WSOP Live Stream (6 Viewers)

Felt like Stern was the worst tanker by far. Also, is anyone else turned off by McKeehan's mannerisms? The angry folds when he doesn't have a hand (and he is having tons of hands), the sloppy way he puts in chips, the creepy staring? It really turns me off. I'm hoping anyone else wins.

He's asperger's to the max. I try to let it go but yeah it's a bit irritating. Still rooting for Max.

Just after final table started last night I bet $100 to win $150 that Max would finish in the top 3. Anyone have an opinion on whether that's a good spot? I thought so but didn't look into it really.
Even Antonio Esfandiari was tilted!

McKeehan's mannerisms didn't bother me at all. I'd love to see Neil Blumenfield or Max Steinberg win. It would be nice to see a likable amateur (Blumenfield) take it down -- it's been a while.

Edit: clarification
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I think that Steinberg is a solid player, possibly the most talented remaining, but unless someone blows up (most likely suspect is Stern), it will all come down to who can cooler who. As annoying as he is, Mckeehan is playing his big stack perfectly, he is just slowly applying pressure and accumulating more chips. It's going to be tough to beat him for sure.

Btw, I wouldn't call Steinberg an amateur. he has a bracelet and almost three million in career earnings, according to his Wikipedia page.
Steinberg 2-3 to make top 3 is probably just about right/neutral I'd say. He's definitely the best tourney player at the table, although whether that actually gives him more than a miniscule edge in this scenario is debatable. I'm always torn on rooting for him - if I knew him IRL I'm 100% sure that I'd either love him or despise him, but still have no idea which. :unsure:
The interwebs is blow'n up over Stern's tanking/hollywooding... It's really turning off viewers, and THAT's not really good for the "Game"...

I was seriously falling asleep between hands. OMG, seriously Sterns? I don't want to wait 90 seconds EVERYTIME you are trying to decide whether or not to fold :7h::2s:

However, I will say the entire table (with the exception of a couple players) was doing a lot of overacting and hollywooding. It is getting pretty ridiculous, and WSOP's decision to not show hole cards unless there is money put in? Well, I think that was adding to the hollywooding. There's a delay, no reason not to show the cards. And, if they did, maybe people wouldn't be so eager to Hollywood, when in 30 minutes, we'll all see you had crap while making us all wait 2 minutes each time? OMG, hate this year's broadcast
It is getting pretty ridiculous, and WSOP's decision to not show hole cards unless there is money put in? Well, I think that was adding to the hollywooding. There's a delay, no reason not to show the cards. And, if they did, maybe people wouldn't be so eager to Hollywood, when in 30 minutes, we'll all see you had crap while making us all wait 2 minutes each time? OMG, hate this year's broadcast

I tend to agree, but I recall reading the rationale for the no-show without action rule at some point and I recall thinking it was reasonable, so who knows.

I had the thing on mute in the background all night as I watched my ordinary Sunday shows - I'd pause my show and watch if a hand started to develop - so I only heard it mentioned once, but I would hope that an automatic shot clock was referred to by the hosts as the obvious solution to the problem.
If the goal of the WSOP organization was to make the final table broadcast excruciating to watch, they succeeded.

Hate to say this, but I kinda hope Stern blows up and busts out soon, or at least before it gets down to three players. Then the broadcast should be a pleasure to watch.
If the goal of the WSOP organization was to make the final table broadcast excruciating to watch, they succeeded.

Hate to say this, but I kinda hope Stern blows up and busts out soon, or at least before it gets down to three players. Then the broadcast should be a pleasure to watch.

I feel the same. Was hoping for the old french guy to bust and then he did and then Stern continued to gum up the works. Ugh.
Yeah this tweet pretty much sums it up:


Holy schnikes. The damage it does to poker for people to see shit like that really cannot be overstated. My stepdaughter was watching with me for a bit and asked, "Is it always this slow? How do you play for so long like this?" I explained they dynamic, but imagine people who had considered going to a game or going to the casino and they see this nonsense. They will never want to play a hand of poker after watching that.
Ya, avg poker hand with a dealer is let's say under 2 mins per hand. WSOP (Sterns edition) 4.7 mins per hand...

