Controversial Chip & Poker Opinions (20 Viewers)

Paulson NAGB chips even in certain colors came from the factory rather warped, yet they are sold for 4 figures per rack.
I’m surprised this isn’t mentioned more. I hate warped chips and this is a HUGE turnoff for me (as if price wasn’t enough). I do not wanna give my wife more reasons to send me to the loony bin over this chips obsession by getting caught spending days baking/flattening chips in the oven on top of everything else.

”No honey you see, a measly $10/chip doesn’t provide me with a finished product. I also gotta make them actually playable by cooking them for a while 10 chips at a time”.

Fuck that
I have 2 large Tina ceramic cards molds sets. I've had them almost 3 years now. i've used 1 set 1 time, 1 set 2 times. I host monthly so that's 36 opportunities to use them. Maybe I'll use one this coming game. I've let someone borrow 1 set twice now, so that set has been used 4 times total. He's not a chipper, but runs a church (men's group) game 2x per year, and they work perfectly for that.

I regret spending my money on those chips.
I ordered a web mold set this past month that I'm going to use when I'm traveling or playing with family/casuals that I'd be concerned about abusing the "good stuff".

Going on a cruise later this year that I plan on brining a small set on to get some games going in the library/card room there. If a couple of chips get lost or break, no big deal. It's better than a chip from one of my irreplaceable BCC sets getting destroyed or lost.

They'll get their use over my lifetime, and they didn't cost much for the trouble.
I have 2 large Tina ceramic cards molds sets. I've had them almost 3 years now. i've used 1 set 1 time, 1 set 2 times. I host monthly so that's 36 opportunities to use them. Maybe I'll use one this coming game. I've let someone borrow 1 set twice now, so that set has been used 4 times total. He's not a chipper, but runs a church (men's group) game 2x per year, and they work perfectly for that.

I regret spending my money on those chips.
Why don't they get more play, and did you plan otherwise when you purchased them? I assume you have nicer/more expensive chips that you use instead?
Why don't they get more play, and did you plan otherwise when you purchased them? I assume you have nicer/more expensive chips that you use instead?
both sets are 2200 chips for tournaments (yes, I need that many). The 1st set (better set) fits in chipco/justin racks. I find them too slippery for my liking. the second set I got was almost 1 chip thickness thinner, and even more slippery. I also don't like the way the colors came out on that set.

I do have a large CPC set to run the main game. Hopefully I can umpire enough baseball games this summer to buy set #2.
@JMC9389 Ceramics are generally pretty consistent. That's what makes them imperfect- that they are too consistent. A big part of the reason I like clay chips is the imperfection. But I want exactly the imperfections I prefer (edge spots being warped especially) and none of the ones I don't. Who sells the chip that is perfectly flawed in precisely the way I want?!?
Obv answer is obv -- just design a ceramic set with the exact imperfections and flaws that you desire.
This might be a sensitive subject, but I'm surprised no one has brought it up.

Auctions publicly solicited on PCF that require donations to bid.

I'm unsure how I feel about it, or if it should be allowed, but I'm just a mere peasant.
Those are being conducted by a PCF vendor in their own forum. Pretty unlikely it would fly uncontested if attempted in the general Auctions/Classifieds section.
This might be too hot of a take. I will probably catch some flak. And I still(!) want to place a fourth order with the company in question. But here goes.

CPC has quality control issues.
- Hot stamps rub off extremely quickly.
- One color can have a shorter chip height than the rest. This is within spec, as David confirmed with me that chips can be +/- 3 mils and still be within spec. Since chips are about 130 mills high, that means that if one color is +3 mil and another color is -3 mil from baseline, a barrel can be 120 mils off from the next (nearly a full chip height) and still be within spec. In my case, my $1 chip is nearly a half-chip short per barrel compared to my $5 chips. (Caveat: $1 is my workhorse chip and always seemed a little shorter but I didn't really measure until after about 500 hours of play. This is comparing them to my $5 chips which also see a lot of play. A friend has had his JACK Detroit Paulson set in play for about 2500 hours and his chip heights are not visibly affected, so I'm not sure the 500 hours had much to do with my problem.)
I guess I'm lucky stack size inconsistencies aren't in my cup of OCD.

For hot stamps, based on what others have said I'd get that guy to stamp CPCs. Bonus, I think custom does are cheaper than CPC if you go that route, so it would help offset the double shipping.
Controversial for me to say it: we need some additional rules to save jackwagons from themselves.

Specifically for: auctions.

Like why? Sample set? Sure. One of a kind chip? Sure. Hard to find chips? Sure. Something you don’t see often or limited? Sure. Don’t know the going price? Sure. Can’t find your original purchase price or thread? Sure.

But it’s nonsense to look at a rack of RHC chips that are superfluous, reg hit classifieds, are from a TCR sale from a couple months back and go….yup! That needs an auction! Gotta get my extra $10!

It doesn’t actually bug me, but does illicit a “cmon man” from me.

Controversial for me to say it: we need some additional rules to save jackwagons from themselves.

Specifically for: auctions.

Like why? Sample set? Sure. One of a kind chip? Sure. Hard to find chips? Sure. Something you don’t see often or limited? Sure. Don’t know the going price? Sure. Can’t find your original purchase price or thread? Sure.

