A cross-post from a board-gaming website. This is an uncommon distribution for poker players, but makes sense for 18xx/economic boardgamers. I thought I would also leave this here, as I know as both a poker player, and a boardgamer, I am interested in solutions. Thanks for your patience if you're not into economic board game solutions!
I thought I'd share my poker chip acquisition and storage decisions here, in case they might help anyone doing the same. Josh from apachepokerchips.com was very communicative and helpful, and is actually now designing specific chips for 18XX. I bought my chips a little over 2 months ago, including storage and other helpful items. I will include links below.
First, the chips:
These are Majestics, from apachepokerchips.com. They are "China Clays," and have a great weight and feel. I know there is a debate about denominations or no-denominations, but I prefer them. All of the chips I purchased are stock, with the exception of the Orange $20s. Josh sent me blank oranges, with more than enough stickers, and it took me perhaps one hour to attach them. I originally had intended to use grey (I think green is far too confusing as they are typically $25s), but Josh from Apache stated to me that the greys looked washed-out. So it isn't perfect, but I like the solution. It's worth noting that ordering blanks and customizing with stickers is only minimally more expensive than the presets. For anyone wondering, the orange and red are easily distinguishable, even in low light.
100 $1 white
100 $5 red
150 $20 orange
150 $100 black
75 $500 purple
25 $1000 yellow
Edit, as folks were interested:
600 Majestic - $234
300 Labels - $30
Shipping - $20
Total - $284
Second, the storage, easily accomodating my 600-chip set and accessories:
The Apache 3800, found here:
They very typically and often have a 20% off coupon, so search for/wait for that. I had a 25% Memorial Day coupon, such that this amazing, indestructible, light competitor to extremely expensive brands was only $30. They also have 2800 and 4800 models for more or less storage.
As you can see, it comes with "pick-and-pluck" foam, so that you can tear away bits of the foam to customize your interior storage space. The foam is fragile, however, and is prone to wear over long periods of removing and replacing bits. As such, it's recommended that you treat the foam (once torn into your desired shapes) with PlastiDip, which makes the foam more rubbery and longer lasting, more like a professionally designed gun or camera case. Acquired here:
I used the whole can, and as you can see in image 3 above, I got a bit of an uneven application. It's fine for my purposes for now, but I may end up using a second can to really make it tough and even. Search youtube to learn how to apply it -- there are a few good videos. I hope this goes without saying, but do it outside.
Third, the accessories:
Obtained for $6.99 per calculator. The price has apparently gone up. Theyre big and chunky, and fit easily into the case.
Most 18XXers know these well
A custom priority deal marker I got from Etsy for $15
I also got a custom train whistle to use as priority (thought it would be cute), but it didn't fit in the case. If anyone is interested, there are a few people, searchable on Etsy, that customize train whistles. It sounds great. $17
Lastly, a revenue tracker (and blank wooden discs not pictured) to track revenue for any game that doesn't include one, obtained here:
finally, a couple pics of how it all comes together (for those wondering, the revenue tracker and blank wooden discs from railsonboard are behind the top layer of foam (loose and removable):
Thanks for humoring me, and let me know if there are any questions. I hope this helps someone thinking about acquiring a chip set and storage solution! Altogether, the case with everything in it is about 15 lbs. Not light, but easily portable to the table or car.