Why did I sell my Mapes?!?!?
Oh yeah couldn't get any dollars
This came down to would I rather own a fantastic tournament set with great colors, spot patterns, and inlay, or a great historic TRK cash set with great colors and a great inlay. The answer is yes.
Exactly. Owning these two sets would cover so many chip bases, you might not need any other chips.
(I said might)
Well you still need customs
colors: close but Mapes has great unique spot colors
spots: Mapes - tri moons over a 614 any day of the week
mold: toss up - both are great
inlay: Mapes - at least two chippers have used this inlay for tribute sets ACF is meh at best
history: Mapes - Classic Reno trumps any foreign casino
exclusiveness: Aviation Club is probably more exclusive
which-would-i-own: Mapes
Not even close.
well said!Aviation club for me! I would probably be happy with owning a set of Mapes also though