Windwalker’s Chipping Journey in Pr0n0grAph1C Detail (16 Viewers)

I honestly love ww. I don’t care that he’s rich. I have rich friends (maybe not quite on the same level). But seeing all those grail sets is awesome to me. And he got a lot of hate in the beginning as he was buying everything up, but he has proven time and again that he is a degenerate collector like many of us. He has more means and that’s fine by me. I’d buy everything up too if I had deeper pockets.

my only fear is that ww will buy up all these sets and then disappear. It breaks my heart when chips leave this community.

To @Windwalker theres a lot of OGs here that love what you do and there are some haters. But don’t let the haters keep you from collecting. And if you ever want out the chipping game, please catch and release your sets.
I dont know whats going in pm's etc. But i kind of have to say this.
Maybe a little self awareness /reflection and sensitivity would go a long way. You came into this forum by saying you play 4k/8k no limit if i remember correctly. And you use lots of oppurtunities to show/tell people that you have lots and lots of money {pictures of bundles of 100s laying around on pokertable or posting a sheet where everyone can see you spent more money that probably most of the people here will ever own/earn in a lifetime). Latest example is letting all know that you spent 250k on one chipsale. And it kind of feels that if somebody doesnt agree with it, you let even the mods cleanup your thread. And it kind of feels like the angry rich kid who wants everyone to know what cool toys he has but he decides who can play with them (obviously your right). Just stating a little more self awareness/refelection and sensitivity would might be helping. And still i dont know what is going on behind the curtains, that is why i am posting this in public. All the best

I honestly don't understand jealousy to this level. Not to the extent that I would actually begrudge someone wealthier than me for having things I like. Jealousy, for me, stops at "Those are nice, I'd love to have them". There are countless high end collectors across numerous hobbies. Some have numerous baseball cards worth millions each. What should they do? Keep it all a secret? Lol. We all share Pr0n here. It's fun. We like seeing pics. It's adult show-n-tell. It's not a competition. The vast majority of us aren't keeping score cards. Perhaps you should join us? It's a lot more fun if you stop caring so much about sometime else's bank account. I'm stoked for people with awesome collections. But I've never once disliked someone because they could afford something I couldn't. That seems remarkably immature to me.
Speaking of comic collecting, have you seen this bit of news?

JANUARY 15, 2021
A rare Tintin cover illustration set a new world record yesterday, becoming the most expensive comic book art in the world after selling at auction for a staggering €3,175,400 (about $3.84 million USD), according to a statement.


The original cover design for Hergé's The Blue Lotus(1936) sold at auction for a record-breaking price on Thursday. The gouache and watercolor drawing was kept folded in a drawer for many years, and the lines where the work was folded are still visible.
I honestly don't understand jealousy to this level. Not to the extent that I would actually begrudge someone wealthier than me for having things I like. Jealousy, for me, stops at "Those are nice, I'd love to have them". There are countless high end collectors across numerous hobbies. Some have numerous baseball cards worth millions each. What should they do? Keep it all a secret? Lol. We all share Pr0n here. It's fun. We like seeing pics. It's adult show-n-tell. It's not a competition. The vast majority of us aren't keeping score cards. Perhaps you should join us? It's a lot more fun if you stop caring so much about sometime else's bank account. I'm stoked for people with awesome collections. But I've never once disliked someone because they could afford something I couldn't. That seems remarkably immature to me.
Lol you got all of that from his rather reasonable post.

I've realised we don't all have to agree with one another or like everyone on the forum. I guess that's fine. I don't think it means everyone that disagrees with someone is jealous. I don't really thing too many people genuinely suffer from jealousy, and if they do, they are probably a fucktard anyway.
@Windwalker I think you’re an asset to PCF and the chipping world. It’s absolutely amazing what you’ve done since you’ve been on here, especially unearthing all the chips that were outside of PCF. Bravo!!

I can’t wait to see what those 100k chips are.
Lol you got all of that from his rather reasonable post.

I've realised we don't all have to agree with one another or like everyone on the forum. I guess that's fine.
If you find yourself aligning more with @Sambukan's take than mine, then I'd suggest maybe adding a bit of yoga to your gym routine, bruh.
If you find yourself aligning more with @Sambukan's take than mine, then I'd suggest maybe adding a bit of yoga to your gym routine, bruh.
Haha you can do better than that. I don't mind a bit of yoga and stretching as it helps my poor old man back, so I'm doing plenty thanks.

