A Tale Of Two Forums (1 Viewer)

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I hang out, where my buddies hang out. Period.

Ditto. The people and content I like are all here.

My recollection is foggy but didn't the controversial avatar go through revisions (e.g. URL had to be removed) but was ultimately site sanctioned?

The whole "attack" schtick was weak. It could've been handled differently and much more amicably if Ten wanted to reverse his ruling on the avatar.
Who is bubble wrap boy?

CT will always have a place in my heart. It was the start of it all for me. I still visit, and occasionally post but not a lot. Unfortunately Tens recent actions make me want to post even less, I find it hard to see why he'd ban Dave but do absolutely nothing about what was happening with John Boy. I have always respected how the admin over at CT would try to do everything to avoid banning someone. But to ban over this and not ban Nanna for the same sort of stuff isn't a good look.

I know there are guys here still very attached to CT and I do hope both sites can coexist. But every event makes it less likely.

PS. JM needs to return to one of the sites.
It really did work out better for Dazzler to have john boy around. He'd have been SOL if john boy was quickly banned at CT. I'm not sure it was a foreseeable outcome though.
It really did work out better for Dazzler to have john boy around. He'd have been SOL if john boy was quickly banned at CT. I'm not sure it was a foreseeable outcome though.

I agree. And mentioned I liked that CT would not ban someone for little reasons and would let disagreements run their course. But it would've been better if Ten kept that going. There is no difference to the hostility between members and the JohnBoy saga (or any other argument on CT) and the comments from both Nanna and BG. IMO he has set a precedent that he needs to follow through with.
Agreed that it's unusual to say the least (jmho). I think they say the same thing about our site too though :)

To some degree, they do. I find it frustrating to use, but I do find their preferences and interactions fascinating from an academic/sociological perspective. As unfriendly as that UI is to new users, if you changed it on that community I suspect a few might die of a heart attack. The differences between both their community & site contrasted with those of PCF are quite significant. It's no surprise there's comparatively little interaction between the two.
Is there any way to filter it, or is it just a giant stream of stuff? The multiple thread branches make my head spin too.
When I originally joined CT I found it odd that you needed to pay to have an avatar, to have more than 10 pm's, etc. I had been a member of multiple forums and always felt it just didn't make sense to me.

I did wind up becoming a one-year site supporter at one point. And then the site just started to crumble and fall apart due to lack of attention from the owner, who was the only one (if I recall correctly) who could address the programming issues affecting everyone, making the site essentially unusable as a tool to communicate and discuss chips.

I came over here with the Exodus and haven't returned to CT, I just don't see the need. Tommy runs a great community here and imo deserves our traffic and support.

That doesn't mean I wish ill-will upon Greg, I know he had a number of difficult situations pop up in his life that created turmoil. But his whole business model when I arrived I wasn't a fan of, and that was before his life issues popped up (again, if I recall correctly)
From my limited experience (Nov 2012 - Pres?) ultimately this seems a bit more simple: CT had the market cornered. They failed to follow-up on simple promises made to loyal customers (fan-addicts). They failed to communicate with these same fan-addicts. Ultimately, the addicts lost their patience with the broken promises and expressed their displeasure. Wherein CT woke up, went into overdrive and tried to save the ship. Too late. Most had bailed - I know I had. I pretty much never go to CT anymore. Why would I? PCF has the same stuff in a slicker format, with a better host. Without much of the middle-school drama. It's superior in every way. To me, it boils down to simple performance. And, while I'm at it, permit me to say "Bravo, Tommy!"
I'm loathe to lengthen this thread, but I know it's useful background to some people, so I'll add this:

It's worth noting that a long-time admin at CT whose name I can't recall - not the site owner, but someone who worked as Staff / Moderator - was, himself, fed up with the situation, and chose to leave his post rather than represent the site any longer.

His departure was, to me, "the writing on the wall."
I'm loathe to lengthen this thread, but I know it's useful background to some people, so I'll add this:

It's worth noting that a long-time admin at CT whose name I can't recall - not the site owner, but someone who worked as Staff / Moderator - was, himself, fed up with the situation, and chose to leave his post rather than represent the site any longer.

His departure was, to me, "the writing on the wall."

