You should try poker.
I don't see how that's true today, but if you want to expand on that I'm listening.
I'm sure we agree racism is in every sport
@BarrieJ3. Especially in ownership. Imo one thing baseball has done right over the years is the ratio of Managers that are people of color to Players of color. Way more appropriate than the NFL & until very recently the NBA too.
It’s horribly racist, obviously historically but also extraordinarily racist today - plenty of objective evidence to support this (not saying other sports aren’t, there’s just a lot to this topic with baseball today).
I did mention already other sports can be racist as well. And in fact, baseball was pioneering in moving past racism historically.
But if you want to know, ask Mookie Betts. Ask Preston Wilson.
I’m not being stirring the pot or saying that MLB is evil, please notate that.
The MLB African American presence has been dwindling for years. Recent years have the % of players down to 7. That’s meaningless without notating that it was at 20ish at its peak (can fact check but those should both be within a %).
Of course the experience will be subjective and change from person to person, but in almost all outside reports done, blacks in the MLB report it….not being a good time. Not by anyone persons fault, not because anyone is racist. But simply because, MLB doesn’t engender itself to the African American community. Their culture, their background, their history - it’s mostly lost in clubhouses where white america and Hispanic/central/South America cultures reign supreme. N word, nooses, etc can be found in locker rooms - again not necessarily with ill intent.
And when you have all stars, faces of the league, reporting how lonely and rediculous they feel in mlb and mlb locker rooms - imagine minor league players.
It’s an issue that MLB has been actively trying to solve because of course they want more eyeballs - and they just can’t change core values that easily or quickly.
It’s so easy to get lost in subjective examples and conflicting reports and everything else - especially on PCF.
I guess to help it hit home I would leave it at this. In the past 10 years, if I go to a NBA game on the sideline seats and yell Coon or Nig*er, I’ll be lucky to just be banned from all NBA venues for life. If I go sidelines at an NFL game and do the same and players hear me, yup it’s trouble. If I go to an MLB stadium and yell the same?
Ask Torri Hunter. Brunson, DeShields, Adam Jones.
Those fans get to keep coming back.
And before someone says “I’ve heard someone yell it at a different sports game”, then you’re missing the point.
There are leagues where when that happens fans are removed immediately. Where players feel comfortable letting officials and employees know if they want action taken. MLB? That’s more a, you learn to live with it and either worry about or figure what’s the point reporting.
Again, not villianizing American Baseball or making them out to be the evil Empire, just saying that it’s a slightly out there experience and trend compared to the two other major American sports with black athletes.