Best Way to Identify Positive/Negative Interactions (5 Viewers)

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Maybe I don't have enough experience to speak knowing, but, from what I've gathered TCR buys the chips, drives and picks them up, sorts through them, organizes the sales, and stick with me here... offers them at what seems like mostly reasonable prices. That sounds like a working man providing a service. I say this because the sales I've seen sell out in minutes, or, seconds. Then, this is the good part, a mustard color flipper buys these chips at the seemingly good price from the working man that provided the service, and immediately turns around and offers this same chip for a 400% markup. He offered no actual value to the product. The TCR guy invested time and money procuring these chips, he added value.
So why on earth would people want to even mention TCR in the same breath as the other guy? Why try and belittle what TCR does? He is a vendor offering a service that many here use. Most have spoken highly of their interactions with TCR. Not sure it's wise to bash someone that's offering a service so many use and appreciate.
Maybe I don't have enough experience to speak knowing, but, from what I've gathered TCR buys the chips, drives and picks them up, sorts through them, organizes the sales, and stick with me here... offers them at what seems like mostly reasonable prices. That sounds like a working man providing a service. I say this because the sales I've seen sell out in minutes, or, seconds. Then, this is the good part, a mustard color flipper buys these chips at the seemingly good price from the working man that provided the service, and immediately turns around and offers this same chip for a 400% markup. He offered no actual value to the product. The TCR guy invested time and money procuring these chips, he added value.
So why on earth would people want to even mention TCR in the same breath as the other guy? Why try and belittle what TCR does? He is a vendor offering a service that many here use. Most have spoken highly of their interactions with TCR. Not sure it's wise to bash someone that's offering a service so many use and appreciate.
See. Big brain here.
Maybe I don't have enough experience to speak knowing, but, from what I've gathered TCR buys the chips, drives and picks them up, sorts through them, organizes the sales, and stick with me here... offers them at what seems like mostly reasonable prices. That sounds like a working man providing a service. I say this because the sales I've seen sell out in minutes, or, seconds. Then, this is the good part, a mustard color flipper buys these chips at the seemingly good price from the working man that provided the service, and immediately turns around and offers this same chip for a 400% markup. He offered no actual value to the product. The TCR guy invested time and money procuring these chips, he added value.
So why on earth would people want to even mention TCR in the same breath as the other guy? Why try and belittle what TCR does? He is a vendor offering a service that many here use. Most have spoken highly of their interactions with TCR. Not sure it's wise to bash someone that's offering a service so many use and appreciate.
While you are correct that the TCR offers a great and well liked service to the community and I’m sure he is also a nice guy. I wouldn’t go as far as saying he is a working man hero that tirelessly bring chippers what they want at cost though. He is a businessman and he runs a business that probably depends on him selling out the stock relatively quickly. If he charged market or close to market prices, the chips would not sell out in seconds. They’d be sitting there for weeks, maybe months.

Not saying there’s anything wrong with how TCR does business but he’s probably not quite the Robin Hood of poker chips he is sometimes referred to. Or maybe he is, what do I know?
Most have spoken highly of their interactions with TCR. Not sure it's wise to bash someone that's offering a service so many use and appreciate.
I don’t think very many people on pcf speak ill of TCR. There are a few people with grudges and a few more people who are just annoyed that so much of the community treats a businessman like a saint, but for the most part I don’t think Chip Room bashing is a thing
While you are correct that the TCR offers a great and well liked service to the community and I’m sure he is also a nice guy. I wouldn’t go as far as saying he is a working man hero that tirelessly bring chippers what they want at cost though. He is a businessman and he runs a business that probably depends on him selling out the stock relatively quickly. If he charged market or close to market prices, the chips would not sell out in seconds. They’d be sitting there for weeks, maybe months.

Not saying there’s anything wrong with how TCR does business but he’s probably not quite the Robin Hood of poker chips he is sometimes referred to. Or maybe he is, what do I know?
I don't know about the "hero" and "works tirelessly" stuff, that's just something you added. He's a business man that provides a service, and, from what I've seen, many enjoy using his services. On the other hand, I didn't see anyone enjoying the disservice that mustard man tried to offer.
Here is what I know about TCR. I know that every purchase I've made has been shipped within 48 hours. I know that in one or two private inquiries I've made, the responses were timely and the transactions were beyond reasonable. I can also tell you that I cannot say the same for some of the other transactions here, with responses taking days even though they are showing as online and browsing, and shipping being delayed for days even though they initially said they would go out in the mail the next day. So I might be biased and be putting TCR in a better light than most others here, if asked. My personal experience.
individuals had a product made. they are entitled to offer them at what ever price they see fit. irrespective of what the item cost them to produce they are permitted to add a premium for their risk and time contributed to get said product made. its no different to any other product people make and sell. are we going to start calling cpc a flipper because he doesnt offer us chip at his cost? where does this end?