Krish and I have had our differences in the past, but I like to think we've both moved past them. I don't always agree with things he does and says, and I certainly roll my eyes at times, but he means well. Which is more than I can say of a bunch of turds around these days.

Take a re-read of that guys post, I didn't detect any jealousy, it was more of a behavioural observation. And I merely pointed out that you've painted him with that broad brush that you love so much.

Krish can fight his own battles, he doesn't need you jumping in battle armour ready at a moment's notice like he's a damsel in distress.
I honestly don't understand jealousy to this level. Not to the extent that I would actually begrudge someone wealthier than me for having things I like. Jealousy, for me, stops at "Those are nice, I'd love to have them". There are countless high end collectors across numerous hobbies. Some have numerous baseball cards worth millions each. What should they do? Keep it all a secret? Lol. We all share Pr0n here. It's fun. We like seeing pics. It's adult show-n-tell. It's not a competition. The vast majority of us aren't keeping score cards. Perhaps you should join us? It's a lot more fun if you stop caring so much about sometime else's bank account. I'm stoked for people with awesome collections. But I've never once disliked someone because they could afford something I couldn't. That seems remarkably immature to me.
This 10000%, this is the whole point of this thread and frankly this entire website, to share in amazing chips... if you're bothered that much by someone elses wealth you can always just click away instead of telling another man what he should and should not do
Lol you got all of that from his rather reasonable post.

I've realised we don't all have to agree with one another or like everyone on the forum. I guess that's fine. I don't think it means everyone that disagrees with someone is jealous. I don't really thing too many people genuinely suffer from jealousy, and if they do, they are probably a fucktard anyway.
Why do I feel like this is like facebook bullshit - people posting pictures and stories about the perfect home life, but under the surface, they're drunk, broke, and ready for a divorce?
I'll be straight up honest. I've struggled with not being jealous of @Windwalker . It really is a fight and one that I don't enjoy. I'm not a jealous person in other aspects of my life, so when those ugly feelings do creep up, I don't like it. I recognize the feelings for what they are and I do a pretty good job of not letting them get the best of me.
I can only speak for myself. But if everybody starts chiming in saying I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, I'm calling bullshit. Its one of the 7 deadly sins, and it's part of the human condition. If you've mastered it, good for you; you're a better man than me in that regard. But can we please not pretend that jealousy is some flaw that only affects a few defective people?
No specific plans. I just like collecting chips, just like I like collecting comics. I enjoy seeing them, playing with them, arranging them, and learning about them.

I think there are a ton of people of PCF who have accumulated similar numbers; @Godzilla28, @pltrgyst, a lot of the veterans. I know singles collectors who have hundreds of thousands of chips, and don’t necessarily get them all into play.

The comics collection market is infinitely more mature in terms of valuation, credentials and certifications. We are still a hobby morphing into a collectibles business.

As people from PCF who have come to my home will attest, I’m not shy at all about felting chips, and I try to rotate among all of them.

For now, I’ll keep acquiring, playing, taking pictures, “chipping”, if you will, until my desire to do so runs out. If that does, PCF will be the first to know.
When they start slabbing our chippies...that's when I'm out of here. Lol
Why do I feel like this is like facebook bullshit - people posting pictures and stories about the perfect home life, but under the surface, they're drunk, broke, and ready for a divorce?
I'll be straight up honest. I've struggled with not being jealous of @Windwalker . It really is a fight and one that I don't enjoy. I'm not a jealous person in other aspects of my life, so when those ugly feelings do creep up, I don't like it. I recognize the feelings for what they are and I do a pretty good job of not letting them get the best of me.
I can only speak for myself. But if everybody starts chiming in saying I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, I'm calling bullshit. Its one of the 7 deadly sins, and it's part of the human condition. If you've mastered it, good for you; you're a better man than me in that regard. But can we please not pretend that jealousy is some flaw that only affects a few defective people?
Whenever I see people with a lot of money, i think about the amount of hours and years they've put into getting to the position they have.

