Poker Zombie
Royal Flush
How many brains?
I am so bad at following my own format. Good thing I got you guys to keep me on my toes! Review has been updated with Brain rating!
How many brains?
Wow... those are some shitacularly bad chips.
It would beat the hell out of Subway, but if I'm going to wish for a Vegas sandwich shop in my hometown, it'll be Capriotti's. If you're not familiar with Capriotti's, stay tuned for day 6...
Capriotti's is the best. We were staying at the Riviera one time and one of the security guys was from Philly. He told me about the only place he's found in Vegas that could make a good cheesesteak. Of course I had to try it. The place was Capriotti's and now we have to make a stop there every trip.
We still have two days to go!Folowing, this is a great report, thanks.
Day 5 - the main event...
Out of the tournament, I head back to the suite and start setting up for...
The Meet in the Suite
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The plan was to play it out as a team tournament, so I only set up 6 stacks of chips. Quickly set up the poker timer and built a blind structure and laid out the padded fabric for the table. I think everyone was happy with the fabric, which really made dealing easy, and added just enough padding to give it a poker-table feel. We could have used a rug-gripper, as the cloth had the tendency to slide - just minutely - with every raking of the pot. Still, a poker table surface that fits into luggage - that's 4 brains worth of useful.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, and this is a no-Zombie passing zone...
After getting set up, Mrs Zombie made it back to the room and we tried to contact possible Meet attendees about food. This was a challenge because our primary means of communication was via PM. In the end we decided on a Pizza from Lefty's. A good pie to be sure and the wings were right on average (which is good for a pizza place), and they have no qualms with delivering in the hotel. I've had issues before having a pizza delivered to a hotel, because it effectively competes with room service. Lefty's and/or the South Point don't care.
@Gear was the only one that we were able to touch base with, so he arrived early and we had a little time to catch back up over 'zza.
Soon enough, others began to arrive, including
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@David O , @nitzilla , @Mrs Poker Zombie (in the mirror), @Poker Zombie , Gear, @JFCJ , @Psypher1000 , and @David Spragg . As you can see, David S had everyone's full attention as he discussed the manufacture of poker chips.
During the discussion, I handed David one of the commems that Gear and I had secretly cooked up on CPS chips. If you ever want to feel like a little kid giving Santa Claus a measly home-made gift, hand him a CPS chip. "Santa" then blew everyone's socks off when he then pulled out CPC commens from my original mock-up!
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Eventually, we decided this was all that was going to show, so we migrated over to the table for a 6 player tournament. Psypher had sweetened the pot with a stack of chips for the winner and runner-up...
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About an hour later, @Godzilla28 knocked on the door, and sweetened the pot a little more...
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Unfortunately, at this point stacks were starting to get big or thin, dropping Godzilla into the tournament at this point didn't feel right. Luckily more people started coming in, and they improvised a cash game with the coffee table, a towel, a deck of cards from Paris (that some guy was just handing out at the Flamingo). Chips - no problem for this group.
I was deep into tournament thought at this point (i.e. my 2nd bottle of wine), so I didn't get the names of the 2 non-PCFers that came with Kyle...
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Mystery Person 1, @kmccormick100 ,Godzilla28 , Mystery person 2, Nitzilla, and David O.
The tournament ran until about midnight, when something went drastically wrong - other than spilling a little wine. I binked the tournament.
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Yep - I couldn't believe it either. First out at @Mr Tree 's Shootout, couldn't pick up a single last longer at @k9dr 's Suicide Queens. and flubbed @Ben 's SSSS, but I binked the Meet in the Suite.
Hmmm.... @BGinGA must be my Achilles's heal.
Eventually @Forty4 arrived, just as everyone was breaking for the night. It was only 12:30ish, but it's Vegas. You might be able to find a game somewhere if you're still looking for some action.
South Point Suite: 4 Brains. The main room was smallish, and the only bathroom was through the bedroom, but it turns out the drinks in the fridge were complementary (the hotel neglected to mention that).
Lefty's Pizza: 3.5 Brains. Delivery = awesome, and while waiting for the pizza I was playing Roulette. Actually that was awesome for the driver because I ran hot at the wheel and passed on the dough for +karma.
The Meet in the Suite: 5 Brains. Sure, as far as meet-ups go, this one was small, but I'm honored that people took time out of their Vegas trip to stop by. I was a little sad we missed many others that were in town, but I certainly get it. South Point isn't very close, and there were a few other juicer games going on. Still, no such thing as a <5 Brain meet-up.
...unless BGinGA is there, because that's when I lose my wallet.
I think you need a booster seat to look more imposing at the table
Yes I am going to have to get me another one. I do not think I have told the story to the Forum yet.Day 6, between poker sessions.
Thanks to the Facebook MyVegas game, we had 2 free passes to the...
Mandalay Bay Shark Reef
It's kind of a cool aquarium. Now I'm going to confess, I don't really like aquariums. I'm a "do'er", not a viewer. Sure there's some educational facts here, like "humans are the biggest threat to most sea life", or "this shark eats a lot of food", but nothing you couldn't find on Wikipedia. So it takes a lot - well a free pass - to get me to do something like this.
And it was pretty cool.
Sharks were fun to watch. They'd be more fun if they dis something other than swimming about. Maybe throw a surfer in the water so I could bet on his survival or something. None of the sharks had friggin laser beams on their heads though, so the surfer would have a really good chance.
I did find a turtle for @David O , complete with legs, but they wouldn't let me take him.
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Little guy moved around a lot. Probably would have made a terrible card capper.
My favorite room was with the cylinders of jellyfish. They neither look like fish, nor taste like jelly though. They should call them Living Lava Lamps.
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Granted, jellyfish don't have laser beams or heads for that matter, but they glow. I'm guessing they are nuclear powered and would result in a powerful fissionable explosion if taunted. I didn't read the informational plaque very closely. I will add it to the Wikipedia page though, and that will make it true.
There was a room that looked like you were in a shipwreck at the bottom of the sea that was kinda cool, plus it had a spot where I could sit down. I get why people own fish tanks now. You just need it to be 30,000 gallons, and have a team of professionals to keep it clean and the fish healthy.
Mandalay Bay Shark Reef Aquarium: 3 Brains. It took about 30 minutes, but if you have children in tow it may take much longer.
Nice. Would you say there were a plethora of nebulae, or just the right amount?
Since the nebulae block out stars, I'd say the right amount. Would love to meet up with an astronomical society one night though, I'm just a rank amateur with a cellphone telling me what I'm looking at.
Oh, and I mooned the International Space Station as it went by. Just my way to say "hi".
How many brains does Mojave Desert get?