Don't listen to everyone telling you how few chips you can get away with.

Plus, based on what you
initially shared, they appear to be severely underestimating your bankroll needs.
You said
your largest night so far is $5/10 with 12 buy-ins and 18 rebuys. At 200BB, that puts your minimum bank at $60k assuming players aren't matching the big stack with their rebuys -- in which case, you're pushing $100k on a single table?
With that many current players and that kind of bank range, alongside a budget (and desire) to acquire 2000 chips, I would consider future proofing your custom set to cover two tables.
(200) .25
(400) $1
(600) $5
(400) $25
(200) $100
(200) $500
2000 chips that will comfortably spread two tables at $60k+ bank each, and if things get wild on a single table, you're more than covered. You also have the freedom to introduce extra .25s or $1s into a limpy .25/.50 single table game.
Now. If your max bankroll is
actually more like $20k, then a two-table setup could look like this:
(200) .25
(400) $1
(800) $5
(300) $25
(200) $100
(100) $500
Same premise just less wasted high-denom chips.