GB Completed China Chip Racks- January 2023 (5 Viewers)

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How do the Card Mold chips fit? 39mm. Will to 40mm case be perfect?
Cards mold chips are a tiny bit loose in these racks, but not enough to have any concerns. Cards mold are some of the thinnest chips I've owned. (not counting very worn bike tire clay chips) A barrel is only about 65.5mm tall, compared with new Paulsons that are about a mm taller.
Do the 40mm racks interlock with the 43mm racks?
Ordering another set…but shipping to my brother as a gift (so will need a separate invoice)

x10 - 40mm
I received my racks from the previous order, and they are very nice. Definitely getting more.

Question for any of you that have these racks and CPC or older chips that have a larger diameter than Paulsons. I don't have many new CPCs and my older ASMs are fairly worn. How do mint CPCs fit in the 40mm racks? Or do they fit better in the 43s?

In for at least 20 more. Just not sure which size yet. Updating: 20 x 40mm.

Also @justincarothers Do you know if anyone has asked Tina to develop anything for 60mm Dealer Buttons? A box like this that would hold 3 rows of DBs (maybe 12 per row?) would be awesome, and I bet would sell pretty well. Maybe not huge quantities, but I bet almost everyone here would want at least 2 or 3 of them. And @Himewad would probably meet the minimum by himself! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Updated to confirm size.
the 40mm are good for THC and RHC chips?

if 40mm works for THC and RHC,
i have all RHC and THC chips, except 1 rack or 43mm IHC,
i think this is the way to go? any one with any suggestions on the best to get for minty paulsons, the 40mm or 43mm?
@justincarothers what do you think?

i am in for

60x 40mm
3x 43mm


this makes me feel wierd, because this isn't even all my chips. =(
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the 40mm are good for THC and RHC chips?

if 40mm works for THC and RHC,
i have all RHC and THC chips, except 1 rack or 43mm IHC,
i think this is the way to go? any one with any suggestions on the best to get for minty paulsons, the 40mm or 43mm?
@justincarothers what do you think?

i am in for

60x 40mm
3x 43mm


this makes me feel wierd, because this isn't even all my chips. =(
The 40mm are perfect for minty 39mm Paulsons. Great fit.
I'll do.
40 mm- $2.80 each x (10)

This buy is full. Will send out invoices today and get these on the way here! Thanks!
Hey Justin,

I added 1 50mm to my order if possible. I have a bunch of 48mm chips and 49mm buttons that need a home.

Probably should have asked before this one filled up, but are you planning to do these monthly (or any other variation of regularly)? I wasn't ready for another order yet but probably will be in the next month or so.
Probably should have asked before this one filled up, but are you planning to do these monthly (or any other variation of regularly)? I wasn't ready for another order yet but probably will be in the next month or so.
I will do another for sure.
Please let me know when you do another, I've got tons of PGI 8vs that need racks to store them in.
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