Custom artwork group buy. US/CAN CARDS MOLD (26 Viewers)

ha, fair enough. i do a lot of measuring stuff in my line of work, so I suppose I assume some things are common knowledge that maybe really aren't!
Are these your coworkers?


  • 37ACD897-5167-433E-B27A-90646355C901.jpeg
    305.1 KB · Views: 117
I can't tell if you're serious lol.

if you are, it zeroes the scale with whatever is already on it - i.e. if you want to weigh a bowl of rice, but you only want to know the weight of the rice itself, you put the empty bowl on, press "tare", and then add the rice to get the weight.

if you aren't, then why did you make me type that?
@SeanGecko knew, he’s just a minipulator. I guess he’s getting bored with making people buy poker chips.
Hey guys - here's my first attempt at "designing" a chip set. I use the term designing loosely as I basically used the Aces design with some slight tweaks. Even though I only have a few posts under my belt, I've been reading this forum for a long time and recognize and value the expertise here, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

My thoughts around these designs:
Tournament set
Base color: I like the traditional colors, so I will likely not be changing the base colors, but will be open to suggestions around changing to lighter or darker shades of the standard base colors.
Edge spots: I like lots of spots! Open to hearing color suggestions or different spots for better progression. In general, I like the higher value chips to look "more expensive" than the lower value chips (while still have the low value chips look good). Not sure I've achieved that.
Inlay: I've copied the Aces text with a few changes. Changed the font to find a flatter 'y' in Woldy - otherwise the tail of the y pushes down the 'poker room' text too far. I've mocked a bunch of different label options.

Cash set
Base color: Again, trying to stay with "traditional colors". I am considering changing to a pink frac, using light blue for $1 and removing the white chip.
Edge spots: Chose to do spots at 120 degrees and add a spot for each chip in the progression, then change to triangles for the $20. I think there's probably too much light blue here. I don't really have an eye for what colors will work together. Also color blind, so that doesn't help...
Inlay: I've mocked up the same 'labels' as the tournament set. For the text, I didn't like how the Aces chips spell out the denomination so I deleted that as well as the location. This leaves it looking a bit empty. I wonder if I should increase size of the text and denomination to fill out the space more. I also think I may choose a different inlay for the cash set vs tournament set to make them visually more distinct from each other. Currently leaning towards the scallop for cash as it's visually a bit smaller which I think works better with less text.

Inlay Options
A - White with black outline and MN state image
B - White with black outline
C - White
D - Black
E - Black scallops
F - Black with subtle MN state image
G - Black with more pronounced MN state image

Bounty/Seating Chip
If there is interest we could split a min buy of a generic bounty/seating chip (bottom two bounty chip images). Otherwise, I will likely get 25 of the Woldy's Poker Room bounty chips with the white spots (top two bounty chip images), where I would hand write in table and seat numbers. That was my only idea of how to avoid buying 25 table 1 seat 1 chips and so on.

Woldy's Poker Chips v1 240dpi.png
Hey guys - here's my first attempt at "designing" a chip set. I use the term designing loosely as I basically used the Aces design with some slight tweaks. Even though I only have a few posts under my belt, I've been reading this forum for a long time and recognize and value the expertise here, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

My thoughts around these designs:
Tournament set
Base color: I like the traditional colors, so I will likely not be changing the base colors, but will be open to suggestions around changing to lighter or darker shades of the standard base colors.
Edge spots: I like lots of spots! Open to hearing color suggestions or different spots for better progression. In general, I like the higher value chips to look "more expensive" than the lower value chips (while still have the low value chips look good). Not sure I've achieved that.
Inlay: I've copied the Aces text with a few changes. Changed the font to find a flatter 'y' in Woldy - otherwise the tail of the y pushes down the 'poker room' text too far. I've mocked a bunch of different label options.

Cash set
Base color: Again, trying to stay with "traditional colors". I am considering changing to a pink frac, using light blue for $1 and removing the white chip.
Edge spots: Chose to do spots at 120 degrees and add a spot for each chip in the progression, then change to triangles for the $20. I think there's probably too much light blue here. I don't really have an eye for what colors will work together. Also color blind, so that doesn't help...
Inlay: I've mocked up the same 'labels' as the tournament set. For the text, I didn't like how the Aces chips spell out the denomination so I deleted that as well as the location. This leaves it looking a bit empty. I wonder if I should increase size of the text and denomination to fill out the space more. I also think I may choose a different inlay for the cash set vs tournament set to make them visually more distinct from each other. Currently leaning towards the scallop for cash as it's visually a bit smaller which I think works better with less text.