Just stoopid
Gotta say McKeehan is a lot less annoying tonight. And Stern acted much quicker. It's tough to beat someone who plays really well and also runs like God.
Diggin' the 61-year-old amateur, he's gotta lotta heart, and playing pretty smart too. Looking forward to watching the final three, but sorry to see Max go.
Glad to see I wasn't the only one worried about cracked cards from McKeehan's tilt folds.
Agreed re: Stern tanking killing the show. Also was rooting mainly for Max but have much respect for McKeehen. He played very very well with the big stack. Should be a quick shootout tomorrow. Somebody's gotta make a move if they want to compete!
If McKeehen busts one of the other players, it could be over quickly, but the heads up match could easily last 4-5 hours. Openly rooting for Neil Blumenfield ... love seeing an amateur get this deep, and he's the only one left that responded to our requests for an interview before the final table began. Mostly old news by now, but there are a few interesting tidbits in here:
Been watching this with my son using the fast forward button an awful lot. It's like watching soccer.
Did I correctly hear Norman Chad give you a shout-out during the live broadcast?

Yeah, I was not expecting that and was pretty cool that he gave us a hit tip. It was easily my favorite quote from the Stern profile I wrote.

For those interested, this was the quote he read on air: "We have everything in Israel," says Stern. "Great food, great women, great people, great companies, great products, average politicians and really good poker players."
Congrats Snoop!

This WSOP is really unwatchable. I watched 2 hands and turned it off to watch MNF on a game I bet $25 on.

The November Nine is an idea who's time has passed. It's the best deterrent to ensure that casual players never try the game. Let's review all of the things that turn off casual (and even hardcore poker) fans....keeping in mind that the November Nine was incepted was to bring the casual fans in, else don't broadcast it at all...

1) The Tanking - always bad, but this is ridiculous. I'd give my left arm for Scotty N. to make the final table and constantly call "Clock, baby" on Stern.

2) The Rail Fan Bois
- really, every time you're all in you need to run over to your rail? Poker isn't a team sport. If someone did this at the BBOTB I'd throw them thru a window.

3) The Defacto No Talking Rule
- BORINGGG! No personality, no discussion, no table talk, no nothing.

4) The Burka-Like Face Coverage
- all I can see of most players are their noses. Are they actually afraid that a quivering whisker on their neck is going to reveal their big bluff (which BTW never happens anyway)?

5) The No Names - my wife knows as much about poker as I do about the Housewives of Orange County. That said, she said "Oh, let's watch the World Series" as we were scrolling through the FioS guide last night. She asked where the Daniel guy was. Then she asked about Phil that looks like Michael Jordan. Then she asked about the other Phil who's a hothead. Then she asked "Who the fuck are these nerds?" This is like watching the USFL with replacement players for the casual fan.

The only thing saving this broadcast is Antonio Esfandiari. He mixes the right amount of poker insight for novice and advanced players. Whatever ESPN is paying him, it's not enough.

Bring back the cash games on TV - those were worth watching. This is just unwatchable drivel.
4) The Burka-Like Face Coverage - all I can see of most players are their noses. Are they actually afraid that a quivering whisker on their neck is going to reveal their big bluff (which BTW never happens anyway)?

All true, but this may be the truest (maybe tied with the complements to Esfandiari). It is tilting as fuck to see these two second rate Dario Minieris making the final three.


Then you have Aspergers McDegenpants in the middle who I hope spanks these two. Yes, I'm glad an amateur made it this far, but for the love of god he looks like a gay, french, steampunk Indiana Jones.
Bummer I was expecting to see a witty reply to #2.

The only thing I could come up with was that it would just add to the legendary status of the BBOTB if bergs actually threw someone through an OPEN window.
you can throw glitter on a pile of shit, and it will just be a glittery pile of shit, this is what the N9 has turned into. a giant steaming glittery pile of shit
Bummer I was expecting to see a witty reply to #2.

The only thing I could come up with was that it would just add to the legendary status of the BBOTB if bergs actually threw someone through an OPEN window.

I promise you that when I get it in versus berg at BBotB for any significant amount I will cobble together some sort of rail to root for a suckout.

Will photograph stern bergface and post afterward.
I promise you that when I get it in versus berg at BBotB for any significant amount I will cobble together some sort of rail to root for a suckout.

Will photograph stern bergface and post afterward.

The funniest part of this post is that you either naively or stupidly believe that when we get it in, I'll be ahead.
The funniest part of this post is that you either naively or stupidly believe that when we get it in, I'll be ahead.

Try to give a guy some credit and see what you get...

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