I'm going to share my experience, but I'm not trying to get sucked into an argument. FWIW I don't have a position one way or another as to which is better.
I run a regular $3-$6 FL dealer's choice game with a full kill on flop games. 4 out of 5 games called are split pot games of one variety or another.
For a while, I ran the game using 600 $1s and 200 $5s. When those sold out (which they usually did), I sold green chips. These denoms slowed the process of splitting and pushing the pot, especially multiway. And when the majority of pots are split, the effect was noticeable.
So I picked up some $3 chips to replace the singles and redbirds. The results were that limping and calling the early streets was as simple as flinging a single chip out of your stack. It's difficult to comment on the smaller physical stack sizes' effect on the action since our game is primarily populated with sophisticated players to whom a massive pile of chips has no visceral appeal. I can say that in our last game one of our regulars went off for 2 full racks, and the action seemed pretty normal overall.
So while I understand and appreciate as to why more chips = better for the game - and I'm sure there's plenty of merit there, personally I prefer using the $3 chips for their efficiency.
Requisite Pron:
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