Inlay Options
A - White with black outline and MN state image
B - White with black outline
C - White
D - Black
E - Black scallops
F - Black with subtle MN state image
G - Black with more pronounced MN state image

Bounty/Seating Chip
If there is interest we could split a min buy of a generic bounty/seating chip (bottom two bounty chip images). Otherwise, I will likely get 25 of the Woldy's Poker Room bounty chips with the white spots (top two bounty chip images), where I would hand write in table and seat numbers. That was my only idea of how to avoid buying 25 table 1 seat 1 chips and so on.

View attachment 490549
Nice job! My two cents.
- Out of the white definitely row A hands down.
- For the black i kinda like the scallops but maybe you can do one set with and one set without scallops. I have to see the chips more up close to see if i like the gray MN but I'm leaning toward line G.

I'm not crazy about the 5k chip, if you like bright and original then I would go Orange or Light Gray base with very bright spots.
I would also change the spots on the 500 to something a little brighter, or at least one bright color, maybe change that butterscotch color to pink or light blue.
Cash set I'm not a fan of the $20 spot pattern but if you are that's all that matter. You said you like a lot of spots so maybe put a lot more on the $20 so it stands out more and looks more expensive.

Good job!
Hey guys - here's my first attempt at "designing" a chip set. I use the term designing loosely as I basically used the Aces design with some slight tweaks. Even though I only have a few posts under my belt, I've been reading this forum for a long time and recognize and value the expertise here, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

My thoughts around these designs:
Tournament set
Base color: I like the traditional colors, so I will likely not be changing the base colors, but will be open to suggestions around changing to lighter or darker shades of the standard base colors.
Edge spots: I like lots of spots! Open to hearing color suggestions or different spots for better progression. In general, I like the higher value chips to look "more expensive" than the lower value chips (while still have the low value chips look good). Not sure I've achieved that.
Inlay: I've copied the Aces text with a few changes. Changed the font to find a flatter 'y' in Woldy - otherwise the tail of the y pushes down the 'poker room' text too far. I've mocked a bunch of different label options.

Cash set
Base color: Again, trying to stay with "traditional colors". I am considering changing to a pink frac, using light blue for $1 and removing the white chip.
Edge spots: Chose to do spots at 120 degrees and add a spot for each chip in the progression, then change to triangles for the $20. I think there's probably too much light blue here. I don't really have an eye for what colors will work together. Also color blind, so that doesn't help...
Inlay: I've mocked up the same 'labels' as the tournament set. For the text, I didn't like how the Aces chips spell out the denomination so I deleted that as well as the location. This leaves it looking a bit empty. I wonder if I should increase size of the text and denomination to fill out the space more. I also think I may choose a different inlay for the cash set vs tournament set to make them visually more distinct from each other. Currently leaning towards the scallop for cash as it's visually a bit smaller which I think works better with less text.

Inlay Options
A - White with black outline and MN state image
B - White with black outline
C - White
D - Black
E - Black scallops
F - Black with subtle MN state image
G - Black with more pronounced MN state image

Bounty/Seating Chip
If there is interest we could split a min buy of a generic bounty/seating chip (bottom two bounty chip images). Otherwise, I will likely get 25 of the Woldy's Poker Room bounty chips with the white spots (top two bounty chip images), where I would hand write in table and seat numbers. That was my only idea of how to avoid buying 25 table 1 seat 1 chips and so on.

View attachment 490549
In terms of inlays, B & F I can barely see the image of the state. Plus the ones I do see the state, the shape of the state is touching the circle inlay edges, which is something you generally should not do in terms of designing. Maybe either shrink it down, or just not have it like lines A & D. I personally like D more.

I think with how vibrant the colors are for these chips and designs, a black inlay is a better contrast than a white, which is generally a very loud/bright color. Plus a white inlay does not go well at all with the white $1 chip when it comes to ceramics; matching inlay and base color would feel very plain.

EDIT: If you still want to go with the state, keep it filled in with color than an outline, and have the background color of the inlay be white.

Very interesting inlay for your $20 chips. Don't know what to think of it since I never seen edgespots like that before. But it definitely helps make it stand out. If you don't like the design, maybe use the T100 or T500 edgespot instead.