IMO a flipper is someone who purchases something at the expense of someone else with the sole purpose of charging them a premium due to the artificial increase in demand created simply due to the flippers presence. ZERO value added to the eco system.

@RivieraDanny you appear to be a resourceful individual demonstrated many times over. Dont waste your time on these meaningless arguments of what is and what isnt a flipper. Go out and get your own Paulsons made and or buy out a closed casino and sell the chips for what ever price you want. That way you can be the change you seek like you have been before.
Let me just say this and I'm done with the topic of NAGB chips as y'all know how I feel.

Defending the NAGB folks is a slippery slope as they are not a legitimate company selling products. Risk you say???? What risk??? the chance of being told NO from GPI? or are you suggesting that they did something illegal thereby exposed to risk? or do you refer to the minute chances that they could get stuck with chips that don't sell?? (not a chance there) most were sold ahead of time that paid production cost anyway and some even sold to folks that were told they bought at COST, that price $2 a chip. Was the Ill sell you at cost $2 a lie to the buyer? who knows, who cares.

Legitimate Public companies operate with transparency. They have to in most cases file profit and loss statements and pay taxes on their profits and write off their losses with the IRS. They usually tell the public when something is a "limited edition" how many were produced showing its collectability, not shroud it in secrecy to give a "perceived" value and protect the profit margins. No NAGB has operated this way to date. And I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut that asking for USDC and giving price breaks for seemingly untraceable currency is above board. I wonder if the revenue that NAGB producers took in was reported on the producers IRS form 1040 with the production costs written off from the profits and the taxes paid.

The number of chips produced for many of the NAGB chips have been posted in scattered threads here on PCF and are, I believe easy to find if they're still here. I only refer to the Tigers as the production number was told by @kk405 to another user to be "well over 100,000 chips" in total so while that would intail what has been represented in cost at "well over $3 a chip" after crating packing and art fees, (i thought the art was provided by the buyer) that would lead one to believe that a $300,000 investment was made to produce these chips, GPI had to report that income and where it came from. the sale of the chips here on PCF and anywhere else, if anywhere else implies at the published prices for sale anywhere from $6.xx to $15. per chip, so lets use the Max cost number of 3.75 and the admitted base number of 100,000 chips 600,000 - 300,000 is a gross (gross in accounting terms) profit of $300,000 taxable income. As you may or may not know IRS audits are not just random, the are based over 80% on referral cases, meaning they audit joe, find bad information on a deal with frank, and bam, Frank gets audited. So are we assuming that all taxes were reported and paid on these NAGB deals? Is your name connected to a buy from these NAGB producers? seems that the oldest NAGB, before the $600 reporting rule are less than 7 years old fitting into the audit time frame. It would seem fair to say that the buyers are at the same risk or even more than the seller and are paying a premium to be exposed to a risk they may not even know exists. Good thing the IRS is 85,000 agents short eh?

My book keeper warned me and makes me track purchases and sales on the chips, especially when I was finding many and reselling them and had a good chunk of income to account for not wanting trouble with the Government. I know other vendors here and elsewhere do too. So unless there's some form of transparency regarding who we do business with I would suggest setting the Halo for the produces aside and hope 7 years pass before our names get "Mentioned" and yes it can cost me and other vendors, Identified as "Vendors" openly on the internet a bit more to sell chips.

As for making the change I seek, 1 it's a hobby and the effort would not ever go hobby wide, as has been said there will always be the flippers, there are many of us who operate fairly and usually do deals with inner circle friends or even IRL friends which now is criticized by some. In the end we all have to operate how we see fit and decide who we deal with regardless of public opinion.

