SOLD Auction: 1100 TRK Deadwoods (5 Viewers)

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Careful, sharp teeth and rough tongue :eek:

Clearly you've never heard of feline bdsm...... goes back at least to 1965 with Tom and Jerry, not to mention Catwoman:

One of my biggest cases of non-buyer's remorse is the Gardena Club hotstamped set Dolo put together back in the day. Breakdown was awful (for my games), but I still wish I had picked it up. Just too sick.

Unfortunately the vast majority of the pics were lost in the great CT Pr0n Holocaust, but I do have one.


Yes...those are the ones Ive been looking for! Who bought them? I came very close to pulling the trigger as well. I think he had expanded the set from what is pictured and let them go for a song. Granted, I may have been getting friends and family rates after buying his Cajun Cups and then Riverboats (once removed).

Oh and the Fitzy quarters...
Yes...those are the ones Ive been looking for! Who bought them? I came very close to pulling the trigger as well. I think he had expanded the set from what is pictured and let them go for a song. Granted, I may have been getting friends and family rates after buying his Cajun Cups and then Riverboats (once removed).

Oh and the Fitzy quarters...

I wish I knew. Should have asked him on Saturday - he was at Berg's game briefly. And yeah, I thought he expanded the set as well. I remember thinking I could make it work in some context, but for the life of me can't remember how I thought so. I remember them selling for an absurdly low price, too.
Yes...those are the ones Ive been looking for! Who bought them? I came very close to pulling the trigger as well. I think he had expanded the set from what is pictured and let them go for a song. Granted, I may have been getting friends and family rates after buying his Cajun Cups and then Riverboats (once removed).

Oh and the Fitzy quarters...

Found the old ebay thread on CT. Looks like the sale at that time was 346 chips for $550. This was for near mint casino scrowns FML that I didn't snap buy.
Maybe the buyer will be only too happy to put up awesome new pr0n of the set when he receives it and therefore reveal his identity as the buyer, but doesn't want to disclose the price because:

(a) he overpaid and he knows it and wants to not think about it or hear about it anymore; or
(b) he underpaid and he knows it and doesn't want to see you all tell Scott what a sucker he was; or
(c) he doesn't want his wife/husband/girlfriend/cat seeing how much he spent on these chips; or
(d) he overpaid because he wanted this set something awful, but doesn't want others to feel like they can take advantage of him in the future.

Or all or none of the above or other reasons I can't think of. Blows me away that someone would assume the decision makes the buyer an asshole. Tells me more about those making the assessment to be honest.

(c) - in my case. The wife is starting to sniff around a bit too much. In addition, what I pay for chips is nobody's business.

I didn't buy them and all TRK addicts can rest easy knowing I won't throw my wallet at any TRK chips in the future.
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(c) - in my case. The wife is starting to sniff around a bit too much. In addition, what I pay for chips is nobody's business particularly anyone.

I didn't buy them and all TRK addicts can rest easy knowing I won't throw my wallet at any TRK chips in the future.

Fair enough. I guess I'm just selfish and wish to know the business of others for personal gain, haha :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

My wife has been asking how much the chips I keep buying are as well. Fortunately, I've been able to play the "I'm just using my poker winnings" card so far. But I'm gonna have to stop buying chips here pretty soon. At least for now :)
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