Notes on "process." My opinion only.
My comments came from a chip enthusiast perspective that was disappointed with the way this process was done. No rules, criteria, or guidelines posted for the community and no rationale for why these were chosen. How did the committee settle on 21 sets? That's a odd number... If the process was explained or was transparent along the way that's one thing, but it's like bam here ya go. Personally I love poker chips and think that all sets should be celebrated for their story and uniqueness.
You and others have made the assumption that this was some kind of cronyism or that there were no criteria or guidelines. On the contrary, the committee discussed for DAYS attempting to define criteria by which to judge custom sets: mold, color combo, breakdown, is it a tribute set, what defines a tribute set, number of denoms, mixed manufacturer sets, what factor does group buy play if any, what degree the set owner is involved in design or even production, should owners be nominated for one set or more than one, etc. In the end it was discovered that we could not agree on any particular fixed criteria to determine a HoF set and we should leave it to the voters for intelligent discussion and debate, as misguided as that now appears. Yes, 21 is an odd number. There was a rationale that determined it. It's really not that important to the end result here.
I will not be participating either.
I don't support this exclusive approach as opposed to a broader celebration of the creativity of the whole of our community.
The committee members are great people. I know everyone personally, except for gopher blue, so I guess in fairness he may very well be a hooligan for all I know

. I don't think they have bad intentions, their task is what I'm uncomfortable with.
It just feels wrong to me. When this issue first came up I gave the counsel to broaden the scope of inclusion, and I'm sorry that its gone the other way. Participating in this endorses the task and the outcome. I would feel the same way if I were the creator of any of the winning sets.
I respect this point of view. In one sense, all the chip pr0n is here for us to enjoy and celebrate. However, I don't think this process detracts from that. I also don't feel all sets are equal or that everyone deserves a trophy.
I sort of agree with Payback's thought that there may have been back-scratching, even if unintentional. The only way to avoid collusion, or the appearance of such, would be if the committee members voluntarily removed their own sets from consideration.
But that obviously wasn't the case.
Perhaps the committee truly feels that their chips are amongst the best ever made - we all think that. Perhaps the idea of committee collusion was so far off their radar that it never crossed their minds. Maybe it was so obvious to them that they suppressed the very memory of their collusion.
In the end, committee members whose sets are nominated by themselves should have an asterisk like home run records during baseball's juicing years.
That said, I voted. There are great sets here, and one committee member (but only one) has a nominated set that I believe belongs in the list. Moreover, jbutler does not have a nominated set. While I rarely agree admit to agreeing with jbutler, I believe him to be a man of principals over everything. You are not going to bribe, coerce, or threaten jbutler to agree to anything that he simply does not agree with. The whole nomination process probably lasted 2 weeks longer than it should have because he wasn't satisfied.
In short, I believe in this list because jbutler believes in this list.
I hesitate to respond to the accusations of collusion lest this line of senseless dialog persist, but I'll say two things, 1) mrtree addressed this, any committee of knowledgeable chip nerds will probably include some who own custom sets. Is it right that they be excluded? I don't think so. 2) this particular group are people of very high integrity imo; nothing against jbutler as an important member of the committee, but everyone worked very hard to refine a worthy list of nominees.
I think people should lighten up a little, and have a little more fun with this. No matter who is on the committee, or what the selection criteria is, its never going to be perfect. Hall of Fames are usually associated with Sports, where there are a number of statistics used as benchmarks. We are essentially judging Art which is 100% arbitrary and Subjective. No one should feel slighted that their custom set did not make the first list, and it does not mean they won't be included in future years.
Everyone who votes is voting subjectively as well. Some may be voting because they like the inlays, others because they like the spots. I personally did not vote for the Hitching Post, Redbelly or Boudoir sets, for the HOF, even though they are probably my top 3 favorites on the list. I believe that those sets are so great, because they were able to learn from some of the iconic sets before them, and I wanted to pay those sets their due in proper order.
I think the committee did a great job putting together a diverse list, and controlling a process that would easily spiral out of control if it were left to the entire community. I was glad to see JButler on the list, because he has a knack for remembering all of the classic sets that I lose track of. Those were some of the sets that convinced me to go custom.
Im sure no one on this committee would object to a Rival HOF committee coming up with a new set of standards and their own Top Ten....kind of like the Golden Globes vs. the Oscars.
Amen on all counts. This process is similar to sports and yet not. It's not like we're picking a HoF centerfielder or running back, it's more like determining the best team of all time, pretty subjective.
I like this -- The People's Choice Awards!
Yeah, no drama here -- even though I can think of three or four stellar sets that were not included, any of which would blow 90% of the nominated sets out of the water.
I've no objection to you leading another thread, Dave. You seem to have all the answers, don't keep us in the dark. What sets were missed? Please bear in mind you need to be able to produce pr0n of such sets. Much of it has gone missing from the blue wall and the committee had to resort to quite a few alternate measures to obtain adequate pics of many sets.
These chip sets are all beautiful--some more beautiful than others. Their are way too many fantastic sets that did not make this list. The chiptalk calendars would be a much more exhaustive list to draw from especially if you are going to seed the Hall with 10 entries.
I think every set mentioned so far ITT as to "why didn't it make it?" was on the list of committee members' at some point or another but did not secure enough votes for nomination. All committee members had sets they championed that did not make the initial cut, and I have at least two I wish were out there. There will be other years. CT calendars and a host of other methods were used to search for nominees.
Just voted. Some beautiful sets being displayed that I've never seen before. That's what this is all about anyways, the chips.
Amen. Thank you.
Reminds me of the Baseball Hall of Fame committee (writers) failing to initially select some of the old time players who more than deserved admittance. They got around to it. The iterative nature of this process ensures that worthwhile sets generally make it eventually.
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^ this is the nature of an annual HoF voting process. I think the doubters will be surprised to learn that, at some point in the future, this will be a collection of great sets and will maybe inspire others to make custom sets.
There were sets that I'm fond of (including my own, obviously) that I didn't vote for because of the bolded text above. Everyone is going to have their own criteria and that's the point of this, so that's cool...but I had to vote for 2 sets that inspired me to make my custom set before I voted for mine.
I tried to find something to disagree with here, but couldn't. Label me a crony.
The problem with this idea is, new sets may wind up here, and not on CT. I seriously doubt the ChipTalk calendar will go through the amount of effort the HOF committee put forth, scouring 2 sites for the best sets ever made.
Agree, the calendar was a different process.
The Contreras definitely need more love. They are byooootiful.
I think Contreras Landa has always been my #1 fav set. The $1 chip is so original and delicious. I'm sure I could eat a whole barrel.
Figuring out which sets up to 9 more to vote for will be difficult, but I'll say the committee process has given me new appreciation for some sets including the Cedar Room ASM version's color matching and Duy's Palace.
BTW, I have no objection to listing Suicide King Club under set owner ellased. There were only 2 sets made, his of 1000 and mine of 600, and we worked together with J5 for over a month on the inlays. ellased was quite busy and posted very little pr0n of it but his is the larger set.