Custom artwork group buy. US/CAN CARDS MOLD (28 Viewers)

I promise it's the last time I post to the group on this :whistle: :whistling:. Figured out the pokerisgreat tool lol, so here's the final-ish lineup of mob movie all in/bounty/rebuy chips. Healthy dose of the previously discussed classics but I took the liberty of adding a Vito Corleone all-in chip and a Don Fanucci bounty.

Shoot me a message if you're interested. Hopefully we get enough that I'm not stuck with three and a half racks of mafiosi lammers :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

I promise it's the last time I post to the group on this :whistle: :whistling:. Figured out the pokerisgreat tool lol, so here's the final-ish lineup of mob movie all in/bounty/rebuy chips. Healthy dose of the previously discussed classics but I took the liberty of adding a Vito Corleone all-in chip and a Don Fanucci bounty.

Shoot me a message if you're interested. Hopefully we get enough that I'm not stuck with three and a half racks of mafiosi lammers :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

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What happened to the Casino-centric chips? Would’ve thought of Brando instead of DeNiro on the “offer” chip and old Pacino on the “thought I was out” chip... Also, add me in officially for 2 sets.
Would’ve thought of Brando instead of DeNiro on the “offer” chip and old Pacino on the “thought I was out” chip...
I picked young Pacino for the pic because that’s when he’s “all-in,” and the quote cuzI think it’s a great quote for an all-in chip haha. As for young Vito, same concept I felt him whacking Don Fanucci was when he made his bones and really went all in on the life. Plus I thought it pared nice with the addition of Don Fanucci
Hey guys - here's my first attempt at "designing" a chip set. I use the term designing loosely as I basically used the Aces design with some slight tweaks. Even though I only have a few posts under my belt, I've been reading this forum for a long time and recognize and value the expertise here, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

My thoughts around these designs:
Tournament set
Base color: I like the traditional colors, so I will likely not be changing the base colors, but will be open to suggestions around changing to lighter or darker shades of the standard base colors.
Edge spots: I like lots of spots! Open to hearing color suggestions or different spots for better progression. In general, I like the higher value chips to look "more expensive" than the lower value chips (while still have the low value chips look good). Not sure I've achieved that.
Inlay: I've copied the Aces text with a few changes. Changed the font to find a flatter 'y' in Woldy - otherwise the tail of the y pushes down the 'poker room' text too far. I've mocked a bunch of different label options.

Cash set
Base color: Again, trying to stay with "traditional colors". I am considering changing to a pink frac, using light blue for $1 and removing the white chip.
Edge spots: Chose to do spots at 120 degrees and add a spot for each chip in the progression, then change to triangles for the $20. I think there's probably too much light blue here. I don't really have an eye for what colors will work together. Also color blind, so that doesn't help...
Inlay: I've mocked up the same 'labels' as the tournament set. For the text, I didn't like how the Aces chips spell out the denomination so I deleted that as well as the location. This leaves it looking a bit empty. I wonder if I should increase size of the text and denomination to fill out the space more. I also think I may choose a different inlay for the cash set vs tournament set to make them visually more distinct from each other. Currently leaning towards the scallop for cash as it's visually a bit smaller which I think works better with less text.

Inlay Options
A - White with black outline and MN state image
B - White with black outline
C - White
D - Black
E - Black scallops
F - Black with subtle MN state image
G - Black with more pronounced MN state image

Bounty/Seating Chip
If there is interest we could split a min buy of a generic bounty/seating chip (bottom two bounty chip images). Otherwise, I will likely get 25 of the Woldy's Poker Room bounty chips with the white spots (top two bounty chip images), where I would hand write in table and seat numbers. That was my only idea of how to avoid buying 25 table 1 seat 1 chips and so on.

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Tourney set I pick A
Cash set I pick E
Nice work. Love what you did with the $20.
So all the all the designers I contacted are totally booked, probably because of this buy lol. Is there anyone else here that can turn a rough idea into print ready art? Thanks
For designs that mimic asymmetrical edgespot color patterns, do we need to submit art for the rear orientation of spot patterns or does the manufacturer make that adjustment so the colors actually align front to back?
Are you sure they really need/want the edge? Doesn't the top dictate the edge?
There's two methods in how they print. Printing the faces, then align the edge print by aligned the edgespot-spot of the print with the egdespot on the face, applying it to the right area of the edge to then wrap all around the side. It's not how they traditionally print edgespots like with Paulsons.
Many thanks to @honkydevil for sending off the samples. I'm going to preface my review with "I'm relatively new to this game."

These chips are way f'n better than I expected. Leaps and bounds beyond what I thought I was getting into. I have a little collection of ceramic singles, and while these aren't Chipcos, for a damn 25¢ it's pretty unbeatable. They shuffle great, seem to stack stable, with only one caveat: they're a touch on the slippery side. They seem to have a bit more glide than my Chipcos, but these are also much newer.

The only thing that underwhelmed me was the 43mm flat chip. One side seems as if it printed better than the other, which I guess can happen with Cheapcos, but it made me personally rethink doing my tournament set on them (they're a tribute to my grandfather, I'd feel like a Grade-A Douchebag if I ordered them and I wasn't satisfied with the quality). Maybe @SeanGecko can shed some light, but if the situation with the 40mm no-molds is the same as the 43mm flats, and we can get those now too, I would personally opt for those instead.

If anyone else wants to check em out, let me know. If I don't hear from anyone, these'll go back to Sean on Thursday or Friday morning.

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