GB Completed Cards Mold Group Buy (Rap1) - It is on... [CLOSED to new orders] (1 Viewer)

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Tina let me know a short time ago that she was working on the last five designs (out of the 13 designs) for our order. She stated that she is hopeful to have our order completed next week. I am not going to hold my breath that our order will be completed next week but I will hold out hope that is does. As soon as she sends me a sample of any of the remaining five designs, I will forward it to the appropriate person right away.

@Chipandchair, @jrs146, @Pinesol13, @cmoon, and @Firmat be on the lookout over the next several days for a DM from me with a sample image of your chips.
Thanks Luke
Can we peek at those samples? I'm curious how they turned out.
I will leave it up to each individual to post the sample pics (as the designs are not mine to share). Many times when Tina sends a sample image it is only for a few denominations in the set.

It is probably best to wait to see the end product when it arrives to the end user to ensure that colors are portrayed accurately.
Here’s my sample image!
I’ve got a partial sample. Still missing $5, $100 and NCV chip and the inlay on the other side is different. Here’s a sneak peek of what I have so far.


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I can't remember if I was getting previewed or if because they were reprints I just said to put them into production, but either way, feel free to post the previews of mine.
First custom set tribute to the university I graduated from. Can’t wait. Look nice.


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Are people still waiting on samples or are they in production phase? And forgive me if I missed an update.
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Question that maybe somebody could answer about the cards mold design process...

Are these literally 100% customizable down to inlay, any spot pattern location, color, etc? or do you have to choose from a predetermined set of parameters? For example, if I came up with a completely unique design front face and back I'd be good to go? Only asking because I'm preparing artwork for the next GB that runs and want to be ready to roll.
Question that maybe somebody could answer about the cards mold design process...

Are these literally 100% customizable down to inlay, any spot pattern location, color, etc? or do you have to choose from a predetermined set of parameters? For example, if I came up with a completely unique design front face and back I'd be good to go? Only asking because I'm preparing artwork for the next GB that runs and want to be ready to roll.

I think there are specific colors you have to use. I'll tag @Eloe2000 for the specifics on this, but I remember seeing a set of color wheels. Other than that you can customize them however you want including face and edge design. A lot of people mimic clay edge spots, but you don't have to go that route.
Question that maybe somebody could answer about the cards mold design process...

Are these literally 100% customizable down to inlay, any spot pattern location, color, etc? or do you have to choose from a predetermined set of parameters? For example, if I came up with a completely unique design front face and back I'd be good to go? Only asking because I'm preparing artwork for the next GB that runs and want to be ready to roll.
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There's the limitation
Question that maybe somebody could answer about the cards mold design process...

Are these literally 100% customizable down to inlay, any spot pattern location, color, etc? or do you have to choose from a predetermined set of parameters? For example, if I came up with a completely unique design front face and back I'd be good to go? Only asking because I'm preparing artwork for the next GB that runs and want to be ready to roll.
I think people like to use colors they have seen print as expected so they don't get a radically different color. One limitation is the printers like Adobe proprietary file format and when I was designing my chips I had to convert and touch up my file bc I used an open format. But they can do pretty much whatever you want other than the mold, there are a few to choose from. There is a file on this site for aces chips, that's what I used for a starting point for the ones I'm getting. There is a great write up on the boards on the cards mold process.
Question that maybe somebody could answer about the cards mold design process...

Are these literally 100% customizable down to inlay, any spot pattern location, color, etc? or do you have to choose from a predetermined set of parameters? For example, if I came up with a completely unique design front face and back I'd be good to go? Only asking because I'm preparing artwork for the next GB that runs and want to be ready to roll.

I think there are specific colors you have to use. I'll tag @Eloe2000 for the specifics on this, but I remember seeing a set of color wheels. Other than that you can customize them however you want including face and edge design. A lot of people mimic clay edge spots, but you don't have to go that route.

The chips are 100% printed so you can design them anyway you would like completely. No inlay at all or 7/8” or full face inlay or whatever. You are just limited by how fine of detail they can print but you can see the quality in photos on the forum. There is some difficulty in getting colors absolutely perfect because we submit the art files as CMYK in AI files but then they have to program their printer using Pantone color codes, not CMYK values. So they do some manual interpretation on their part for color conversion that process is a bit opaque.
I know we are still waiting for them to arrive but....

The shipping has been around 2 months. The Aria's GB shipped 3-4 weeks before our group shipped. Probably a couple more weeks at least. I keep checking every day to see if they have arrived in the USA.
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