But it’s nonsense to look at a rack of RHC chips that are superfluous, reg hit classifieds, are from a TCR sale from a couple months back and go….yup! That needs an auction! Gotta get my extra $10!

Most of my posts here are just me being grumpy about things I think go against common sense.
Controversial for me to say it: we need some additional rules to save jackwagons from themselves.

Specifically for: auctions.

Like why? Sample set? Sure. One of a kind chip? Sure. Hard to find chips? Sure. Something you don’t see often or limited? Sure. Don’t know the going price? Sure. Can’t find your original purchase price or thread? Sure.

But it’s nonsense to look at a rack of RHC chips that are superfluous, reg hit classifieds, are from a TCR sale from a couple months back and go….yup! That needs an auction! Gotta get my extra $10!

Most of my posts here are just me being grumpy about things I think go against common sense.
You're trying too hard to keep "the streak" alive.

FWIW, I agree. Auctions are for unique or hard to find stuff that does not have an established market value or for an "everything must go" clear out at below market or purchase price.
Nobody tell @BarrieJ3 what happened around 11:19 am central today.
Shit. lol who did this? I always feel bad when a friend gets caught in the cross fire. Was it you?!?!

I don’t mind flippers and such, I’m not always a grumpy guy! Everyone flips and it makes sense for people to have their own interests closer!

I just get whiny when it’s like really….i have to “watch” this listing now for a rack that’s sold 10 times for the same price and is well known? Can’t wait to see the auctions start for Tina sets.

Edit - that was 1119 yesterday! Yeah that one and ones like it. Just…..why?
You're trying too hard to keep "the streak" alive.

FWIW, I agree. Auctions are for unique or hard to find stuff that does not have an established market value or for an "everything must go" clear out at below market or purchase price.
Idk which streak, but it was going in one of my two fav old man yelling at cloud threads - things that are BS or unpop opinion.

I figured a call for more rules would fit more so in unpop.
ahhhhhahahahahhaha. I didn’t even see that. I mean you can’t get mad at that!

Dudes just smart. First to market, competitive advantage with his contacts and knowledge, has a captive audience.

I’m losing my edge. I’m not that mad. I just want to play some scarney after doing a keg stand on our frozen wine machine.
Shit. lol who did this? I always feel bad when a friend gets caught in the cross fire. Was it you?!?!

I don’t mind flippers and such, I’m not always a grumpy guy! Everyone flips and it makes sense for people to have their own interests closer!

I just get whiny when it’s like really….i have to “watch” this listing now for a rack that’s sold 10 times for the same price and is well known? Can’t wait to see the auctions start for Tina sets.

Edit - that was 1119 yesterday! Yeah that one and ones like it. Just…..why?
I think it makes sense to auction one-off Tina sets (starting at a lower cost than Justin prices)
CPC doesn't know how to hot stamp chips. You don't lightly brush the chip, you stamp the chip.

Third party stamping all the way.

My set goes back to the ASM days, gets monthly play and the stamps are perfect still.
100%. I'm one of CPC's best customers the last 5 years but this is absolutely true. The stamps that I had Josh do on B mold blanks are going to last generations.
Idk which streak, but it was going in one of my two fav old man yelling at cloud threads - things that are BS or unpop opinion.

I figured a call for more rules would fit more so in unpop.

ahhhhhahahahahhaha. I didn’t even see that. I mean you can’t get mad at that!

Dudes just smart. First to market, competitive advantage with his contacts and knowledge, has a captive audience.

I’m losing my edge. I’m not that mad. I just want to play some scarney after doing a keg stand on our frozen wine machine.
The streak of being banned during your own meetup, silly!
Generally speaking, oiling chips is bullshit.
No argument that new CPCs benefit from a bit of oil. But just about everything else about oiling chips is nuts, from the methods to the reasons to the chips people are oiling - it’s all too much.
Generally speaking, oiling chips is bullshit.
No argument that new CPCs benefit from a bit of oil. But just about everything else about oiling chips is nuts, from the methods to the reasons to the chips people are oiling - it’s all too much.
Preach! Even CPCs are generally in pretty good shape after a few hours of play.
Generally speaking, oiling chips is bullshit.
No argument that new CPCs benefit from a bit of oil. But just about everything else about oiling chips is nuts, from the methods to the reasons to the chips people are oiling - it’s all too much.

The main reason to oil chips is that you have just cleaned them, leaving them dry and drab AF.
I remember reading somewhere that Andre the Giant hated the wrestlers who would oil themselves up before matches, and he would actually beat on them more for it? That’s how I feel. Not that I’d actually beat on anybody’s oily chips. But I’d want to, if I could do so without touching them. Maybe I need a chip mallet. And a mallet-wiping rag.
The main reason to oil chips is that you have just cleaned them, and they are dry and drab AF.
I think you’ll find that some peoples’ main reason for oiling them are because they just bought them or because they think they should or because they want to take pictures of them or because they think it will protect them from stains or because they think it will protect them from flea bites or because they think it makes them shuffle better or because they want to interact with them.
(Also some cleaning methods dry chips put a whole lot more than others.)

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