Best Way to Identify Positive/Negative Interactions (6 Viewers)

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I'd like to chime in briefly. Although I've been registered here for two years, I was inactive until about a month ago. Because of this, I consider myself a new member. There's been much discussion about protecting new members from scalpers, flippers, and bad faith actors. However, all new members are directed to the "New Members Start Here" thread. I'm sorry, but if you can't take the time to read it and familiarize yourself with the wealth of information available there, any bad deals you end up making are your responsibility.

For more experienced chippers, money talks. If the community feels that certain classifieds go against the spirit of the community, don't open your wallet. While it's understandable to be upset when someone outbids you and then resells the chips at FMV, this is the real world, and such things happen. It's not exclusive to PCF but occurs everywhere. No one owes you anything. As a new chipper, I wish prices were lower for many chips, but the market is the market, and it doesn't need to adjust to my financial situation.

What is truly disappointing about PCF is the high-school level drama and pettiness from a group of adults who are supposedly over 40. If it weren't for the chippers I've met locally and the incredible number of amazing people who have reached out and helped me on here, the drama I see in the threads would be what pushes me away, not the prices. Reading all these back-and-forth threads makes this forum appear very cliquey. However, I am grateful that many members here are incredibly helpful. Unfortunately, I think they tend to be drowned out by the extremely vocal members who have long-standing grudges or issues.

I've read about how other forums, like Chiptalk, are disliked due to their "old man shaking his fist at the sky" vibes. If that's really the case, then many members here need to engage in self-reflection and ask themselves if they're truly any different.

That being said, I'm grateful to be a part of this community, and I appreciate the countless fantastic members and wealth of knowledge here. I look forward to becoming a fixture in this community.
I'd like to chime in briefly. Although I've been registered here for two years, I was inactive until about a month ago. Because of this, I consider myself a new member. There's been much discussion about protecting new members from scalpers, flippers, and bad faith actors. However, all new members are directed to the "New Members Start Here" thread. I'm sorry, but if you can't take the time to read it and familiarize yourself with the wealth of information available there, any bad deals you end up making are your responsibility.

For more experienced chippers, money talks. If the community feels that certain classifieds go against the spirit of the community, don't open your wallet. While it's understandable to be upset when someone outbids you and then resells the chips at FMV, this is the real world, and such things happen. It's not exclusive to PCF but occurs everywhere. No one owes you anything. As a new chipper, I wish prices were lower for many chips, but the market is the market, and it doesn't need to adjust to my financial situation.

What is truly disappointing about PCF is the high-school level drama and pettiness from a group of adults who are supposedly over 40. If it weren't for the chippers I've met locally and the incredible number of amazing people who have reached out and helped me on here, the drama I see in the threads would be what pushes me away, not the prices. Reading all these back-and-forth threads makes this forum appear very cliquey. However, I am grateful that many members here are incredibly helpful. Unfortunately, I think they tend to be drowned out by the extremely vocal members who have long-standing grudges or issues.

I've read about how other forums, like Chiptalk, are disliked due to their "old man shaking his fist at the sky" vibes. If that's really the case, then many members here need to engage in self-reflection and ask themselves if they're truly any different.

That being said, I'm grateful to be a part of this community, and I appreciate the countless fantastic members and wealth of knowledge here. I look forward to becoming a fixture in this community.
I agree with you on all of this except for the welcoming committee part. Yes, there's some reading that Tommy links you to as an introduction and the new member thread that @Machine started for the newcomers which is awesome.

That said, there's no glossary or database for every chip's worth and no real way to tell if there's a good deal to be had or not unless someone asks or does a crap ton of research. Yes, I spend a lot of time here and engrossed myself in the hobby that I learned a lot along the way, but this is what it is. A hobby. It's a part time job to get to know the lingo and abbreviations here as well as get a sense of how much certain chips cost. Not everyone has that time.

