Custom artwork group buy. US/CAN CARDS MOLD (27 Viewers)

Who here besides @Woldy is able to use Inkscape or the AI. I know most of the artist are booked. So trying to see who can edit my stuff, ACES, or the other art we are getting??
Many thanks to @honkydevil for sending off the samples. I'm going to preface my review with "I'm relatively new to this game."

These chips are way f'n better than I expected. Leaps and bounds beyond what I thought I was getting into. I have a little collection of ceramic singles, and while these aren't Chipcos, for a damn 25¢ it's pretty unbeatable. They shuffle great, seem to stack stable, with only one caveat: they're a touch on the slippery side. They seem to have a bit more glide than my Chipcos, but these are also much newer.

The only thing that underwhelmed me was the 43mm flat chip. One side seems as if it printed better than the other, which I guess can happen with Cheapcos, but it made me personally rethink doing my tournament set on them (they're a tribute to my grandfather, I'd feel like a Grade-A Douchebag if I ordered them and I wasn't satisfied with the quality). Maybe @SeanGecko can shed some light, but if the situation with the 40mm no-molds is the same as the 43mm flats, and we can get those now too, I would personally opt for those instead.

If anyone else wants to check em out, let me know. If I don't hear from anyone, these'll go back to Sean on Thursday or Friday morning.
EEK. The 43mm was from ABC not from the CARDS mold folks. for you to keep. SOOOO don't bother there.
Many thanks to @honkydevil for sending off the samples. I'm going to preface my review with "I'm relatively new to this game."

These chips are way f'n better than I expected. Leaps and bounds beyond what I thought I was getting into. I have a little collection of ceramic singles, and while these aren't Chipcos, for a damn 25¢ it's pretty unbeatable. They shuffle great, seem to stack stable, with only one caveat: they're a touch on the slippery side. They seem to have a bit more glide than my Chipcos, but these are also much newer.

The only thing that underwhelmed me was the 43mm flat chip. One side seems as if it printed better than the other, which I guess can happen with Cheapcos, but it made me personally rethink doing my tournament set on them (they're a tribute to my grandfather, I'd feel like a Grade-A Douchebag if I ordered them and I wasn't satisfied with the quality). Maybe @SeanGecko can shed some light, but if the situation with the 40mm no-molds is the same as the 43mm flats, and we can get those now too, I would personally opt for those instead.

If anyone else wants to check em out, let me know. If I don't hear from anyone, these'll go back to Sean on Thursday or Friday morning.


I'd like to check them out if you don't mind shipping to Canada. I'll pay for the shipping. Thanks.
The 43mm was from ABC
I'm honestly STUNNED because I have a bunch of dealer buttons and plaques they made custom and I've never had a single issue. C'est la vie, their batting average is still .995.
I'd like to check them out if you don't mind shipping to Canada
Hundred percent! Will PM you
If anybody needs help getting stuff finished, I can offer my “services“ as long as it isn’t intricate and beyond my admittedly limited capabilities.

Example of a personal set I’m having made. If you already have an inlay and just need help mocking up chips to put em on, great! DM me, that’s my ideal scenario. If you’re working off the Aces/Bosco stuff, even better. This set is a tribute to my dead grandfather, so I can’t promise I’ll give you guys the attention to inlay detail I gave this project, unless I’m compensated accordingly. I did it by hand using my iPad and pencil and finished it off with photoshop, so it wasn’t a quick process for my non-professional skillset. There’s a reason I sent the super fine text work for my cash Aces set to a pro, once the text is off a path and instead each letter is a vector object unto itself, I’m f****d.

TL;DR if you need basic help getting chips or rolling edges mocked up, shoot me a message. I work IRL on top of being a chip nut, so can’t promise too many people help lol

EDIT: syntax


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At least not with dye sublimation.
As far as I understand, the edgespots on Paulsons are literally pieces of clay pressed into the chip. I think I read it's base clay->shape it->cut out space for edgespots->insert clay for edgespots->repress whole thing with mold. Don't quote me on the precise process, but I'm 100% positive the edgespots are legit clay, no printing involved

edit: grammar
Hate to make you all jealous, but I've just placed my order. They will do a sample print first to make sure I'm happy with everything before doing the main print run. Will post a video of the samples asap, as it should be particularly helpful for those getting the New China Club design.
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Hate to make you all jealous, but I've just placed my order. They will do a sample print first to make sure I'm happy with everything before doing the main print run. Will post a video of the samples asap, as it should be particularly helpful for those getting the New China Club design.
Can any of us order a sample first?
@jr8719 I hope you ordered a lot of extras.
These were the final quantities I ordered...

