Zombies vs the Apocalypse: A Trip Report (2 Viewers)

Fantastic read thus far. Informative, funny, and living vicariously through you. Looking forward to the next installments.
Fantastic trip report so far. And as someone with a morbid curiosity about how Vegas is dealing with the pandemic, I appreciate the boots on the ground details.

Good luck at the tables, and stay safe!
Love the write-up and pictures! Very jealous, but also very happy you're able to get out and stay pretty safe.

@Poker Zombie ... What is that airplane sized poker table in the OP? That's... That's... You're my hero.
Thank you, Mr and Mrs. Poker Zombie...I have a Vegas trip scheduled for November. Until recently, I've been operating under the assumption that I wouldn't be going; however, between your report and the report a friend of mine gave me, I'm thinking I'll be safer there than I am in Georgia. You may have helped save my trip!!!
Found it!


Now time to head back up... son of a bitch.

Yep, we have to get all the way back up to the top, where those trees are. There are people under those trees. It is a long way.

This is me going the wrong way. Mrs Zombie saved the steps so she could get the photo.

It's a good thing I brought a giant yellow arrow.

I could do a lot more posts from the Canyon, but photos really don't do it justice. Also, it's something like 7000 ft above sea level at the top, so basically, no air for us sea-level types. It might be easy for @slisk250 , but for a couple of slightly-above-average-fitness 50 year olds, this was a heart exploding walk with eye popping views.

It's time to head back to Vegas.

We check into the Wynn, or what I like to call the anti-Grand Canyon. While the Canyon is all about roughing it, the Wynn is all about luxury. Except you must wear a mask, so it's as luxurious as whatever mask you happen to bring. If you don't have one, they hand you one with a foot long pair of tweezers.

I really need to think more about taking photos. Now you have to imagine someone passing out masks with tweezers.

Mask compliance is 100% in the hotel and casino, but as we drove into town, we drove the entire length of the strip and we noticed mask wearing outside was much closer to 15%. Now it is 107 degrees (42 C), so they may just be carrying them until they encounter a group of people. However, as I watch the number of people being handed masks with tweezers, I'm guessing that they aren't wearing them at all :(

Speaking of driving the strip, I've done this once before. It felt like a parade. Drive a few feet, stop. Drive a few feet, stop. Today, a Sunday afternoon, there was traffic, but much lighter. The valet was slammed at the Wynn (they still have valet service, which surprised me) as it's the end of a holiday weekend. A lot of California plates going out. Yet traffic was still light. My guess is that business is still down.

We check into our room. The South Point had no housekeeping service during our stay, to "protect you and the staff". You could call for clean towels or more shampoo if you run out, but you have to make your own bed. The Wynn still maintains standard housekeeping, and they provide a sanitization kit, including 2 masks, and a good size bottle of hand sanitizer. I guess that's the difference between $49 a day (+ a reduced $13 resort fee) and $132 (+$45 resort fee). Also, the Wynn's $132 includes $75 in drink credits each day.


$39 of our drink credits. That $75 a day isn't going far here, but at least I dont have to fight a squirrel for a drink.

Yeah, that happened.

Back at the Wynn, the craps table was in action. They get away with 8 player tables instead of 6, because they have the dividers. However, if you are rolling with a non-playing friend, they have to stand 6' back. And everyone has to stay masked up.

We hoofed it over to Ellis Island. We walked the "back way" from the Wynn to Koval street to Ellis. I knew that there would be less foot traffic, and at 107 degrees (42 celsius) we could lower our masks safely, and raise them as someone approached us. For the record, 12.5% of homeless wore masks. About 25% of the other people we saw were wearing them. If I had to guess the ones that work for a casino were all wearing their masks home or to their car (the Wynn employee parking lot is on Koval). People walking through a gas station while smoking, or sifting through a rack of "4 for $4.99" Las Vegas t-shirts were not wearing a mask. Although at 4 for $5, they might have been getting material for a mask, 'cause that shit is cheap. Though putting it over your mouth may dye your lips the same color as the shirt, and give you the next great virus out of China.

Ellis Island has had a major facelift since our last visit. A new beer garden and the floor has a new layout. Even the old stale smoke smell is gone, being replaced as quickly as possible by the clientele at the bar (where you are allowed to lower your mask). The old rug has been replaced with shiny new flooring, which I suspect still has that new floor smell.


Nope, that's urine.

We play a little video poker (minimum $5 through the machine) to get their steak special for $7.99. This used to be a great deal. "Used to be" being an important qualifier. It used to be a strip steak, now it's top sirloin. You used to get free beer with dinner, now that's extra.

