Go ahead and make mine too
I'm last anyway and am not expecting proofs so do go ahead and have mine made too.
Ok that's what I thought, I went through the last 20 pages and that those chip designs I asked about were recently finalized, like it said in the post I replied to, so I was just hoping it was another order coming up. Thank you for the reply and the information!Sorry, the guys are messing with you. This group buy wrapped up a couple of weeks ago and the chips are currently in production. Obviously this thread would be difficult to go back through an read everything. In a nutshell - custom designs and some people piggy-backing off other's designs, very inexpensive, but a pretty long wait for production, error checking, and shipping from China. Then reshipping once Sean gets them. This buy had over 50 participants (I think) and over 70,000 chips ordered. A followup group Buy #2 is virtually guaranteed, so hang in there and keep tabs as this one creeps to it's end. If you're patient you'll have another opportunity in a few (?) months. Hopefully...
Added to Post 3096
I've already seen samples in the earlier NCC order - mine can go straight to print if it will speed things up.
I sent Sean a private message, but just to be thorough I also am good to go ahead without samples
I might have missed it in the 100+ pages in this thread, but did we bookmark or post up a full list of the printer's pantone colors for the next buy? Or is "pantone color" a globally accepted standard?
Yeah I was moreso wondering if they had suggested a limited set that they were confirmed to print. This zip file looks like the stuff!! THanks!Pantone is global.
https://encycolorpedia.com/ is fun, but you need a color code to enter.
This is also amazing:https://www.pokerchipforum.com/thre...e-for-the-alibaba-seller-cards-mold-gb.61718/
Yeah, the trick is to find out what they can/can’t do from there... would really help.Pretty sure they can’t print the entire Pantone range. I think that was posted earlier in this thread.
I'm pretty sure Sean posted that Tina told him they use a 6 color printer.I took this to mean they approximate Pantone colors with their regular (CYMK) printer
@SeanGecko do they use a pantone printer?
I was looking at this on @SiouxperStack GN tributes at how sparkly the silver and gold looked. Is that just a byproduct of the texture of the chip + the lighting?
print mine and get them to Texas as fast as possible
yes, that is what it means
Go Stars!!!!
TheDuke - didn't see my name added to post 3096. You can add me as well.