Sometimes having too many options can be a hindrance. There's plenty of top notch CPC sets that can easily stand toe to toe with the best GB sets.Any Paulson set, with 70 colors (instead of just 38) and many more edge spot styles to choose from, should be superior to a CPC set, which is why I 'm enjoying this thread basically as a joke.
Understandably, people who had the opportunity (no judgement now) to order Paulsons had also to settle for a generic, uninspired label, in order to be able to re-sell the chips. IMHO, BTP and SB labels are plain horrid.
But those chips could be the basis for a true masterpiece, through relabelling. IMHO again, it would be an utter scandal if the Havanas didn't win this contest.
That being said, plenty of people do automatically get carried away about some sets, simply because they are Paulson, even though they'd be considered a total fail if they were CPC.
This is a fun thread though and I can't wait for the sets to throw down.
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