I give them credit, they cooked that little hockey-puck perfectly...

...but it was tough as shoe leather. Nice shoe leather, but still a shoe.

They do bring you this...

The cups hold A-1 steak sauce. I'm not sure why the Cholula. I like it, but on steak? Still, I'm thankful for the Tabasco card cappers... Yeah, that's happening.

It was at Ellis that I learned that if you wish to play craps, your non-playing companion must stand 6' back from everyone at the table, including you. That drastically diminished my enjoyment of the game. Losing didn't help.

I also learned that the security at Ellis Island is... lacking. Mrs Zombie told me where the restrooms were, but as normal I only caught part of what she said. So as I headed towards the restrooms I saw a man step out a door. I quickly slipped in so I wouldn't have to touch the door. This isn't me in COVID, it's me all the time. I have hated touching bathroom doors ever since I learned how poorly the average person washed their hands - or how frequently they don't. So this move is well honed, and I slip in like a germaphobic ninja...

I found myself looking at the fire control panel. It's what I do for a living, so when I see one I am immediately drawn toward it so I can start troubleshooting. Then I remember, I was supposed to be in the restroom... not the security office.


I slip back out as quickly as I slid in, and apparently unnoticed. I didn't get a good look around, but I think they have bullet proof vests in the room, made out of their steaks. We immediately leave before they can check the video tapes. They may put my face on the wall as "Wanted", but as I am now taking Ellis Island off my recommended list, I'm not worried.

I'm just happy it wasn't the door to the chip cage. I would have stood there taking pictures and been caught.

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Always love these trip report from one of my favorite destinations. Thanks @Poker Zombie and @Mrs Poker Zombie By any chance when you were/are in Chinatown, did you notice if the Golden Tiki was open and operating? That is one of the coolest places I have ever been, but it's typically wall to wall people. Curious how they're handling the social distancing thing, if they're even open.
I've never been to Ellis Island the dozen+ times I've been to Vegas, but I always keep meaning to go check it out for the beer. It sucks that the specials continuously get less special these days. I do very badly miss the days of "we'll give you food and beverage for free, and you give us all your money at the tables and machines." It makes me want to go to Vegas less and less every year, even though I'm in SoCal and my expendable income only increases every year. I can only take so much nickel-and-dime'ing.

Keep the TR coming, loving it!
Always love these trip report from one of my favorite destinations. Thanks @Poker Zombie and @Mrs Poker Zombie By any chance when you were/are in Chinatown, did you notice if the Golden Tiki was open and operating? That is one of the coolest places I have ever been, but it's typically wall to wall people. Curious how they're handling the social distancing thing, if they're even open.
Golden Tiki was actually closed the day we were in Chinatown. Word is, they opened, then closed because of a case/outbreak of the 'Rona. They did a deep cleaning (there are now companies that specialize in CORONA disinfection), and should reopen soon (if not already by the time of this post).
I have hated touching bathroom doors ever since I learned how poorly the average person washed their hands - or how frequently they don't. So this move is well honed, and I slip in like a germaphobic ninja...

Same here bud, same here. I actually think those foot pull things on bathroom doors should be standard.

I do an inventory when I walk in; is there soap in the dispensers? Is there paper towels that aren’t soaked with wet handprints? If yes then I’m going to wash my hands but I’m turning the water off with a paper towel and opening the door with a paper towel, if it’s a place that hasn’t figured out they need a small garbage can buy the door for people like me to drop that paper towel in it goes on the floor. Sorry. If the soap situation looks sketchy or they don’t have paper towels or they use one of those dumb ass air blowers I’m walking out without washing after doing my business (number one only in public restrooms) and I’m definitely not flushing. Sorry again. But I ASSURE you whatever I am touching while I pee is on orders of magnitude cleaner than whatever is on the sink handles or door handles of a public bathroom.
Pool and Poker

Today starts off with a day at the Wynn pool. Mrs Zombies Scottish ancestry means that if she spends more than 15 minutes in the sun, she bursts into flame. At least I believe it's her Scottish heritage, but she may also be a vampire.

Zombie vampires. There's a whole series of made for TV movies for you SyFy channel. You're welcome.

The Wynn cabana is very nice, and ours was a touch secluded. From the cabana, you don't see anybody.

Yep, don't see anyone...

