Giveaway Windwalker Giveaway #1: 1000th Post (2 Viewers)

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I’m too lazy to pm. I’ll just post this and see myself out - if what is probably the most currently followed user on here is going to publicly announce asshats, it’s probably fair game to allow asshats one response.

For many folks, I hope you avoid the recesses of the internet if you think I am trolling, you may not like when you actually run into it.

For Windwalker, I’ll cut out any personal attacks and many subjective instances of lacking awareness, just leaving this. Lamp came up privately and was a joke (and subsequently commented on). Bizarre you’d find an avatar from a picture stalkerish when you just asked an entire community to look through your history, but what’s self awareness even worth these days.

We’ll be best buds after SQM anyways! (don’t worry, I won’t participate in your pot splashers, eat any of shared appetizer orders, or drink from any bottle you bring)
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I was about to ask if that meant there was a free spot for another draw but then I reread your note and saw that we need 8 more asshats for that.

Not impossible... :whistle: :whistling:
I was about to ask if that meant there was a free spot for another draw but then I reread your note and saw that we need 8 more asshats for that.

Not impossible... :whistle: :whistling:
Yes, there’s a draw tonight for one of the spots, since this isn’t a no-show, and I want to give someone the chance to win. Happening shortly.
Pft. Try being an Englishman in Australia. Most arsenal games are at midnight or 3am
Same here trying to follow the NHL. Most Edmonton games are in the middle of the night. Luckily my team has sucked so badly the past 15 years, that I can sleep peacefully through on most game nights and just catch the “high”lights in the morning. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Yes, there’s a draw tonight for one of the spots, since this isn’t a no-show, and I want to give someone the chance to win. Happening shortly.
As promised, for my 1000th post, I’m doing a massive 1000 chip giveaway, plus some other cool prizes. I’ve had so much fun with this new hobby, and so many of the members on here have been so welcoming and helpful, I wanted to do something nice in return.

It is CRITICAL that you read the instructions, requirements and criteria carefully. I will not be responsible for someone who makes a mistake because they haven’t read through this post carefully.

The Giveaways:

First Place:
“By PCF, for PCF”. A 1000-chip THC leaded tournament set designed, milled and put together by the three “Js” – Justin, Josh and John: (@justincarothers, @Josh Kifer, and @JeepologyOffroad.) The absolutely beautiful Thunderbird Vegas set. Worth about $2500, possibly more. Pictures below.

Second Place:
In homage to my home state of California, a complete Horseshoe Gardena Sample Set, and an Outpost Casino Sample Set.

Third, Fourth and Fifth Place: Surprise prizes TBA at the final table of online tournament.

The Basic Concept:

A digital scavenger hunt through my posts and some added benefits if you know me well, allow you to get extra entries into a drawing for an online NLH tournament. If you're lazy, don't care, or simply don't have the time or inclination, you can still enter by simply "liking" this post. Extra entries for correct answers in the quiz, based on the scavenger hunt. A drawing will determine who plays in the tournament.

All entries to the quiz are due by this Sunday the 18th of October at 11:59PM Pacific time.
The online tournament will take place on Sunday the 25th of October at 11AM Pacific time.

  • Open to members from all countries, shipping included.

  • A strong stipulation against flipping for 1 year, protected by an ROFR for the cost of shipping. If the ROFR isn't acceptable, people should NOT enter. ROFR only for 1 year.

  • Giveaway only open to members who:

  • have either at least 500 posts, OR
  • joined prior to October 1, 2018, OR
  • are a supporting member with at least 100 posts, and have been a member for at least 30 days.​
  • First and main entry into the giveaway secured by "liking" this post. “Liking” will mean either “Thumbs Up” or “Heart Eyes”. This will be the master list from which I start adding additional entries. If you do not like this post, you will not be entered into the giveaway. I am doing this using an automated script– it will make creating my master entry list much easier.

  • Additional entries secured using a points system that is a combination of trivia questions (some will have to be guesses) and a scavenger hunt through my 1000 posts. The final questions are below. When you have completed gathering your answers, click on to enter your responses. If you submit multiple responses, only the earliest response attached to your PCF username will be considered.

The questions are multiple choice on the quiz, but I suggest you find the answers first.
  1. First PCFer to offer "tree fiddy" to me in one of my posts? (4 entries)
  2. Who was the first PCFer to publicly make a legitimate request to buy some of my chips? (2 entries)
  3. Where in California is my "coastal" home? (3 entries)
  4. What hat did I wear on Friday at MinnieMania? (3 entries)
  5. What set did I feature for my first Pr0n post? (1 entry)
  6. Which PCFer first tried to teach me circus games? (4 entries)
  7. Which PCFer have I spent the most money with buying sets on PCF? (10 entries)
  8. What are the names of my three dogs? (3 entries)
  9. Which PCFers do I talk to most outside of PCF? (10 entries)
  10. What is my favorite thing that I own? (5 entries)
  11. Which of these do you think is my least favorite chip? (10 entries)
  12. What is the "best thing I have ever put in my mouth"? (3 entries)
  13. Where did I first use my handle Windwalker? (5 entries)
You have until this Sunday the 18th of October, at 11:59PM pacific time to submit your quiz responses. Keep in mind – you don’t have to do the scavenger hunt or quiz at all – your first entry is secured simply by “liking” this post.
  • A four table (32 player) finalist online tournament is scheduled for Sunday October 25th at 11am Pacific Time.

  • 32 finalists play an online NLH tournament to determine winner of the giveaway set. Spectators welcome.

  • If you are on my “ignore” list, I will not see your entry, and therefore you will not be able to enter. Please check with me (or have someone else check with me) if that’s the case. Also, as always, my "asshat rule" stands: if you’ve been an asshole to me in the past (as defined by me), I may refuse to include you in the drawing.

  • No exceptions to the eligibility rule or entrance rules.

The Photos:

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Too many words.

I own 16 scrub donkey chips. Do I win a prize?

Good to see that you’re still making friends on the journey @BarrieJ3

Ah man I’ve completely missed this whole “lamp-gate” thing.

Why would anyone be offended by a lamp?

View attachment 556685
I think it’s all part of a long game, intricate joke.

If not, they probably need help removing a similarly shaped item.
wow Krish, I didn't think I was in. If you are running a real tourney where I have to be there, then I'm not sure I can make it, probably find out tomorrow if I have to work on Sunday
Wow! I’m really happy I stopped by to catch up on this thread. Good luck to all that are playing on Sunday.
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