Blowing my mind that the Aviation club is currently doubling the Dunes vote count.
This is EZ
........ but ACF spot "progression" is dynamite.
Haven't clicked yet. On tapatalk. Tomorrow. But I'm sure you're right JackVery much agreed, but I don't think we clicked the same button, Pug!
Whaaaat???? I love the ACF, and will vote for it here, but like the Mapes, there is no progression. Two spot patterns is not a progression. What they did with this set works extremely well, no doubt, but a progression?I thought this would be a simple pick for me, but there are a few key chips in the Dunes set that are really making it a tough call. I love house molds, but ACF spot "progression" is dynamite.
Whaaaat???? I love the ACF, and will vote for it here, but like the Mapes, there is no progression. Two spot patterns is not a typical progression. What they did with this set works extremely well, no doubt, but a progression?
I typed the word progression in quotes, because I agree on some level that 2 patterns are not a progression. However, the cutter was the same 8 x 1/4 cutter for every chip, but the high end denoms filled each cutout with a pair of 1/8s rather than a single 1/4 spot. For an elegant club like ACF, this is the only way to do progression. Any more, and it would look pedestrian. Any less, and progression wouldn't exist at all.
It's subtle, and brilliant.
inlay is flat out super fugly on Aviation, an exacto blade to pop them off would be an improvement and maybe make it a closer race....
I love house molds, but ACF spot "progression" is dynamite.