Seriously I have to be done with this subject and am now (everyone sighs of relief).... But indeed no halos for the extreme profiteers with so much "risk"
Man, I couldn't care less who's paying their taxes. That's between them and their government.
Interesting that I get all worked up about people stealing casino's artwork though. I guess we all have our own crusades.
Man, I couldn't care less who's paying their taxes. That's between them and their government.
Interesting that I get all worked up about people stealing casino's artwork though. I guess we all have our own crusades.
Taxes is literally the only thing you don't get worked up on..... Which is kinda odd.
Everyone wants to regulate things the way they want to regulate things, and if you're in charge I'd say that's fine. I'm personally of the opinion that people are within their rights to do whatever they want, even if it's frowned upon, just accept the consequences to your actions regardless of what you are doing; I've been banned from forums before simply for standing up to a power hungry mod. Whatevs. All I ask for is consistent treatment.

As far as pertaining to flipping,. I believe people can sell whatever they want for however much they want. But I don't think it's fair to demean someone for simply pointing out that they might be ripping someone off. Should you familiarize yourself with how things work? Sure. But in a capitalist society people are going to be looking to take advantage of you and no one should be condescended to or victim shamed. In my first months here, I was unfortunately subject to both of those things and more by a few garbage people on these forums (who are still avid members here). But I did learn some things.

People can justify things anyway they want. But you have to take responsibility for your actions, and that includes taking advantage of people. We are all flawed as human beings. But I am one hundred percent of the mentality that when people do things to wrong people they absolutely deserve to be called out on it and put in their place.

That said, trying to sell stuff for a little bit of profit isn't something that needs to be justified.
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Everyone wants to regulate things the way they want to regulate things, and if you're in charge I'd say that's fine. I'm personally of the opinion that people are within their rights to do whatever they want, even if it's frowned upon, just accept the consequences to your actions regardless of what you are doing; I've been banned from forums before simply for standing up to a power hungry mod. Whatevs. All I ask force consistent treatment.

As far as pertaining to flipping,. I believe people can sell whatever they want for however much they want. But I don't think it's fair to demean someone for simply pointing out that they might be ripping someone off. Should you familiarize yourself with how things work? Sure. But in a capitalist society people are going to be looking to take advantage of you and no one should be condescended to or victim shamed. In my first months here, I was unfortunately subject to both of those things and more by a few garbage people on these forums (who are still avid members here). But I did learn some things.

People can justify things anyway they want. But you have to take responsibility for your actions, and that includes taking advantage of people. We are all flawed as human beings. But I am one hundred percent of the mentality that when people do things to wrong people they absolutely deserve to be called out on it and put in their place.

That said, trying to sell stuff for a little bit of profit isn't something that needs to be justified.
I agree.....
[QUOTE="RagahRagah, post: 2159235, member:

That said, trying to sell stuff for a little bit of profit isn't something that needs to be justified.

I agree, key words "little bit of profit." If someone has cobbled together racks of chips, cleaned and oiled them then they should be compensated for their time and effort, if that's what they want. I know I really don't WANT to do that to all the chips I have.

I got called a flipper because I wasn't selling a rack at TCR pricing. I bought 13 racks of chips for X amount of money and divided to get cost per chip. Buyer disagreed with that. I've bought sets of these chips on 5 different occasions at varying prices. To me that set becomes an accumulated cost divided by total chips. So, here's the question, did you solve for X? Didn't realize there was going to be a quiz, did ya?? Does they make me a flipper? BTW, this was a person that only wanted 2 racks, which is what I wanted, though not the same two. I made the extra effort to buy the set for the 2 racks I needed, he didn't. I guess it's a matter of perception. I don't remotely consider myself a flipper, I'll lose more on this than I care to imagine, just like most hobbies, but, that's just part of a hobby.
Time and service is money. I would like to think everyone understands that (but maybe not).

Eventually it comes to a point where someone is selling something literally 10 times what it is worth (in any cases where they didn't have to put any time or service into it) and in that case, sorry, I'm calling you on it. I am looking to make money like everyone else, but I do have some integrity.

Here’s a gif of the way that these conversation always go:

Let me just say this and I'm done with the topic of NAGB chips as y'all know how I feel.
Defending the NAGB folks is a slippery slope as they are not a legitimate company selling products.
Not sure how you can speak to the legitimaticacy of the buy as you have zero insight, like myself, as to how these were acquired and under what pretext. You are making A LOT of assumptions.
Risk you say???? What risk??? the chance of being told NO from GPI? or are you suggesting that they did something illegal thereby exposed to risk? or do you refer to the minute chances that they could get stuck with chips that don't sell?? (not a chance there) most were sold ahead of time that paid production cost anyway and some even sold to folks that were told they bought at COST, that price $2 a chip. Was the Ill sell you at cost $2 a lie to the buyer? who knows, who cares.
Anytime anyone spends money in the hope of acquiring something in order to sell something takes a risk. Its that simple. Once again you are making assumptions that most were sold ahead of time. You have zero evidence to suppport this. From the outside it looks like MOST were sold during the sales if the mail threads are anything to go by.