So yes, new members here should have some help and have some kind of guardian angels here looking out for them so they don't get taken advantage of. It's nice to give them a heads up on who has the propensity to overcharge and what a good deal is or isn't. That was the initial intent of this thread, I think.
It’s my take that folks feel differently about @ReallyGoodUsername (if we’re gonna talk about the guy, let’s tag him) because they accuse him of finding out what chips they need and then targeting those specific chips to mark up. That would be like me searching for the Plaza 25c that i know @upNdown is looking for, outbidding him on them, and then offering to sell him those same chips at a big markup. Now, I don’t know if @ReallyGoodUsername does that or not, but those are the accusations. And that’s pretty damn different than buying some chips at an offsite auction that I have no idea another PCFer is also bidding on, winning, not liking the chips, offering them to the PCFer who bid against me at my price, and when he declines posting them on the board at a reasonable guess at FMV.
So glad someone had the guts to bring this up, because I can tell you there are countless members that would have loved to have done so. BECAUSE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HE DOES. He was @KingWithTheAxe long before @KingWithTheAxe.
So yes, new members here should have some help and have some kind of guardian angels here looking out for them so they don't get taken advantage of.
That would be super nice and helpful, for sure. But at the end of the day, as an adult, it is my responsibility to educate myself on the things I'm spending my money. If you see something, say something. As you get more involved at PCF, you learn more and get introduced to good deals. If somebody is impatient and picks up the first "nice set" they see and end up paying above market value, that's on them.
I'd like to chime in briefly. Although I've been registered here for two years, I was inactive until about a month ago. Because of this, I consider myself a new member. There's been much discussion about protecting new members from scalpers, flippers, and bad faith actors. However, all new members are directed to the "New Members Start Here" thread. I'm sorry, but if you can't take the time to read it and familiarize yourself with the wealth of information available there, any bad deals you end up making are your responsibility.

For more experienced chippers, money talks. If the community feels that certain classifieds go against the spirit of the community, don't open your wallet. While it's understandable to be upset when someone outbids you and then resells the chips at FMV, this is the real world, and such things happen. It's not exclusive to PCF but occurs everywhere. No one owes you anything. As a new chipper, I wish prices were lower for many chips, but the market is the market, and it doesn't need to adjust to my financial situation.

What is truly disappointing about PCF is the high-school level drama and pettiness from a group of adults who are supposedly over 40. If it weren't for the chippers I've met locally and the incredible number of amazing people who have reached out and helped me on here, the drama I see in the threads would be what pushes me away, not the prices. Reading all these back-and-forth threads makes this forum appear very cliquey. However, I am grateful that many members here are incredibly helpful. Unfortunately, I think they tend to be drowned out by the extremely vocal members who have long-standing grudges or issues.

I've read about how other forums, like Chiptalk, are disliked due to their "old man shaking his fist at the sky" vibes. If that's really the case, then many members here need to engage in self-reflection and ask themselves if they're truly any different.

That being said, I'm grateful to be a part of this community, and I appreciate the countless fantastic members and wealth of knowledge here. I look forward to becoming a fixture in this community.
I’m new here and I’ve watched a lot of people in the last few weeks debate others over flipping and here is my thoughts:

There is a finite amount of all chips and there is a supply and demand. When the demand out weighs the supply that increases value. When I buy chips I don’t really care what you paid for them or if you make a profit off it them. I pay what I feel the value is worth to me or I don’t buy them. If you get a great deal on something and want to sell me something for more than what you paid then good for you. I don’t expect to only pay only what you bought them for. In fact if I can sell my chips for more than I paid for it also helps me fund my hobby.

Dealers and flippers are the same they buy low and sell high. Dealers just don’t get the bad reputation for doing the exact same thing. People consider dealers respectable and consider their time and business expenses so it’s ok for them to do it. The second someone else does it it’s a problem?

I think people should be able to ask what they want for their merchandise without getting beat up over it. If you don’t like their prices then move on and don’t buy it. It’s not cool to blast others for asking what their perceived value is for something, that’s just bad form.

Here’s an example:
The ChipRoom sold Elsinore $5’s for $.89 each back in October I have been looking for some and guess what? I can’t find any at all and especially for .89 each. I understand they won’t cost that now and I am willing to pay more. If someone sells me these for let’s say $1.50 each are they too a flipper and should be berated? I am willing to pay more based on the supply/demand.

My point is is that the prices raise themselves based on value and what someone is willing to pay.

I have no problem with anyone selling for more than what they paid for. Most other groups I’m in if you price knock someone’s merchandise you can be banned. I hope all the people that have bitched and complained about prices only ever sell their stuff for what they’ve paid for it otherwise it’s kinda hypocritical.

I don’t mean to sound negative and everyone I have dealt with on PCF has been super cool so far to me. I just think people need to see things for what they are.

I'd like to chime in briefly. Although I've been registered here for two years, I was inactive until about a month ago. Because of this, I consider myself a new member. There's been much discussion about protecting new members from scalpers, flippers, and bad faith actors. However, all new members are directed to the "New Members Start Here" thread. I'm sorry, but if you can't take the time to read it and familiarize yourself with the wealth of information available there, any bad deals you end up making are your responsibility.

