Chippy McChiperson
Straight Flush
No runners! Jesus this guy ran good.
Updates on don't show the players' hands unless all-in...
Saving grace for this broadcast? Kara Scott and Antonio.
Suggestions to improve the November 9:
1) no sunglasses, scarves or hoods; all players' faces and necks are to be totally visible
2) 20 second shot clock to declare your intention to play your hand or fold; if playing, establish a reasonable time to bet - 2 minutes(?)
if having to make a call for your tournament life, no time limit (or maybe 10 minutes max)
maybe have a longer time for under-the-gun or 8 or 9 players (as opposed to 3 or 4 player situations)
3) allow talking when heads-up; let a player try to get some information off the other player
4) show the play live and eliminate the 30 minute delay; forget the hole cameras
this takes a lot of creativity out since after 30 minutes, everyone knows what the others have been doing
I think I'd rather watch it live, not knowing the hole cards, and relying on good commentators like Antonio to figure out the hands; the re-runs could show the hole cards. This would allow guys like Neil, who played excellently initially, to extend their play throughout the entire session, instead of being exposed after 30 minutes.
The 20 seconds (or so) clock would just be to make the player fold his non-playable hands, as opposed to tanking when it's obvious he doesn't intend to play. I think most people know right away when their hand is playable. Once the player has declared his intention to play, then he gets more time to formulate his bet.
IMO, the sunglasses, ski marks and now scarves take away from the skill set of the game.
Kind of. Pre-flop, when the action was on the player, he has 20 seconds to declare his intention - either fold his cards or play. If he declares an intention to play, then he gets to formulate his bet in a reasonable amount of time (2 minutes?). I saw that Stern was taking an average of 34 seconds on each hand initially.
That system wouldn't work post-flop, though, and I would rather not have a whole separate set of standards for the time bank/shot clock pre and post flop. I think something like a chess clock would work and would be the easiest to introduce immediately. Then once people internalize the idea that their play is timed, we can adjust the system as desired.
I also think the broadcast would be more entertaining if they didn't show hole cards during the hand (I miss Antonio correctly predicting the players' holdings 85-90% of the time), but revealed them to everyone immediately following the hand. Imagine the reaction Sammy Farha would have had if he had known that Moneymaker had bluffed him as soon as the hand was over!
I have always been in favor of the Nov 9, but someone brought up a salient point on Twitter today that made me think again.
What are they going to do when someone who makes the final 9 dies before the table resumes? Obviously it's unlikely ... people with terminal conditions aren't likely to advance that far, and the chances of a healthy person up and dying in a four-month period are pretty low, but it's got to happen eventually, right?
Not sure it changes things enough to make me shift positions, but that would be pretty crazy and I have no idea what they'd do. My guess is the only option would be to blind the stack off and pay the person's heirs.
Well, as you may or may not know. All of the N9ers get paid out before the N9 happens anyways. They all get paid 9th place Money.I have always been in favor of the Nov 9, but someone brought up a salient point on Twitter today that made me think again.
What are they going to do when someone who makes the final 9 dies before the table resumes? Obviously it's unlikely ... people with terminal conditions aren't likely to advance that far, and the chances of a healthy person up and dying in a four-month period are pretty low, but it's got to happen eventually, right?
Not sure it changes things enough to make me shift positions, but that would be pretty crazy and I have no idea what they'd do. My guess is the only option would be to blind the stack off and pay the person's heirs.
Thinking about this makes me laugh every time I think of Mark Newhouse, he got paid out 9th place money two years in a row, then went to the final table and didnt make 1 cent more.Well, as you may or may not know. All of the N9ers get paid out before the N9 happens anyways. They all get paid 9th place Money.
So he/she would either automaticaly finish 9th, having no impact at all. Or the would blind the person out, and probably give any extra money to the family, is what i would assume
Maybe the TDA will change the rule to read, "Players must be alive and in their seat before the deal is finished, otherwise their hand is also dead."
Well, as you may or may not know. All of the N9ers get paid out before the N9 happens anyways. They all get paid 9th place Money.
So he/she would either automaticaly finish 9th, having no impact at all. Or the would blind the person out, and probably give any extra money to the family, is what i would assume
Thinking about this makes me laugh every time I think of Mark Newhouse, he got paid out 9th place money two years in a row, then went to the final table and didnt make 1 cent more.
I would think they would be required to actually blind his stack down just in case anyone at the table is dumb enough to go out before the dead stack. His estate does have equity after all...
It would be really interesting to see a case of this where someone had a lead the side of Joe McKeehen's though (not out of the question as personal health does not seem top priority for him). It would obviously take forever to blind that stack down and if people played properly, would cause the table to grind to a halt or play extremely awkwardly.
I wonder if Caesars would try to come to an arrangement with the estate whereby the estate agreed to forego the equity it might have (I say might because it could very well be covered by the T&C of the entry that if you die, you forego all further equity regardless) in exchange for some lump sum in addition to 9th place money. It would be in Caesars and the WSOP's interest to negotiate something like this rather than have the final table be all screwy.
Turtlenecks and dickies banned too? Hats with brims? Agree that something should be done, but not exactly clear what that would entail.Suggestions to improve the November 9:
1) no sunglasses, scarves or hoods; all players' faces and necks are to be totally visible
This is a very good and valid point, most importantly that the MEDIA COVERAGE of the event actually influenced play -- which can't be good for the game.I think I'd rather watch it live, not knowing the hole cards, and relying on good commentators like Antonio to figure out the hands; the re-runs could show the hole cards. This would allow guys like Neil, who played excellently initially, to extend their play throughout the entire session, instead of being exposed after 30 minutes.