...except for Mrs Zombie's foot. If you spot anybody else in the photo, I am completely unaware. :whistle: :whistling:

Tha main pool is pretty big, and they limit the number of people allowed in, to maintain social distancing. It appeared that people pretty much complied.

To help maintain social distancing, Security was armed with "Social Distancing Noodles". Oddly, I am not making that one up.

Security is in red. The blue shirt belongs to Paige, who brought us...


...and a couple bottles of wine. Not a bad way to spend the afternoon. Even better when Mrs Zombie found a mini-outdoor casino on the 21+ side of the pool. No photos were permitted on that side though, because they allow European sunbathing. Instead we can show you her profits.

I think that was from craps, and not bribes to get her to go topless.

After a day at the pool, we headed out to Battista's Hole in the Wall, taking the back roads once again. This is a classic Italian place that serves all you can drink wine. It was a mile walk, it was hot (105 F / 41 C), and we had to brave a street gang...

... but we couldn't put it off. Caesars Entertainment is the landlord of this property, and it has been reported that they were considering not renewing their lease in May. Perhaps they had a change of heart, or maybe they didn't want to be down one more source of income during COVID. Since Caesars Entertainment isn't exactly known for having a big (or any) heart, I suspect that this is the one good thing to come out of COVID.

The wine isn't great but it isn't terrible either. The second bottle is even better. The third bottle is pretty good.

Food portions are pretty sizable, in Italian grandmother style. Mrs Zombie and I split a plate, because we have no place to put leftovers. Splitting a plate adds a $13 split plate charge, but includes a salad and garlic bread for each person. Plus that wine. All of it.


The yellowish pics are from the lighting, and not from liver-shutdown jaundice tinting my eyes... I hope. It was a lot of wine.

After dinner, we decided to mask up and brave the strip for the first time. It's a longer walk back, but this report needs a thorough investigation of masks on the strip. The sacrifices we make in the name of reporting. The plan, Mrs Zombie counts everyone we pass without a mask, I count everyone with a mask. We rounded the corner to the Flamingo, at prime Vegas time, 9pm, and began our count.

Zero. Social distancing is going to be easy.

Occasionally, there would be a group. Stoplights kind of mob people up but if you wish to distance yourself, it's pretty easy. It would be better if the city would arm police with pool noodles though.

If you are drinking on the street or are a buxter, you aren't wearing a mask. If you are in a group and you think Ed Hardy shirts are cool, you aren't wearing a mask. If you are in a bachelorette party, walking like it's your first time ever wearing high heels... oh, right, I already covered drinking.

By the time we passed the Flamingo, the Linq, Harrah's, Casino Royale, White Castle, and the Venetian, we had counted 46 with, 23 without masks. 66% compliance. Not exactly "safe", but it blew my over-under out of the water. Also, 69 people in a 1/2 mile of one of the busiest parts of the strip. You usually would get 69 people just in front of Margaritaville. Traffic is down considerably.

We stopped in at the Wynn for a brief moment to take a photo of the security guy with the masks and tweezers. The things I do in reporter mode, after sitting at the pool all day drinking wine, followed up with drinking unlimited wine at dinner.

From there we walked the desolate mile up to the Sahara. Practically no foot traffic up here. The failed mega-resort Fontainebleau/The Drew on one side and the still under construction Resorts World on the other puts the Sahara out on it's own.
2020-07-06 22.01.01.jpg

Most casinos have a line at the front door. The Sahara has taken social distancing to a whole new level.

We find the poker room, which is a 7-table room separated by a rail from the rest of the casino. Given the lack of people in the casino, smoke and noise were not an issue here. They had 2 tables running, or at least limping along.

Because I know you all want to know what it is like to play behind the plexiglass barriers, here is my view at the table.

I gotta say, it doesn't suck. I question it's overall effectiveness, but if it allows for a 6 player table, I'm good with it. I think the CDC would just facepalm at the idea that this is any sort of containment.

The Sahara poker room was open for 3 weeks before COVID hit. It reopened 2 weeks ago. Traffic is very, very low. These chips are mint.


Unfortunately, none left with us as the god of 7-4 suited would call everything and flush every time. Every F*cking Time. Money was always in good though, so no complaints. It's just the way poker works. :meh:


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Sorry about the 7/4 donk! At least the pool was gorgeous and the wine was flowing! Sounds like a perfectly enjoyable day to me! Keep the updates coming, I loved this one in particular! Makes me imagine I'm somewhere sunny and 7....105 lol
One day Ben and I will make it out to Vegas! (I've never been)
Drunk donks are a dime a dozen in Vegas. I've easily lifted more off them over the years than I've lost, so it's easier to digest in the big picture. This guy was just unstoppable today with any 2 suited cards. He bought in for $80, and was well over $400 when we were felted (Mrs Zombie and I were felted in back-to-back hands).

Sometimes you gotta feed the fish.
Sorry about the 7/4 donk! At least the pool was gorgeous and the wine was flowing! Sounds like a perfectly enjoyable day to me! Keep the updates coming, I loved this one in particular! Makes me imagine I'm somewhere sunny and 7....105 lol
One day Ben and I will make it out to Vegas! (I've never been)

You really have to go. And Wynn is just a superb property. After this pandemic thing dies down, how about a MD PCF trip???!
Drunk donks are a dime a dozen in Vegas. I've easily lifted more off them over the years than I've lost, so it's easier to digest in the big picture. This guy was just unstoppable today with any 2 suited cards. He bought in for $80, and was well over $400 when we were felted (Mrs Zombie and I were felted in back-to-back hands).

Sometimes you gotta feed the fish.
Ben tells me all the time, they cant all be winners lol
We have a family member whose known to be a total donk, he makes huge raises with nothing and sucks out almost everytime. Total loose cannon lol very frustrating at times
Pool and Poker

...except for Mrs Zombie's foot. If you spot anybody else in the photo, I am completely unaware. :whistle: :whistling:


Unfortunately, none left with us as the god of 7-4 suited would call everything and flush every time. Every F*cking Time. Money was always in good though, so no complaints. It's just the way poker works. :meh:

Indeed. That's a nice looking room at Sahara, though. Played there briefly back in early march and would give them a return visit. Just not sure when...
The Classics respond to COVID

We start by heading to breakfast at a place that has been around since 1972, the Peppermill. We tried to hit this place on our last Vegas trip, but with a line out the door, electronics in the car, triple digit temperatures, we had to bail. This time the electronics were safely in the room, and we called ahead.

When we got there around 11, there was no line, no waiting. Most of the tables were being used, with some really janky plexiglas screwed to the backs of the booths. A million dollar property with a $3.75 solution for COVID.

The food portions at the Peppermill are enormous. Hash-House big. If we known, we would have split a plate. Mrs Zombie got something that was at least a half dozen eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese, potatoes, and a muffin. She finished the muffin. I ordered french toast with a side of sausage. The 4 sausages were the size of a bratwurst.

Thoroughly stuffed, we waddled to the Venetian. The Venetian has been around since 1999, so it does not count as a classic. It does however, have poker. We joined a $230, 5 player sit-n-go ($1000 to the winner). The Venetian does not have plexiglass so their games are limited to 5 players. The Tournament director required every player to use hand sanitizer before the first hand was dealt. I think it was a nice touch, even though Mrs Zombie and I did just than only moments before the TD ordered it. Still we did it a second time. We wanted our hands to be good. Clean too.


Remember that little bottle of Tabasco from Ellis Island? Yeah, that happened.

The blind structure was more BGinGA than any structure @BGinGA has ever posted. I'm sure he dreams of structures like this, but doesn't post them because in his mind it's pure porn.
T5000 tournament:
100 / 100
100 / 200
100 / 300
200 / 300
200 / 400
300 / 500
300 / 600
400 / 800
600 /1200

Mrs Zombie ran deep. She identified a leak in her game last night at the Sahara, and we discussed it on the walk back. When it popped up again in this tournament, she quickly identified it, and found herself head-up for all the marbles. Well, all the dollars. Payouts in marbles would be heavy, and we'd have to join MarbleForum.com.

Her opponent (We will call him The Opponent) chipped away at her stack, 6000 to 19000, but Mrs Zombie is the Patrick Roy of short stack defence. Sure enough, she powered back and soon stacks were too close to estimate who was the leader.

Then it happened. Blinds at 300/500 Mrs Zombie held :kd::9d:. The Opponent limped in the dark from the button. MZ raised to 1500, The Opponent called. Flop comes over :kh::ah::ac:. MZ raised 2000, The Opponent reraised. He did that a lot when they first went heads-up, and that is how she got chipped down. MZ shoved, only to see the opponent turn up :ad::6d:. Aces held.

Don't feel too bad though. Mrs Zombie was very happy with the improvement in her game.

...and I was The Opponent :)

We headed out for a celebratory martini, then back to the room to... well you know... some 100/300, 200/300 blinds action. ;)

When we first arrived back in Vegas, we drove up the strip. As we did we pointed out each property, and mentioned something we did in each one. As it turns out, we have stayed, played, ate, or seen a show in every single property, except one - and it has been around longer than Mrs Zombie has been alive.


I'm not sure what I would be afraid of here. COVID, or some supergerm that would kill COVID and everything else.

This is the first property we've entered that did not enforce mask wearing. If the NGC found out, Circus Circus would face steep fines, or be closed outright. Not surprisingly, the hand sanitizer stations were completely full. I think we may have been the first to ever use them. The second floor was filled with carny games - and they were packed. No social distancing here. Moreover, people were throwing money away on those largely unwinnable games trying to win 3 slide whistles so they could trade them for a small prize, one size higher.

Circus Circus must be the mecca for all carnival barkers. I'm pretty sure the hotel tower is just a massive meth production center.

I stuck my head under the sanitizer to clean the memory from my brain.

However, the hole that is the Circus Circus holds within it a 30 year old steakhouse. This is the first place in this casino that even seemed to understand social distancing.

The Steakhouse was very good. Not perfect, but it can see perfect from where they are.

Webster's defines a good day as "Success in a tournament, and checking off the last property on the strip", at least it should. Completing property bingo will only hold until Resorts World is complete...

...and it's getting close.
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I'm sure this sticker is covering up holes in the carpet........... :vomit:
I think you just beat me to the 'casinos on the strip that I have been in' game as I have never entered CC and probably never will, but have been EVERYWHERE else on the strip easily.....even Slots o Fun....! ;)
The Classics respond to COVID

We start by heading to breakfast at a place that has been around since 1972, the Peppermill. We tried to hit this place on our last Vegas trip, but with a line out the door, electronics in the car, triple digit temperatures, we had to bail. This time the electronics were safely in the room, and we called ahead.

When we got there around 11, there was no line, no waiting. Most of the tables were being used, with some really janky plexiglas screwed to the backs of the booths. A million dollar property with a $3.75 solution for COVID.
View attachment 487375

The food portions at the Peppermill are enormous. Hash-House big. If we known, we would have split a plate. Mrs Zombie got something that was at least a half dozen eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese, potatoes, and a muffin. She finished the muffin. I ordered french toast with a side of sausage. The 4 sausages were the size of a bratwurst.
View attachment 487379

Thoroughly stuffed, we waddled to the Venetian. The Venetian has been around since 1999, so it does not count as a classic. It does however, have poker. We joined a $230, 5 player sit-n-go ($1000 to the winner). The Venetian does not have plexiglass so their games are limited to 5 players. The Tournament director required every player to use hand sanitizer before the first hand was dealt. I think it was a nice touch, even though Mrs Zombie and I did just than only moments before the TD ordered it. Still we did it a second time. We wanted our hands to be good. Clean too.

View attachment 487381
Remember that little bottle of Tabasco from Ellis Island? Yeah, that happened.

The blind structure was more BGinGA than any structure @BGinGA has ever posted. I'm sure he dreams of structures like this, but doesn't post them because in his mind it's pure porn.
T5000 tournament:
100 / 100
100 / 200
100 / 300
200 / 300
200 / 400
300 / 500
300 / 600
400 / 800
600 /1200

Mrs Zombie ran deep. She identified a leak in her game last night at the Sahara, and we discussed it on the walk back. When it popped up again in this tournament, she quickly identified it, and found herself head-up for all the marbles. Well, all the dollars. Payouts in marbles would be heavy, and we'd have to join MarbleForum.com.

Her opponent (We will call him The Opponent) chipped away at her stack, 6000 to 19000, but Mrs Zombie is the Patrick Roy of short stack defence. Sure enough, she powered back and soon stacks were too close to estimate who was the leader.

Then it happened. Blinds at 300/500 Mrs Zombie held :kd::9d:. The Opponent limped in the dark from the button. MZ raised to 1500, The Opponent called. Flop comes over :kh::ah::ac:. MZ raised 2000, The Opponent reraised. He did that a lot when they first went heads-up, and that is how she got chipped down. MZ shoved, only to see the opponent turn up :ad::6d:. Aces held.

Don't feel too bad though. Mrs Zombie was very happy with the improvement in her game.

...and I was The Opponent :)
View attachment 487395

We headed out for a celebratory martini, then back to the room to... well you know... some 100/300, 200/300 blinds action. ;)

When we first arrived back in Vegas, we drove up the strip. As we did we pointed out each property, and mentioned something we did in each one. As it turns out, we have stayed, played, ate, or seen a show in every single property, except one - and it has been around longer than Mrs Zombie has been alive.

View attachment 487408
I'm not sure what I would be afraid of here. COVID, or some supergerm that would kill COVID and everything else.

This is the first property we've entered that did not enforce mask wearing. If the NGC found out, Circus Circus would face steep fines, or be closed outright. Not surprisingly, the hand sanitizer stations were completely full. I think we may have been the first to ever use them. The second floor was filled with carny games - and they were packed. No social distancing here. Moreover, people were throwing money away on those largely unwinnable games trying to win 3 slide whistles so they could trade them for a small prize, one size higher.

Circus Circus must be the mecca for all carnival barkers. I'm pretty sure the hotel tower is just a massive meth production center.

I stuck my head under the sanitizer to clean the memory from my brain.

However, the hole that is the Circus Circus holds within it a 30 year old steakhouse. This is the first place in this casino that even seemed to understand social distancing.
View attachment 487427

The Steakhouse was very good. Not perfect, but it can see perfect from where they are.
View attachment 487440

Success in a tournament, and checking off the last property on the strip... at least until Resorts World is complete.
View attachment 487452
It's getting close.
Tremendous write-up. Sounds like you. It’s are having a great time!
Tabasco FTW
The food looks delicious (and portioned to my meal sizes :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:) I'm a tad jealous
Congrats on the win, and @Mrs Poker Zombie, I recently found myself out 5th in a tournament (just shy of the mulah) but feeling extremely positive about the whole night after making some huge improvements and big steps in my game... congrats on the personal win and keep up the good work!
What was the corrected leak?
Sometimes, when a villain bluffs on the river, it doesn't match the rest of the "story" each successive street was telling. She just looked at the last street, often a oversized bet, and folded 3rd nut. Midway in a tournament, or anytime in a cash game, players are usually looking for value, not the home run. Check, check, shove requires looking at the whole story, the villain's range and their history with the big river bets.

..By the way @FordPickup92 , after binking the tournament I tossed the dealer a hundo chip and said "for you". She just took the chip quietly and added it to the pile. Just like in Casino Royale, they did not award the final pot. There was a chip count, but once my T500s and were counted, it became apparent that I had Mrs Zombie covered, so we just went into the payout stage. I then explained the Casino Royale scene, which she was unfamiliar with.

Then I slid her a $20. That made her happy.
The leak in your game is playing with a rock instead of that Tabasco.

I think you are obsessed with MrsZombie's feet. footpron.com ?

Whispers are that Vegas is close to being shut down again. Either run away or run into the casino you have left to visit fast, depending on how you feel about that.

Wynn is now one of my favourite poker rooms but I think they did not reopen it after the shutdown?

I actually played in the Circus Circus poker room before they closed it but it wasn't until my last trip to Vegas that I managed to knock off the Steakhouse from my bucket list. Unfortunately I didn't know that about 2 days before that, CC released their new chips so missed out.
Sometimes, when a villain bluffs on the river, it doesn't match the rest of the "story" each successive street was telling. She just looked at the last street, often a oversized bet, and folded 3rd nut. Midway in a tournament, or anytime in a cash game, players are usually looking for value, not the home run. Check, check, shove requires looking at the whole story, the villain's range and their history with the big river bets.

..By the way @FordPickup92 , after binking the tournament I tossed the dealer a hundo chip and said "for you". She just took the chip quietly and added it to the pile. Just like in Casino Royale, they did not award the final pot. There was a chip count, but once my T500s and were counted, it became apparent that I had Mrs Zombie covered, so we just went into the payout stage. I then explained the Casino Royale scene, which she was unfamiliar with.

Then I slid her a $20. That made her happy.
Cool, good to know, and thanks for remembering :)
Although that's unfortunate she didnt know what you were referring to
Awesome reveal about The Opponent! And awesome reveal about the...nothing...at the pool? Let's see more of both!
Whispers are that Vegas is close to being shut down again. Either run away or run into the casino you have left to visit fast, depending on how you feel about that.

Wynn is now one of my favourite poker rooms but I think they did not reopen it after the shutdown?
Wynn's poker room has remained closed. The concern about another closure has been at the forefront of our thoughts throughout, and it is clearly in the minds of the dealers we spoke to on the topic.

Personally, I feel still feel safer in Vegas than I do in a Tennessee grocery store, with a handful of exceptions. When the trip is complete, I will recap/discuss each property and location on their compliance, and the procedures used. It is not uniform.

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