For more experienced chippers, money talks. If the community feels that certain classifieds go against the spirit of the community, don't open your wallet. While it's understandable to be upset when someone outbids you and then resells the chips at FMV, this is the real world, and such things happen. It's not exclusive to PCF but occurs everywhere. No one owes you anything. As a new chipper, I wish prices were lower for many chips, but the market is the market, and it doesn't need to adjust to my financial situation.

What is truly disappointing about PCF is the high-school level drama and pettiness from a group of adults who are supposedly over 40. If it weren't for the chippers I've met locally and the incredible number of amazing people who have reached out and helped me on here, the drama I see in the threads would be what pushes me away, not the prices. Reading all these back-and-forth threads makes this forum appear very cliquey. However, I am grateful that many members here are incredibly helpful. Unfortunately, I think they tend to be drowned out by the extremely vocal members who have long-standing grudges or issues.

I've read about how other forums, like Chiptalk, are disliked due to their "old man shaking his fist at the sky" vibes. If that's really the case, then many members here need to engage in self-reflection and ask themselves if they're truly any different.

That being said, I'm grateful to be a part of this community, and I appreciate the countless fantastic members and wealth of knowledge here. I look forward to becoming a fixture in this community.

You speak with too much logic, you may not be PCF material. ;)

Most people can think for themselves and determine who is a bad actor and who isn't just by paying attention and observing the forum before they jump in to purchases. I think FOMO gets the better of some people though and they want to swing for the fences before they can bunt.
Dealers and flippers are the same they buy low and sell high. Dealers just don’t get the bad reputation for doing the exact same thing. People consider dealers respectable and consider their time and business expenses so it’s ok for them to do it. The second someone else does it it’s a problem?
I agree with the most of your post. But a dealer is running a business and the purpose of every business is making profit. We don't know how much Jim or others pay for chips neither do we know how big their profit is.
A flipper is part of a community with the intention of making a quick buck off the other members. So far so good – but in the flipper's case we often know how big his profit was and how fast he flipped after purchasing chips. There seems to be a thin line wether someone is flipping or not.


This guy is the first person that has made any sense in 12 pages of comments!
In German we have the beautiful word "dummdreist". I don't think it can be translated one to one but it contains the words "dumm" = "stupid" and "dreist" = "brazen". Being brazen (trying to flip for massive profit) but in such a stupid way that ones intentions are easily recognized.
Trying to sell mustards for $275 profit per rack and offering to buy some for $25 over TCR price at the same time is a brilliant example of being "dummdreist" imo. ;)

This guy is the first person that has made any sense in 12 pages of comments!
No, he makes sense to you. A flipper.

The rest of us started this as a community, and will continue to treat it as such. We'll see if you ever get an invite to a meet up, and frankly I wouldn't assume that you give a shit if you did it not. Therefore, we don't give a shit about you.

Clown emoji
How’s that sale/trade going? Are there a lot of people lining up to pay a huge markup on boring colored solids?
Demand is soft. Probably could trade for 200 medium to poor quality leaded $1s. Little less desirable I think because the sale is still so recent. Definitely are chips worth more than $1 a piece. And if you are too high strung and upset to admit that, then I’m not sure you’re being honest.

The fact that I listed new mint leased chips at $3.75 a piece is like I slapped mother Theresa… but in reality that’s relatively a fair price for anything new. You’re just mad they were bought basically like winning a small pool lottery with how quickly they sold out.

I understand I bought for $1. But they’re not worth $1. They’re worth somewhere in the range of $1+
You think it's fair because you're new. It's not a fair price for new bullshit, barf colored solids that need to be milled and labeled to be useful.

But hey, your chips your listing. BLWS
No, he makes sense to you. A flipper.

The rest of us started this as a community, and will continue to treat it as such. We'll see if you ever get an invite to a meet up, and frankly I wouldn't assume that you give a shit if you did it not. Therefore, we don't give a shit about you.

Clown emoji
I am not dissing the friends you made here, and If you choose to meet up with some people you meet here that’s great! Getting out and meeting people in person is a good thing. That is not however a requirement of this forum. Using a forum as a club to meet up would be (in my opinion) more appropriate for a Facebook group titled “guys from PCF that hang out.” Not the PCF it’s self.

But once again, I respect the way you use PCF, and I just ask that you don’t trash the way I would like to interact on PCF.
There is certainly no shortage of “hustle” here - lol. For some (many) it’s a side hustle, for others it’s a hobby.

All I can say is try and find your people and take the rest for what it is…expect nothing more and you won’t be disappointed.

I applaud Barrie’s attempt to shine daylight on certain aspects of the hobby, although I may not totally agree with his approach. I do think he actually helped a few folks avoid getting waxed…. So, good on him.

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