Best Way to Identify Positive/Negative Interactions (4 Viewers)

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Not sure how you can speak to the legitimaticacy of the buy as you have zero insight, like myself, as to how these were acquired and under what pretext. You are making A LOT of assumptions.

Anytime anyone spends money in the hope of acquiring something in order to sell something takes a risk. Its that simple. Once again you are making assumptions that most were sold ahead of time. You have zero evidence to suppport this. From the outside it looks like MOST were sold during the sales if the mail threads are anything to go by.

There was an INDIVIDUAL who was done a solid and had hotstamps sold to them for $2 apparently. Personally I dont think that gesture should now be weaponised against the organisers and used as the basis for your argument. If they chose to sell to an individual at that price thats their prerogative.


Who is to say this hasnt been done with this buy. What does this have to do with anything?

No one said they were a collectible or limited edition. Chips were offered for sale at a price.

That's because loose lips sink ships. I emplore you to try. Have you seen how painful it is to organise a public group buy?

Since when do we care about the private tax affairs of others? Im not understanding how this is a concern or consideration?

Im glad to hear to hear you have a good booker. Would want to messing up your taxes and making any illegal deductions. lol

Looking after your "own" is more than acceptable IMO. You dont owe it to the hobby or anyone you dont deem worthy of benefiting from your efforts. Thats the point you can do things the way you want to.

No need to reply. I just wanted to do the courtesty of acknowledging your detailed reply.
Ken write that for ya? Editing cause that was rude and right after kens 10k word essay PM... But left it cause I own it.
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Ken write that for ya?
Come on mate. Im a free thinking person with my own opinions. I can write my own responses.

Im just sharing my perspective on this. We are both entitled to our opinions. Im honestly not trying to make this into "Im right and your wrong" kind of a debate.

Im grateful for new chips that I like and had the opportunity to purchase. As an international chipper acquiring chips doesnt come as easy as you US based chippers.

In the interest of full transparency I own tigers. I bought some during the sales and some from the secondary market.

Everyone chips differently and thats what makes the hobby great IMO. Im just not into when active members "bash up" on each other EXCEPT when its BLATANT flipping which I beleive we both agree on. The rest is semantics.

I must admit my views on the matter are biased by my own personal beliefs.

-Be kind to everyone.
-No one owes you anything.
-You want something go out and get it.
-Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

Excited Video Games GIF
Come on mate. Im a free thinking person with my own opinions. I can write my own responses.

Im just sharing my perspective on this. We are both entitled to our opinions. Im honestly not trying to make this into "Im right and your wrong" kind of a debate.

Im grateful for new chips that I like and had the opportunity to purchase. As an international chipper acquiring chips doesnt come as easy as you US based chippers.

In the interest of full transparency I own tigers. I bought some during the sales and some from the secondary market.

Everyone chips differently and thats what makes the hobby great IMO. Im just not into when active members "bash up" on each other EXCEPT when its BLATANT flipping which I beleive we both agree on. The rest is semantics.

I must admit my views on the matter are biased by my own personal beliefs.

-Be kind to everyone.
-No one owes you anything.
-You want something go out and get it.
-Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

Excited Video Games GIF
I also want to add that despite us having a differing perspective on this matter I still have a lot of respect and admiration for your enthusiasm and commitment to this hobby. You are a positive force in the hobby and I look forward to meeting you some day at a meetup.

I hope to think people can still be friends and get along because of our differences. Its like a chip collection, it would be boring if everychip was the same!
Its all good! I'm just boiling over like the rest of the place and then ol Ken PM's telling me how rich and wonderful he is working on Wall street and how the chip deal was, how'd it go.....insignificant in his life.... blah blah blah IM DONE WITH IT...y'all know how i feel when I see people get fleeced in the name of the hobby.... if it was about the hobby state the quantity so people really know what they have.... Forget the cost and profit. I'm going to unwatch this and let the melt down go where it will here. I never claimed to be the voice of no profits, or to speak for anyone else, I'm just as offended by mustard as by Tigers and the rest.... and I'm not swimming in this pool alone, just the one with the big mouth.

Based on the PM i got I'm sure the gang is pointing out all the things I got "wrong" but betting I got more right that they admit.

Hope to see ya all in more positive posts....

Peace Out
Fuck this thread. Get whatever you can. Drive expensive cars. Fly on expensive planes. Wear gold chains and sunglasses indoors. Fuck all of it. Flip like you’re Nancy Kerrigan
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