... meaning I've essentially ordered 10 extra salmon fracs; 10 extra blue £1s; 5 extra £5s; 5 extra Keno Queen £5s; 5 extra £25s.

Hopefully there won't be too many misprints / breakages in transit, but I feel as though I've probably ordered enough extras just in case. Certain people will be getting free sample sets as a thank you, too.

To answer your question @krafticus, I won't actually be having any physical samples delivered, per se. Are you having the New China Club design, too? It's more a matter of them printing a few, sending a video to me to check I'm happy with them, before proceeding with the entire print run.

Seeing as there are going to be so many different variations and quantities of chips being made for the group buy proper, I can't imagine this is a process they'll be able to replicate en masse.
Already have 4 different sets of art (besides mine) in, now 28 to go!

Remind me (and the thread) - August 2nd is deadline for chip count? Is this deadline the same for artwork to be sent to you? Any clarification of deadlines you can provide would be helpful.

Deadline to get set up with an artist is 8/2/2020

Email me breakdown with art as soon as you have the art done.

Once we have all the art we need the money.

I figure the artist/designers can give a heads up on how long it might take.

That make sense?
Also, can we dedicate a post for artwork that has been granted permission to use or piggyback?
I am just to a point where I have to get my artwork in the proper file format to submit. Working on figuring that part out now.
25-30 for slow boat ship.
You'll also have to figure at least 2 weeks minimum for production time, probably longer with the huge amount of customization as well as 2 weeks for customs. So a safe estimate would be 2 months from submitting everything till chips at your door. That's roughly how long it took from final payment and submission to chips on my porch with the scrubby D's. Then you have to add in another couple weeks minimum from @SeanGecko doorstep to yours because after all he has a real life and it takes time to sort and ship.
I posted this in the ARTWORK GB thread but wanted to post here since more people are watching and would like everyone's opinion. So sorry for double-posting this. Unsure of few design and colors choices.

And if anyone is interested, I can post a ZIP of these AI vector files.

Made designs for all cash denominations in case I wanted other denoms, but decided to stick with the original 4 I ordered and just get extras of quarters, $1s, $5s, & $25s for the GB.

Redesigned the $100 after one of the charcoal chips with the same edgespots and close to similar colors. However, I realized I doubt I'll ever have $100 chips in play for my cash games. If I ever were to get to $100 buy-in games, it'd be 25c/50c for 200BB max. And with the extras I'm ordering, it should be enough for several hundo buy-ins for a full 9-table. So instead I used the $100 design for my T100 chip as you'll see below. Plus I thought I could use it as a backup $100 chip if ever my game got that big in the future.


Unsure about the T500 & T20k. Originally the T20k was going to be pink with navy blue and yellow edgespots but thought it felt close to the T1k chip, so I made it blue. I do like it, but for some reason I feel I could be better, but maybe once I see a photo of it printed it may convince me to go with it.

I do like the T500 as is, but I have a small feeling in me it could be better at least in terms of colors, but see below for how it came out printed on a chip.

I really like the T5K based off of the Aria $5000 cash chip, but like the idea of a pink T5K. Also when I saw in the GB ARTWORK thread of the same chip as the T5K edgespots but the base is pink and the red edgespot is orange, I started liking it more. If I did that, then I could make the base of the T20k white with different colored edgespots.

EDIT: Made a color change in the T20k from Pink to Orange, and liking it much more. Will stick with thick color/design for the T20k.

Was originally gonna go with this T100 as seen below, along with the original color idea I had for my T20k (which at first was going to be T10k but thankfully decided to go T20k to fulfill my needs). Also you can see the T500 has a more pinkish purple that I do like more than the original vector art for the chip that makes me want to go with the colors after all, especially when looking at Bosco's old promo photos that had them in it.
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