You block top set, and even if he does have it, you have two backdoor nut flush draws, and can also blink an ace. He may also just have the other two aces, in which case you’re way ahead unless he somehow has AA44, AA22, or AAK4, all of which are unlikely. Get it in!
This is pretty much the exact thought process I had during the hand. I know there is a chance he has KKxx, but I think there is more chance he has AKxx and a small chance of AAxx as well.
So I raised all in. And TK made a snap call.
For the next 4 hours TK couldn’t stop complaining about what a bad raise it was, even though if I flat call the flop bet it gets all in on the turn anyways.
He went on major monkey tilt and ended up with $2k on the table by 3am. He would have lost it all if he didn’t catch a wheel to beat my set of Aces in a $1200 pot. Even with that he still lost over $800 for the night. And it started because of this hand.