Brilliant idea making a Bounty chip be a Table Seating chip on the other side of the chip.
Nice job! My two cents.
- Out of the white definitely row A hands down.
- For the black i kinda like the scallops but maybe you can do one set with and one set without scallops. I have to see the chips more up close to see if i like the gray MN but I'm leaning toward line G.

I'm not crazy about the 5k chip, if you like bright and original then I would go Orange or Light Gray base with very bright spots.
I would also change the spots on the 500 to something a little brighter, or at least one bright color, maybe change that butterscotch color to pink or light blue.
Cash set I'm not a fan of the $20 spot pattern but if you are that's all that matter. You said you like a lot of spots so maybe put a lot more on the $20 so it stands out more and looks more expensive.

Good job!
Agree that Row A for both sets work best — really like the white inlays with black outlines.

On the tournament set, I'd probably change the colours on the 100, 500 and 5000 chips, too; there's a lot of purple and brown in there.

With the cash set, like you said yourself @Woldy, have the light blue as the dollar, then just a solid pink frac. The white chip doesn't really add much to the lineup, in my opinion.

As far as your cash $20 is concerned, I'd like to see the spot pattern from the tournament 1,000 used and, if you're looking to go with traditional colours, green instead of yellow (avoiding light blue in the spot pattern though, like you said).

Really like them though — you're definitely onto a winner.
Getting closer...real chips are on top. I want a micro set that can do 5c/10c, but also 10c/20c. The quarter needed an edgespot. The original casino had no 5c chip, so I made up a color. If you share some art costs with me, or throw a few bucks at my artist, whichever he prefers, I have no problem sharing these at all. Somebody wants to sneak into my game a 25c or 50c chip they found online, ok dude, whatever.

real chips and made chips proto.jpg

Feedback/suggestions welcome. There is NO dancer on the 25c and 50c fracs. She is reserved for the BIG MONEY chips.
Hey guys - here's my first attempt at "designing" a chip set. I use the term designing loosely as I basically used the Aces design with some slight tweaks. Even though I only have a few posts under my belt, I've been reading this forum for a long time and recognize and value the expertise here, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

My thoughts around these designs:
Tournament set
Base color: I like the traditional colors, so I will likely not be changing the base colors, but will be open to suggestions around changing to lighter or darker shades of the standard base colors.
Edge spots: I like lots of spots! Open to hearing color suggestions or different spots for better progression. In general, I like the higher value chips to look "more expensive" than the lower value chips (while still have the low value chips look good). Not sure I've achieved that.
Inlay: I've copied the Aces text with a few changes. Changed the font to find a flatter 'y' in Woldy - otherwise the tail of the y pushes down the 'poker room' text too far. I've mocked a bunch of different label options.

Cash set
Base color: Again, trying to stay with "traditional colors". I am considering changing to a pink frac, using light blue for $1 and removing the white chip.
Edge spots: Chose to do spots at 120 degrees and add a spot for each chip in the progression, then change to triangles for the $20. I think there's probably too much light blue here. I don't really have an eye for what colors will work together. Also color blind, so that doesn't help...
Inlay: I've mocked up the same 'labels' as the tournament set. For the text, I didn't like how the Aces chips spell out the denomination so I deleted that as well as the location. This leaves it looking a bit empty. I wonder if I should increase size of the text and denomination to fill out the space more. I also think I may choose a different inlay for the cash set vs tournament set to make them visually more distinct from each other. Currently leaning towards the scallop for cash as it's visually a bit smaller which I think works better with less text.

Inlay Options
A - White with black outline and MN state image
B - White with black outline
C - White
D - Black
E - Black scallops
F - Black with subtle MN state image
G - Black with more pronounced MN state image

Bounty/Seating Chip
If there is interest we could split a min buy of a generic bounty/seating chip (bottom two bounty chip images). Otherwise, I will likely get 25 of the Woldy's Poker Room bounty chips with the white spots (top two bounty chip images), where I would hand write in table and seat numbers. That was my only idea of how to avoid buying 25 table 1 seat 1 chips and so on.

View attachment 490549
I pretty much agree with Geturshinebox's recomendations. I like line G the best. I think working your state in is a good idea. Love your 25, 100, 1000, and 20 chips. I agree with you about the idea of making the 25 cent chip the dollar, and making the 25 pink. I love Seangecko's 25, but that's not everybody's taste. The only one I really don't like is the 5,000. Not a fan of brown, but if you like the brown, that's all that matters.

