I’ve spent a significant portion of my chipping time trying to make my Binion’s WSOP Paulson’s set playable for a multi-table tourney, but the issue has always been the extremely low number of T500s and T5000s available. While I did succeed is getting some of each, they were definitely not enough to make a fully playable set for multiple tables. I needed at least 3 racks of T500 and 2 racks of T5000 chips.
So, the hunt began for suitable replacements. I was committed to finding chips that had the same spot patterns as the originals, but also fit the color story of the set. Much thanks to @Gear for his insanely amazing help and work along this journey.
Here are the results:
So, the hunt began for suitable replacements. I was committed to finding chips that had the same spot patterns as the originals, but also fit the color story of the set. Much thanks to @Gear for his insanely amazing help and work along this journey.
Here are the results: