PAHWM - $1/$2 TT BvB (1 Viewer)


Full House
Jul 15, 2019
Reaction score
I haven't posted a hand in a while, but I thought this one had some interesting decisions.

SB is someone I've played a lot with. He gives a lot of action. Will occasionally play hands blind. Fun to have at the table. However, while he likes to gamble, he is capable of understanding his own image, and is a decent hand reader when he wants to be. He gives me a lot of respect, but likes to battle with me.

1/2 NLHE
Private have with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :th::td:

Call or 3 bet? Size if 3 bet?
I haven't posted a hand in a while, but I thought this one had some interesting decisions.

SB is someone I've played a lot with. He gives a lot of action. Will occasionally play hands blind. Fun to have at the table. However, while he likes to gamble, he is capable of understanding his own image, and is a decent hand reader when he wants to be. He gives me a lot of respect, but likes to battle with me.

1/2 NLHE
Private have with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :th::td:

Call or 3 bet? Size if 3 bet?
I am raising a little higher due to being in the BB and out of position. I am raising to $25-$30 and reassessing his action.
$7 is a super small raise for a 1/2 game.

I'm three betting to $25
Yeah, any reads on the $7? That would be suspiciously small in some games. Also raising, think @krafticus and JMC hit the nail on the head.

Is MP the trappy type or is an open limp normal for them? Just asking whether I would be worried about a limp-reraise.
Rack up

Host the game with a $6 rake


As played, 3 bet big to at least $25. Allows you to retain the betting lead on pretty much any flop.
That is the standard around here. Even Cherokee is $9 after promo drops.

I can't run a game regularly because of young children. But I have the setup for it, and run something every now and then. And I do rake less. I'm in a part of town that makes it annoying for most of the people I play with.
Part 2

1/2 NLHE
Private game with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :th::td:

Call or 3 bet? Size if 3 bet?

1/2 NLHE
Private have with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :td::th: and 3 bets to $27.
MP folds.
SB calls.

Pot: $51 (after rake)
Eff stack: $313

Flop: :qc::tc::6d:

SB checks.

Part 2

1/2 NLHE
Private game with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :th::td:

Call or 3 bet? Size if 3 bet?

1/2 NLHE
Private have with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :td::th: and 3 bets to $27.
MP folds.
SB calls.

Pot: $51 (after rake)
Eff stack: $313

Flop: :qc::tc::6d:

SB checks.

Middle set on a somewhat coordinated board... I'm leading out like I would with AA, AK, 99, almost everything. I'll keep it small-ish, around $25. If he calls, we have $100 in the pot and can set our turn bet up to get it all in on the river.
I can't run a game regularly because of young children.

Sounds like you have readily available child labor to serve drinks (as long as it's served in sippy cups, natch).

Pot: $51 (after rake)
Eff stack: $313

Flop: :qc::tc::6d:

SB checks.


Screw betting small, time to ride or die. If the hero is capable of barreling with AK on this flop and the villain knows this, he could check-raise you with what the villain thinks is near impunity. Then you crush his insolence with a shove and win a handsome pot.

Lead for $45.
Continue to build the pot. I feel like you should always bet here unless the board is low and connected. Bet $40-$50.
Part 3

1/2 NLHE
Private game with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has

Call or 3 bet? Size if 3 bet?

1/2 NLHE
Private have with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :td: :th: and 3 bets to $27.
MP folds.
SB calls.

Pot: $51 (after rake)
Eff stack: $313

Flop: :qc::tc::6d:

SB checks.
HERO bets $35.
SB things for 30 seconds and calls.

Pot: $116 (after rake)
Eff stack: $278

Turn: :qc::tc::6d::8s:

SB checks.

Part 3

1/2 NLHE
Private game with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has

Call or 3 bet? Size if 3 bet?

1/2 NLHE
Private have with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :td: :th: and 3 bets to $27.
MP folds.
SB calls.

Pot: $51 (after rake)
Eff stack: $313

Flop: :qc::tc::6d:

SB checks.
HERO bets $35.
SB things for 30 seconds and calls.

Pot: $116 (after rake)
Eff stack: $278

Turn: :qc::tc::6d::8s:

SB checks.




I’d have made it $20 pre, you had position on the raiser. As played I would have bet $30-$35 in the flop. With $116 in the middle I’m betting around $65 or so on the turn, don’t want to scare him away with too big a bet, and we can still have a slightly less than pot sized shove on the river if we choose. If we get check raised, if he has the straight, so be it, but we need to get value out of his other smaller sets, 2 pair combos, combo draws, etc.
I go back to the $7 raise preflop by the SB. At these stakes it seems doubtful someone would make such a small raise with a premium JJ and above.

QQ is a possibility, but would the SB really just call your 3-bet preflop with QQ? I also don’t think the SB would check a flopped set and risk losing out on value from the pre flop raiser.

A hand like :jc::9c: or any other J9 combo seems more likely from the SB. But based on your description of the SB, I don’t think the he would check a turned straight.

The fact that SB checked again makes me think he is still on a draw.

Bet $85
1/2 NLHE
Private game with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has

Call or 3 bet? Size if 3 bet?

1/2 NLHE
Private have with 10% max $10 rake
Avg stack in the 300-400 range.

$340 effective
I cover

MP limps
SB raises to $7
HERO in BB has :td::th: and 3 bets to $27.
MP folds.
SB calls.

Pot: $51 (after rake)
Eff stack: $313

Flop: :qc::tc::6d:

SB checks.
HERO bets $35.
SB things for 30 seconds and calls.

Pot: $116 (after rake)
Eff stack: $278

Turn: :qc::tc::6d::8s:

SB checks.
HERO bets $85.
SB thinks for over a minute and calls.

Pot: $286
Eff stack: $193

River: :qc::tc::6d::8s::kd:

SB checks.

The only hands I can see you being behind are AJcc, and maybe J9. I think you can still get value from smaller sets and 2 pair hands with a bet, so I'd rip it in there. If you're beat, nh gg its just a cooler.
If you shove here, what can you get called by? J9, AJ, QQ, 97, and KK have you beat.

Hero probably would've gotten checkraised at some point if the villain had a set. So we can likely eliminate at least QQ, and give the preflop action, we can also remove KK as well.

Basically comes down to if the villain turned a straight or not. A big combo draw would've also checkraised on the flop so :ac: :jc: can be removed as well.

The only hand Hero can get a call from and win is pretty much KQ given the circumstances. A shove is great for your image and if the villain thinks that the Hero barrelled off with a flush draw that whiffed, he could get looked up with even just a flopped top pair.

Since Hero has a big history of battling with this particular villain, I'd shove.
I mean, AJcc gets there, and J9 had you on the turn, but I'd figure he'd lead on the river in that case. I'm shipping it in there

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