Thanks for sharing your progress. Hopefully our comments help you and I know others here will learn from what you are sharing.
there's a lot of purple and brown in there.

Not a fan of brown, but if you like the brown, that's all that matters.

Brown???? Wow, being color blind sucks more than I originally thought.

I thought my 5,000 was orange...that was my intention anyway. I'm pretty sure I pulled this from the Bosco O color wheel. Maybe I should try O1 which appears to me to be more of a basic orange...
Getting closer...real chips are on top. I want a micro set that can do 5c/10c, but also 10c/20c. The quarter needed an edgespot. The original casino had no 5c chip, so I made up a color. If you share some art costs with me, or throw a few bucks at my artist, whichever he prefers, I have no problem sharing these at all. Somebody wants to sneak into my game a 25c or 50c chip they found online, ok dude, whatever.

View attachment 490591

Feedback/suggestions welcome. There is NO dancer on the 25c and 50c fracs. She is reserved for the BIG MONEY chips.

Awwwwwwww, yeah! Really love what you've done with the lower denom chips; I would have gone for a red quarter had I not needed the red and green 1/4 pie chip for my £25. #DirtyStackCentral
Awwwwwwww, yeah! Really love what you've done with the lower denom chips; I would have gone for a red quarter had I not needed the red and green 1/4 pie chip for my £25. #DirtyStackCentral
I liked your 25. But I decided that if I need a 25 chip, it will not be on 30 cent cheapos that we will be playing anymore, so 5 is the limit on these.
I still haven't pinned down a design that I like for this group buy but still thought I would share what I've been playing around with.

My first effort was based on Avatar: The Last Airbender. I think it was fresh on my mind because my kids and I had just finished re-watching the show. I have concerns with using it as a theme (how will it age, too much blue throughout,...) so it is on the back-burner.


I did fall in love with the 1000 though. To me, it looked like a retro surf board/beach-y type thing. So, I thought about doing a theme around that. Concerns with this one: how much of the detail will actually be able to be printed, the colors, and the fact that I don't surf. Still very much a work in progress.

I liked your 25. But I decided that if I need a 25 chip, it will not be on 30 cent cheapos that we will be playing anymore, so 5 is the limit on these.
Solid rationale — I like your thinking.
I still haven't pinned down a design that I like for this group buy but still thought I would share what I've been playing around with.

My first effort was based on Avatar: The Last Airbender. I think it was fresh on my mind because my kids and I had just finished re-watching the show. I have concerns with using it as a theme (how will it age, too much blue throughout,...) so it is on the back-burner.

View attachment 490652

I did fall in love with the 1000 though. To me, it looked like a retro surf board/beach-y type thing. So, I thought about doing a theme around that. Concerns with this one: how much of the detail will actually be able to be printed, the colors, and the fact that I don't surf. Still very much a work in progress.

View attachment 490650
Wow pretty cool and different. I wonder how it would look if you threw a small spot on the sides to match the color of the two outer lines.
I still haven't pinned down a design that I like for this group buy but still thought I would share what I've been playing around with.

My first effort was based on Avatar: The Last Airbender. I think it was fresh on my mind because my kids and I had just finished re-watching the show. I have concerns with using it as a theme (how will it age, too much blue throughout,...) so it is on the back-burner.

View attachment 490652

I did fall in love with the 1000 though. To me, it looked like a retro surf board/beach-y type thing. So, I thought about doing a theme around that. Concerns with this one: how much of the detail will actually be able to be printed, the colors, and the fact that I don't surf. Still very much a work in progress.

View attachment 490650
I still haven't pinned down a design that I like for this group buy but still thought I would share what I've been playing around with.

My first effort was based on Avatar: The Last Airbender. I think it was fresh on my mind because my kids and I had just finished re-watching the show. I have concerns with using it as a theme (how will it age, too much blue throughout,...) so it is on the back-burner.

View attachment 490652

I did fall in love with the 1000 though. To me, it looked like a retro surf board/beach-y type thing. So, I thought about doing a theme around that. Concerns with this one: how much of the detail will actually be able to be printed, the colors, and the fact that I don't surf. Still very much a work in progress.

View attachment 490650

That's a very cool design! Love how it's a departure from mimicking edgespots from a compression molded chip.

Maybe continue on that path and rejig the 'inlay' area to something else that is not traditional.

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