Any suggestions? Seller issue! (3 Viewers)

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Pretty sure the buyer should just open it up and access damage. It doesn't matter if it's spilling out, sometimes there might be no damage at all. Of course the situation is not ideal but who knows, if there's no damage then there's no need to make a fuss in the end of the day. I have had multiple international packages and some boxes do not arrive in great condition, but as long as the content is fine, it's all good.
Yes. OP. please open package and assess damage. To be upset that something wasn't shipped in an adequate manor is one thing but to keep pressing the issue without assessing actual damage, if there is any, is a bit much.
Hopefully he's only missing a few chips, and the seller can easily replace. But there are some hard lessons to be learned here.
Man, what is up with usps lately? Been seeing a lot of damaged packages lately.
Based on what I've seen the US is going to have a pretty powerful soccer team in the next Olympics if they can kick a 20kg package like that!
Yes. OP. please open package and assess damage. To be upset that something wasn't shipped in an adequate manor is one thing but to keep pressing the issue without assessing actual damage, if there is any, is a bit much.

I am pissed. Also, replying to people. If one were to read the original post, then some of my pissy replies would have never happened.
I am pissed. Also, replying to people. If one were to read the original post, then some of my pissy replies would have never happened.
I'm trying and failing to understand how you're choosing to read post and respond instead of opening the box and see what if anything is missing.....
(y) :thumbsup:

Putting it mildly, on both accounts...

Well, you guys really seem tight here. I get it! Put yourself in my shoes! The very first purchase!

Inventory done! 14-$5 missing. Not a huge deal.
However, 10% of the ones are used and was assured this was an uncirculated set!
I have gotten several boxes where the chips were falling out, yet sustained relatively modest losses.


Many of those chips started out in their case. It looked like this:


Yet the total losses weren't nearly as bad as I feared when the package got there. My mailman told me he had picked up all the chips he found and shoved them back in the boxes.

Please open up the package and do an inventory. { Take pictures. } First off, you will know where you stand. Second, handling your first nice set of chips will make you happy even if some of the chips are missing. Third, give the seller a shot at making this right. Most of the members here are going to go the extra mile to make things right.


PS: In my opinion, postal insurance is nearly worthless. If the shipment is marked delivered, then the post office generally assumes the delivery is complete even if the box / envelope arrives empty or in tatters. The seller has no proof of value or that what he claims was in the box actually was. The Post Office seems to assume every insurance claim is an attempt to defraud the post office.

PPS: I also note that shipping insurance is normally for the benefit of the seller. The buyer has no right to make a claim on the policy. The seller has no obligation to refund money even if the insurance does pay off. This is why I am careful who I do "friends and family" pay pal transactions with. The only solid defense a buyer has is the ability to reverse the charges. If a seller suggests I pay for insurance, I always suggest I'll pay the merchant fee on a commercial pay pal transaction rather than buy the almost useless insurance.
Just finished reading through the whole thread. I can second most peoples' opinion that once you finish taking inventory, the damaged/missing chips can be replaced or you could be compensated.

It's not a rule that people have to do that but I've found that basically 100% of this community has been very good to me and I've bought a lot from a lot of people.

Hell, I would take a bullet for some of these guys.... as long as it was in the shoulder and they threw some sweet chips my way while in the recovery ward :)
Well, you guys really seem tight here. I get it! Put yourself in my shoes! The very first purchase!

I don't know the seller at all. You seem to be posting out of anger and frustration. I don't think that's a good way to communicate when you're trying to resolve a conflict.
Forum members learned something as well. Seller should absolutely pack better. Buyer is a dickhead.

Yeah I am and have every right to be! I paid a premium to a member of this community. There should a bit less complaining about me and more of an idea about policing how your members represent this community!
I do appreciate those of you that understand the stress I was feeling and yes, posting while being mad isn't a bright idea, but I am just a guy!
Yeah I am and have every right to be! I paid a premium to a member of this community. There should a bit less complaining about me and more of an idea about policing how your members represent this community!

I understand your frustrations with the package, but you did not give the seller a chance to make right before starting this rant thread.
I understand your frustrations with the package, but you did not give the seller a chance to make right before starting this rant thread.

You are correct! I just dropped $1800 blindly! Blindly trusting someone! A member of your community... I never had this happen before. I am a brand new member. All I could think of after pming him was to rant!

Sorry for the inconvenience or discomfort this caused here.
"dickhead" may be a bit harsh, but totally understand the sentiment behind the comments.

I also understand how a new member, picking up a nice set of expensive chips from an established member, and then receiving a package as depicted in the photos would be (reasonably) upset, and left feeling like he was played for a fool (not the case, but certainly an understandable feeling).

Regardless, one almost always gets better results when acting from a place of calm vs fury, especially in a place where one is an unknown (first impressions count for something).

OP did receive some good advice early-on (contact the seller and evaluate the damage), but instead chose to carry on a public rant. Justified? Maybe. Likely to help his situation? Probably not. Ending up hurting his image more than helping? Undoubtedly.

Now that both sides have been presented, it's time to move toward a resolution acceptable to both parties. And hopefully learn how not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

@PokerMike , this really isn't a buyer-beware type of place at all -- quite the contrary, we are mostly just a bunch of dedicated hobbyists (not businesses), and tend to look out for one another against outside threats. I hope this one instance doesn't sway your opinion in too negative of a way. And @Chbyfngr , you really need to work on your packing/shipping processes. There are several good threads on the topic, or feel free to ask for help/advice.
To all,

I have sold many chips to members here and have never had any problems with packing. Maybe I have just been lucky but I think this package was severely mishandled. End result, 14 $5 chips were missing. Additonally, the buyer said that about 20 of the $1 chips were not mint. I refunded for all missing chips and the chips that were inaccuratley described to him. I appreciate those who are sticking up for me and those who are arguing for the buyer. Thank you for your input I will tape the corners on all future transactions.
I will tape the corners on all future transactions.
Good start, but taping the entire box (all six sides) helps protect from impact tears and also provides a measure of water-resistance. Packing tape is cheap insurance that works.

In addition, a compromised outer box (which WILL happen eventually) should never result in exposed contents (chips or otherwise). The contents should be in some type of internal container/enclosure that both a) prevents them from spilling out, and b) from being damaged from blunt force trauma or the elements.

USPS has large bubble-padded envelopes that work well for most applications, and they are free. Anything small enough to escape through a box hole should be packaged into a larger internal package that is large enough to where it cannot escape.
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