There was an INDIVIDUAL who was done a solid and had hotstamps sold to them for $2 apparently. Personally I dont think that gesture should now be weaponised against the organisers and used as the basis for your argument. If they chose to sell to an individual at that price thats their prerogative.
Legitimate Public companies operate with transparency.
They have to in most cases file profit and loss statements and pay taxes on their profits and write off their losses with the IRS.
Who is to say this hasnt been done with this buy. What does this have to do with anything?

They usually tell the public when something is a "limited edition" how many were produced showing its collectability, not shroud it in secrecy to give a "perceived" value and protect the profit margins.
No one said they were a collectible or limited edition. Chips were offered for sale at a price.

No NAGB has operated this way to date.
That's because loose lips sink ships. I emplore you to try. Have you seen how painful it is to organise a public group buy?
And I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut that asking for USDC and giving price breaks for seemingly untraceable currency is above board. I wonder if the revenue that NAGB producers took in was reported on the producers IRS form 1040 with the production costs written off from the profits and the taxes paid.

The number of chips produced for many of the NAGB chips have been posted in scattered threads here on PCF and are, I believe easy to find if they're still here. I only refer to the Tigers as the production number was told by @kk405 to another user to be "well over 100,000 chips" in total so while that would intail what has been represented in cost at "well over $3 a chip" after crating packing and art fees, (i thought the art was provided by the buyer) that would lead one to believe that a $300,000 investment was made to produce these chips, GPI had to report that income and where it came from. the sale of the chips here on PCF and anywhere else, if anywhere else implies at the published prices for sale anywhere from $6.xx to $15. per chip, so lets use the Max cost number of 3.75 and the admitted base number of 100,000 chips 600,000 - 300,000 is a gross (gross in accounting terms) profit of $300,000 taxable income. As you may or may not know IRS audits are not just random, the are based over 80% on referral cases, meaning they audit joe, find bad information on a deal with frank, and bam, Frank gets audited. So are we assuming that all taxes were reported and paid on these NAGB deals? Is your name connected to a buy from these NAGB producers? seems that the oldest NAGB, before the $600 reporting rule are less than 7 years old fitting into the audit time frame. It would seem fair to say that the buyers are at the same risk or even more than the seller and are paying a premium to be exposed to a risk they may not even know exists. Good thing the IRS is 85,000 agents short eh?
Since when do we care about the private tax affairs of others? Im not understanding how this is a concern or consideration?
My book keeper warned me and makes me track purchases and sales on the chips, especially when I was finding many and reselling them and had a good chunk of income to account for not wanting trouble with the Government. I know other vendors here and elsewhere do too. So unless there's some form of transparency regarding who we do business with I would suggest setting the Halo for the produces aside and hope 7 years pass before our names get "Mentioned" and yes it can cost me and other vendors, Identified as "Vendors" openly on the internet a bit more to sell chips.
Im glad to hear to hear you have a good booker. Would want to messing up your taxes and making any illegal deductions. lol

As for making the change I seek, 1 it's a hobby and the effort would not ever go hobby wide, as has been said there will always be the flippers, there are many of us who operate fairly and usually do deals with inner circle friends or even IRL friends which now is criticized by some. In the end we all have to operate how we see fit and decide who we deal with regardless of public opinion.
Looking after your "own" is more than acceptable IMO. You dont owe it to the hobby or anyone you dont deem worthy of benefiting from your efforts. Thats the point you can do things the way you want to.

Seriously I have to be done with this subject and am now (everyone sighs of relief).... But indeed no halos for the extreme profiteers with so much "risk"
No need to reply. I just wanted to do the courtesty of acknowledging your detailed reply.
His name is Brett, but Jules says Brad here. There's some stupid reason Quentin had him say Brad, but I forgot exactly.
Stupid reason?? Its to show his name doesnt matter, hes a character to be glossed over, its perfect, the man comfortable enough to eat with a gun on you in your apartment doesnt even care to get your name right.
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