's recent. At S@P as we moved to shorter handed play at main event tourney final table I overheard some folks on the rail say that they had their money on me to take it down. I wasn't sure why they had said it, but it gave me a big boost mentally.

Most of the time it's, "Nice hand sir"
And we all know what that means.
On several different occasions I have had a player remain in his seat after the game has ended until everyone else has left. They have expressed to me how much they appreciate all of the time effort and money I put towards having a social event that is extremely important and worthwhile to them. They have talked about how it is difficult to maintain friendships over the years for most people and that they feel fortunate to be a part of the group.
I'm not sure if I have ever received a complement about my poker skills but to receive praise for the effort involved is far more important to me anyway. Poker is a wonderful game and to get to play it with people that you truly respect and who appreciate your efforts and actually verbalize that appreciation is the greatest compliment I could ask for.
I showed up to a home game for the cash game that had started after with the bust out players.

They were playing PLO, my preferred game, as soon as I sat down they all refused to play PLO any more! Lol

We played Hold'em only and I still ran over the table. They were mostly tournament players that play cash game like a tournament.

That tournament doesn't get many cash games going as well, but when they do it is the easiest $200-$300 I ever make at poker.

It has gotten to the point where I have to text players that I know are at the game because the host won't answer my texts if there is a cash game going if she is playing in it. :LOL: :laugh:
This one is easy because it's recent. At S@P as we moved to shorter handed play at main event tourney final table I overheard some folks on the rail say that they had their money on me to take it down. I wasn't sure why they had said it, but it gave me a big boost mentally.

Most of the time it's, "Nice hand sir"
And we all know what that means.
Hey wait, Courage and Ben tell me that all the time....

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