Any suggestions? Seller issue! (2 Viewers)

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Is this for real? Wow, you sound as if you are mad at, as you say, "your community". You are quick to judge but not do quick to try and come to a resolution. Not sure what you are trying to do but it almost sounds as if you were intentionally trying to derail the "community".
Crap happens and people will most likely try and come to a resolution. I know I would but if you came like this to me I would be less likely to go the extra mile although I would make the deal right.
Here I go with my two rules I live by every day. Rule #1 don't sweat the small stuff.

Rule #2 in the grand scheme of things, it's all small stuff.

Hope all goes well for both of you but this thread is not a thread that I think should keep going on and on. This is s great community of "adults". Let's please stay that way! I'm out!
@PokerMike, please don't let this experience dissuade you from participating in the community. You bought a beautiful set of Hard Rock Albuquerque chipcos (I have about 1500 myself), not to mention 4 racks of oversized $500/$1000s.

The vast majority of us have been called dicks at some point (some actually revel in that shit), but in the end, it's all about what you contribute to the community and the relationships you forge. We're a bunch of adults who spend mortgage payments on poker chips, so the least we can do is lighten the hell up.

Shake that shit off and move on.
@PokerMike, please don't let this experience dissuade you from participating in the community. You bought a beautiful set of Hard Rock Albuquerque chipcos (I have about 1500 myself), not to mention 4 racks of oversized $500/$1000s.

The vast majority of us have been called dicks at some point (some actually revel in that shit), but in the end, it's all about what you contribute to the community and the relationships you forge. We're a bunch of adults who spend mortgage payments on poker chips, so the least we can do is lighten the hell up.

Shake that shit off and move on.

Thanks! I will...
I want to take this opportunity to thank @chkmte for keeping my dirty little secret....a secret. Thanks for giving me the chance to make good behind the scenes in a very similiar situation. Top notch trader.

You guys don't know what I'm talking about and that's exactly the point I'm trying to make.

And of course I learned my lesson.
While I agree this thread maybe should have been posted / not posted after (successfully) reaching out to the seller Id like to point out that all the other posts offering anything less than a solution only made this community look like shit.
Yeah, he went on and on but members here who should know better seemingly jump right in name calling poking an obviously frustrated member and why? What is there to gain?
IMO one of the mods should have locked the thread and instructed the parties to start a private message rather than having this gaping wound of a thread for future members to see...
not sure where to post this.

I made a purchase from a member and it arrived today . The box has numerous rips and cuts. Chips are falling out!

I sell medical equipment on eBay. I know how to package things for handling by worthless government employees!

However, I spent $1800.00 and this clown packaged my purchase as if it had zero value!

What should I do? I haven't even opened the box yet. Chips are falling out of the a large cut in the side...

I cannot believe it!

Note to Seller: 2 Heavily taped MFRB >> 1 LFRB (y) :thumbsup:, and congrats on the baby!

Note to Buyer: Regardless of being in the right or the wrong, does going on a rampage typically help you in problematic situations? I'm sure if the seller was a government employee himself, he would just be ecstatic making this situation right with you, because calling every one of them worthless on a public forum is no big deal

Note to Self: Seriously. What are you doing on here searching the classifieds. You have so many chips. Well that is true, but I guess that I could use some more...
Even though I have only had a few transactions with members, I trust everyone here completely. Maybe I'm naive but there is just something about this group that is pretty unique. Maybe it's because we all share an expensive rediculous sickness that no one we know cares about except the people in this forum.
So disappointed that he had to count the chips. I was enjoying the chipper-on-chipper violence in a Swiss kind of way while Jeff went all Chamberlin on us. Then the Canadians piped up, which invariably means that the war was almost over. Curiously, nobody has heard from the guy with the Bellagio live chips in years, but he was French and likely surrendered to a passing Fiat.

USPS sent me a package like this today. Nothing in it. And they wonder why the're slowly going bankrupt.
Was in Paris last year and a guy tried to pick pocket me. He tried to take an iphone plus out of my front pocket! Silly Frenchman, went down hard!
Good start, but taping the entire box (all six sides) helps protect from impact tears and also provides a measure of water-resistance. Packing tape is cheap insurance that works.

In addition, a compromised outer box (which WILL happen eventually) should never result in exposed contents (chips or otherwise). The contents should be in some type of internal container/enclosure that both a) prevents them from spilling out, and b) from being damaged from blunt force trauma or the elements.

USPS has large bubble-padded envelopes that work well for most applications, and they are free. Anything small enough to escape through a box hole should be packaged into a larger internal package that is large enough to where it cannot escape.

For the record,every denom was individually packed in a seperapte bag folded and taped around the middle and on each end. They were packaged like many sets I have received from the Chiproom. The entire bunch was then wrapped in bubble wrap inside the package. The only thing I'd didn't do on your list was tape the corners. I will tape more next time for sure.
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A lot of lashing out in this thread, on all sides. Really goes against the spirit of PCF. Ive been noticing this more on the forums lately.

Hope you guys can solve this amicably.
For the record,every denom was individually packed in a seperapte bag folded and taped around the middle and on each end. They were packaged like many sets I have received from the Chiproom. The entire bunch was then wrapped in bubble wrap inside the package. The only thing I'd didn't do on your list was tape the corners. I will tape more next time for sure.
I fail to see how a properly secured inner package could/would ever spill loose chips to the outside world. Was the bubble wrap secured to create an impenetrable inner package? That's one example where using sealed USPS bubble envelopes to contain those individual chip bags is a better solution than simple bubble wrap (unless it is well-secured).

Additionally, there should be zero movement possible within the package itself -- if you shake it hard and can either hear or feel movement, the potential for damage to contents exists.

TheChipRoom is not a good example to follow for excellent shipping practices..... I've received more damaged chips from Jim than all other shipments combined (he made good on them all, but the point still stands).

And not beating up on you, even though it may seem that way. Just trying to educate a frequent shipper on how best to avoid a similar future disaster as was experienced in this thread's ordeal.
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