Giveaway Who wants a giveaway.... WSOP ALL-IN (1 Viewer)

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Solving Rubik's Cubes while juggling them. I don't think I have ever been so amazed by such an utterly useless talent.

I hope that doesn't come across as mean, because it's not meant that way. The kid obviously put in tons and tons of work to get so incredibly good at it.

It's one of those things that boggles my mind about humanity. We have the creativity to come up with so many oddball ways of entertaining ourselves and the capacity to become so ridiculously good at them.
Solving Rubik's Cubes while juggling them. I don't think I have ever been so amazed by such an utterly useless talent.

I hope that doesn't come across as mean, because it's not meant that way. The kid obviously put in tons and tons of work to get so incredibly good at it.

It's one of those things that boggles my mind about humanity. We have the creativity to come up with so many oddball ways of entertaining ourselves and the capacity to become so ridiculously good at them.
yah the first time I saw it he set the record with like 13 or 14 mins.
he absolutely crushed his record there I think under 5 mins and he had one cube left for the longest time there he
could have been faster with some more lucky solves.
Mail call
Phew no suicided chibes

got an epic freebie hookup for a very special walk of shame XD

It could be was a very good mail day......


Will write this all up here shortly.

14 winners

WOULD LIKE it if you don't already have one but I wont disqualify anyone
this was meant for people who want singles but missed out before

Since its 14 envelopes to go out would like to ask winner pays shipping of
$3 domestic and $6 estimated international.

After this there are lots of 10 for sale at cost of $9 per button
where Ill draw for spots in another thread.

thanks for doing this @HaRDHouSeiNC! I managed to get some from the previous batch, and while these are awesome and I could use more (great price too!), I think it’s only fair that other members get a first look :tup: So I am dropping out of the race at this time. Good luck guys!

thanks for doing this @HaRDHouSeiNC! I managed to get some from the previous batch, and while these are awesome and I could use more (great price too!), I think it’s only fair that other members get a first look :tup: So I am dropping out of the race at this time. Good luck guys!

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OK I'm not going to knock anyone off the list who I know has any but Id like them to be for people looking for singles and missed out
Plus then less people need to split off their 10 to sell singles later on.

If you win a spot and have one want to donate it back, Ill let the winner decide
Since you requested Ill cross you off. Super cool of you thanks!

Ill give this another day or two so everyone has a chance to enter who wants to
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