Full House
Tough choice because it feels completely wrong to paint an entire state with the brush forced upon it by the minority (or in some cases the majority) of bigots there as well. On the other hand, sometimes there are casualties in activism and maybe one here is that some innocent fan doesn't get to see Bruce's show.
I think the whole "paint everybody with the same brush" problem is why I don't let the little things bother me.
I have my personal limits on who I would associate with in business and personal life, same with limits on who I would "support" that was a sports/political/entertainment figure....but in all honesty those limits on people not in by direct circle of friends/family are pretty high for anything to do with things that don't directly impact me. I wouldn't want someone saying the word nigger around me every five minutes but I also wouldn't want a professional "i'm offended" victim around me either, so consequently those are not the people I consider friends and family. However, when it comes to things like being entertained by a singer or watching a sports team I am not going to delve into personal politics or dumb opinions to impact me consuming their product or rooting for a team they happen to be on.
I think Green Day's politics are laughable in a lot of spots, but holy shit I loved "American Idiot" and can listen to that album non stop right now. I'm a person that believes homosexuality is someones personal business and could never in my life support a law that would limit a gay persons freedoms, but I'm also going to enjoy one of those Chick-fil-A sandwiches since my area got one last summer. Because I like the music Green Day makes or the chicken Chick-fil-A makes does not align me with their points of view.
I am very comfortable separating the two, this world is far to big and you are going to offend far to many people by just going about your life the best way you know how, even unintentionally, to worry about things like a certain players or ceos view point. An example is in this thread, in the first couple of posts a few members used the word "thug" in describing what they don't like in pro sports. Cool, that's your view point, I get it, I may even agree with some of your finer points.....buuuut I hope the posters who used the word "thug" realize that you are actually saying "nigger", according to Richard Sherman anyway:
Do I think that's what they were saying? No. Would some people, a good number of people actually judging by the support Richard Sherman got after he made his comments, believe they were being racist with those comments? Absolutely. Now imagine there are people here who would not read the posts made by anyone using the word "thug" to describe people, how much sense would all that make considering what was actually said? I feel like that's the kind of pissing in the wind people try to do when they take too big of a moral high ground in situations like these, the worlds too big to keep it all straight and sometimes cheering for a football team and listening to a song is actually just what it is, entertainment.
That being said, Woody Allen has to be one of the most over rated figures in entertainment history, I would definitely support a ban on him for whatever reason.