GB Completed Cards Mold Group Buy (Rap1) - It is on... [CLOSED to new orders] (2 Viewers)

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They are here @jrs146, @Pinesol13, @cmoon, @JustDave, @harrysallout, @Chipandchair, @kaimat, @Firmat, @IaHawk, @shorticus !!!!

I drove home late this afternoon to move the boxes into the house before heading back to work until 9:30pm.


I couldn't resist beginning to open some. 12 big boxes produced 36 smaller boxes.


I will try to inventory them tomorrow evening after work and I am hoping to begin repacking them on Thursday. Looking forward to getting these out to each of you soon.

For those wondering, these were shipped between November 11-18, 2021, and arrived today.
Very happy with my new $1 chips! They are replacing my first custom design, which I horribly screwed up the colors and ended up with a drab blue/grey

Old set

New set

Also changed to a purple $20 instead of green $25, and added my new personal favorite chip: the so-ugly-its-beautiful $100


There was a weird screw up, about half of my $100 chips are on 43mm cards mold, not the blank/no mold.

Not a big deal, they are very unlikely to get much time on the felt, I'll probably only use 10-20 at the most.
Can you let me know who created this design? I would like to get in touch with them to see what the possibility is of using it.


Can you let me know who created this design? I would like to get in touch with them to see what the possibility is of using it.


View attachment 852706
Those are mine. I contacted @JeepologyOffroad and asked him to replace the Starlites bird with the Chicago flag. I am sure he could do something similar with the Texas flag (noticing you are from Texas). I believe art cost was like $30

The inlay on the $5000 was not centered, I did not notice this until I got my chips but no big deal.
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