Found WTB Protege Non-Denoms (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
I'm looking to buy two barrels of non-denominated Proteges. Huge preference would go toward the orange version, but I would consider any color other than white, blue or red. I know it's likely a long shot, but if anyone has some please let me know, I'd purchase up to a rack to get them. I have racks of Protege $1s to trade as well.
I have 1 orange from a sample set that is all yours if you want it. Just pm me where to send it if interested.
Are these to compliment some non-denoms you already have? I ask because I have some orange non-denoms we could probably work out an exchange for, but I feel compelled to point out there are several variants of the base color (as with many Protege).
Are these to compliment some non-denoms you already have? I ask because I have some orange non-denoms we could probably work out an exchange for, but I feel compelled to point out there are several variants of the base color (as with many Protege).

Negative, starting from scratch on this next step in my Protege journey. Well actually I think I have one from a sample set, but I'm hoping to not have to piece these together chip by chip :)
Didn't know they made non-denoms! Tough to find a pic, but there are a few out there.... thanks to @Joe Harris :

I'm looking to buy two barrels of non-denominated Proteges. Huge preference would go toward the orange version, but I would consider any color other than white, blue or red. I know it's likely a long shot, but if anyone has some please let me know, I'd purchase up to a rack to get them. I have racks of Protege $1s to trade as well.

I think I have 20 of the non-denom orange, new and never played. I'll post a pic tonight.
Didn't know they made non-denoms! Tough to find a pic, but there are a few out there.... thanks to @Joe Harris :


Yep, that's them. Looking for one these three colors in particular (in order of preference):

I have denominated quarters, dollars and fivers that would be used with the set, so the white/blue/red would be out.

Was just looking at those mock-ups again, I don't believe the saw-shaped inlays on those ND blues ever made it into production. Those would have been pretty cool :)

I think I have 20 of the non-denom orange, new and never played. I'll post a pic tonight.

If you have them and wouldn't mind parting with them I'll take 'em, let me know :)
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