That was JM. I miss him.
To some degree, they do. I find it frustrating to use, but I do find their preferences and interactions fascinating from an academic/sociological perspective. As unfriendly as that UI is to new users, if you changed it on that community I suspect a few might die of a heart attack. The differences between both their community & site contrasted with those of PCF are quite significant. It's no surprise there's comparatively little interaction between the two.

As a member of the CCGTCC once told me, the average age of the chip board is “dead.” They will lose more than half the users if the board changed from its BBS format. David Spragg himself said most of their existing users don’t want it to change because they don't want to relearn a new format. This had even led to some open insults towards David (site owner) by a member pretty recently on the board for not wanting to change. People rallied and picked sides…mostly on David’s side. But I don’t think David “banned” that guy’s IP though…

So don’t think the spat on CT is unique. There is also open mudslinging when it came time to CCGTCC elections, which as a bystander is sometimes comical, sometimes annoying.

BTW, David also said that PCF will eventually experience the same technical archive issues CT had... <cue lightning and thunder>
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As a member of the CCGTCC once told me, the average age of the chip board is “dead.” They will lose more than half the users if the board changed from its BBS format. David Spragg himself said most of their existing users don’t want it to change because they don't want to relearn a new format. This had even led to some open insults towards David (site owner) by a member pretty recently on the board for not wanting to change. People rallied and picked sides…mostly on David’s side. But I don’t think David “banned” that guy’s IP though…

So don’t think the spat on CT is unique. There is also open mudslinging when it came time to CCGTCC elections, which as a bystander is sometimes comical, sometimes annoying.

BTW, David also said that PCF will eventually experience the same technical archive issues CT had... <cue lightning and thunder>

The problems at CT were very solvable and 100% attributable to Ten (owner) not staying up with maintaining the site and keeping a good operational relationship with the site hoster. Very avoidable problems and if they do occur, very easily solved whereas Ten was (at times) not available and he was the only one authorized to interact with the hoster for quite a while.
I have two or three posts on the other site and am nearing 500 here (I did however conclude my first chips sale over there, although I think the member is on PCF too). It seems there is more traffic here, but there are some things that happen there and not here that I find perplexing. Why would the chip room only advertise moving sale there?
And the second CPS group buy?
I have two or three posts on the other site and am nearing 500 here (I did however conclude my first chips sale over there, although I think the member is on PCF too). It seems there is more traffic here, but there are some things that happen there and not here that I find perplexing. Why would the chip room only advertise moving sale there?
And the second CPS group buy?

More loyalty to CT I presume, to drive traffic.
I'm just going to also interject a kudos to Tommy here as well. He must be aware of the attacks and the animosity of PCF from CT, but he has never even made a single peep. I would not be so calm or quiet.

Tommy is a true gentleman. I really look forward to meeting him at a meet-up someday.

How about Florida in February [emoji560]
From what I understand this is a biiiig loss to both sites, and the chip community, I agree with your comment 100% stocky.

He hardly ever comes to the local games anymore either. JM is quickly becoming something of a ghost in this community.
He hardly ever comes to the local games anymore either. JM is quickly becoming something of a ghost in this community.

:( sad to hear. He was the glue holding CT together and coped some flack for the fall of CT at the time iirc.
That's ^^^ to bad, not that I personally know him or anything but in conversations with other chippers his name has came up a few times as someone who, for lack of a better term, was (is) the shiznit. lol

So something I'll ask while we are (kind of) on the subject just to satisfy my own curiosity, what's PCFs story? I mean, at some point after joining chip talk I heard the story and read the first post by Ten about how the site came about....but what about PCF?

I could probably go and search for the first couple of posts, but message boards are for conversation (and I'm way to lazy to look on my own) so I thought I would just ask how PCF came about and who some of the original members were? How long has PCF been around? Before CT became unusable and a large percentage of posters migrated here how many people posted on both forums? Were there always members of both forums on both boards? The very first time I ever heard of PCF was in the messages I got from a few people telling me about it and I find it weird that I could have missed refrences to "another chip board" or something if there were a ton of people from PCF on CT. (I don't mean maliciously heard about another chip board, I just can't believe it didn't come up in conversation at some point and me pick up on it)
I can't wait to hear the explanation of how this site came to be.

I was the 8th member. I don't remember the other members when I joined, but it was all of 7 people.
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