My next thought is fuck that, i'm cool with my 38 hour working week haha.
I honestly don't understand jealousy to this level. Not to the extent that I would actually begrudge someone wealthier than me for having things I like. Jealousy, for me, stops at "Those are nice, I'd love to have them". There are countless high end collectors across numerous hobbies. Some have numerous baseball cards worth millions each. What should they do? Keep it all a secret? Lol. We all share Pr0n here. It's fun. We like seeing pics. It's adult show-n-tell. It's not a competition. The vast majority of us aren't keeping score cards. Perhaps you should join us? It's a lot more fun if you stop caring so much about sometime else's bank account. I'm stoked for people with awesome collections. But I've never once disliked someone because they could afford something I couldn't. That seems remarkably immature to me.

This is nothing new. You will see it in all sorts of collectors communities where there is a short supply or limited opportunity to obtain certain desired items, or the expansion of available items at an increasing price point. Somehow, some people have got it stuck in their heads that the market should serve them, and that anything that causes the market to deviate beyond their ability to obtain what they want is somehow an affront to them, but they will actually ascribe it as an affront to the "community", no matter if there are tangible benefits to others (like somebody's profits, or the continued operation of a business, etc.).

For example, I (used to) collect tabletop gaming terrain made by a company called Dwarven Forge. They have been in business for about 25 years, starting out as a couple guys in apartment casting 3D scenery elements out of resin, painting them, and selling them out of hobby stores. Over time, the sets got too expensive to make and stock and ship, not only due to raw materials cost but also increasing intensive labour, and all to serve a popular but very niche market. About 8 years ago they reconfigured their business plan to raise money on Kickstarter to produce a new type of durable modular terrain done by injection mold processes from a Chinese factory. It proved to be quite successful, and through subsequent Kickstarters (one every year) they have built and grown their business to hire lots of new artists, designers, webstore-savvy people, etc. so they can diversify their product line and offer more and more new products. But in the past few years there were a consistent group of vocal (and very whiny) past customers who complained that they could no longer afford to purchase the entire expanded product line, and that the company was growing too fast, and can't they just return to where things were simpler when the company was smaller and less successful and didn't offer so much so that they could always afford to buy what they wanted. It was like the ability for this company to expand operations, continue to make profit, and give real and enjoyable jobs to more and more people and a diverse product line to a large population of game enthusiasts was a bad thing, and all because they couldn't get beyond their perspective that market was there to serve them in what limited capacity they wanted served. It was pure selfishness and jealousy that drove these viewpoints.

We will have to learn to get over it. There will always be things that you can't afford, whether it's due to competition or whatever. A community is not "destroyed" by the price fluctuations of a certain commodity. It is destroyed by the often loudly-expressed negative sentiments that pit members against members for trivial reasons.
What happened to PCF? Instead of focusing on negative thoughts why the heck aren't we taking a guess on what chipes are incoming? Any clues you can drop WW?

My guess was customs Paulsons, but then why would he be concerned with shipping logistics?

I really hope they are chips that I don’t like. Hahha
What happened to PCF? Instead of focusing on negative thoughts why the heck aren't we taking a guess on what chipes are incoming? Any clues you can drop WW?
What could 95,000 mint chips be, if not the secondary rack of a medium sized casino? I suppose it could be somebody's private collection, accumulated over the years. But all mint? That's hard to imagine. And 95,000 is a huge number. I'm sure there's a handful of people with 50k+, but I'd be surprised if anybody here owns 95,000 chips.
I'm curious as hell.
What could 95,000 mint chips be, if not the secondary rack of a medium sized casino? I suppose it could be somebody's private collection, accumulated over the years. But all mint? That's hard to imagine. And 95,000 is a huge number. I'd be surprised if anybody here owns 95,000 chips.
I'm curious as hell.

Jim @TheChipRoom at a given time lol
What could 95,000 mint chips be, if not the secondary rack of a medium sized casino? I suppose it could be somebody's private collection, accumulated over the years. But all mint? That's hard to imagine. And 95,000 is a huge number. I'm sure there's a handful of people with 50k+, but I'd be surprised if anybody here owns 95,000 chips.
I'm curious as hell.
Could be a previous owner / operator?

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